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WWIII: Nordic Forces (HC)
WWIII: Nordic Forces (HC)

1980-luvun maailmansotaan suomalaiset, ruotsalaiset. tanskalaiset ja norjalaiset joukot World War III: Nordic Forces introduces Swedish, Finnish, Norwegian, and Danish forces to World War III: Team Yankee, as Soviet forces attack into Scandinavia The Swedes are mostly self-sufficient for their military technology with the unique S-tank, a low profile design combining survivability and a powerful 105mm gun. Their well armed infantry are mounted in the Pbv 302 APC armed with a 20mm autocannon. Supplementing their locally manufactured equipment the Swedes also field the Centurion tank, but even this has been extensively upgraded with improved fire-control systems and Explosive Reactive Armour. The Swedes also have integrated Finnish support as the Soviets attack through Lapland. The Finnish armoured forces field T-72FM1, T-72FM2, and T-55M, Soviet tanks with local improvements and newer western technology applied. Their Jääkäri infantry are mounted in BMPs and BTR60s with a good mix of fire support weapons such a missiles, recoilless rifles, and mortars. The Finnish also have integral Swedish support, which can provide much needed air-support. The Norwegians have more conventional equipment, fielding Leopard 1 tanks in their armoured forces and M113 APCs for their mechanised infantry. They also field their own unique M113 tank-hunter variant, the NM142, armed with TOW missiles. American M60 tanks, infantry, and attack helicopters, can also be taken as support options. The Danes field both Leopard 1 and Centurions tanks in their armoured forces, as well older Centurions armed with 20 pdr guns in support. The rest of their forces use conventional vehicles like M113 transports, M106 & M125 Mortars, ans M109 self-propelled howitzers. The Danes can call on integrated West German allied support and have access to West German Leopard 2 tanks, Panzergrenadiers, Roland and Gepard Anti-aircraft, PAH anti-tank helicopters. • Background on World War III in Scandinavia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. • Instructions on how to build: • Finnish T-72FM1, T-72FM2, or T-55M Armoured Companies, and BMP-1 or BTR-60 Jääkäri Companies, • Swedish Strv 103 S-Tank or Strv 104 Centurion Tank Companies, and a Pbv 302 Armoured Rifle Company, • a Norwegian Leopard 1 Tank Squadron, and a M113 Storm Squadron, • or Danish Leopard 1 or Centurion DK Tank Squadrons, and a M113 Armoured Infantry Company. • Three scenarios featuring World War III: Nordic Forces. • A detailed painting guide to help you prepare your Forces for combat. Nordic Forces is a 112 page, Full colour, A4 Hardback Book.

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23.00 €
M4 Sherman (Late) Platoon (Plastic)
M4 Sherman (Late) Platoon (Plastic)

includes five plastic M4 Sherman (late) tanks, one Decal Sheet and one Plastic Tank Commander Sprue. The M4A3 was developed as a replacement model for the M4 and M4A1. There are two major features that you can use to identify an M4A3 Sherman tank. While the M4A3 improved the breed, some things still needed to be addressed. One of the critical flaws was the fact that the tank’s ammo tended to catch on fire with practically every hit. To fix this, designers added ‘wet’ stowage ammo racks. They also added another hatch on the top of the turret to help the crew get out faster. The front end of the M4A3 also underwent some changes. The drivers’ hatches were made larger, prompting the front armour plate to be tilted at a steeper angle. Extra armour protection was also added. The M4A3 (late) model first saw action as replacement vehicles from September 1944 and served to the end of the war. The M4A3 (76mm) married the new M4A3 hull with the 76mm gun, making for a fast, hard-hitting tank. This gave US tank crews a definite edge over German medium tanks, as well as giving Panther and Tiger crews something to truly fear. Like the other late M4A3 models, the M4A3 (76mm) tank by its steep front armour plating and crew hatches. Of course the 76mm gun is another dead give-away, but once again the turret was redesigned and the loader’s hatch was made into a single-piece oval hatch. The M4A3 (76mm) came into service along side the M4A3 (late) models in September, 1944. The 105mm assault gun variant was developed to lend serious firepower to the fight. Their role was to use their high-calibre shells to knock out enemy infantry and gun positions. The assault gun was based on both the older M4 and the late M4A3 chassis and are similar to those models in appearance.

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50.00 €
Finnish Command Cards
Finnish Command Cards

Contains: 23x Command Cards

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9.00 €
Finnish Infantry Platoon
Finnish Infantry Platoon

Contains: 1x Formation Suomi SMG Team, 1x Unit Leader M26 MG & M39 Rifle Team, 6x M26 MG & M39 Rifle Teams, 1x Lahtiti Anti-tank Rifle Team, 1x Panzerschreck Anti-tank Team, 1x 50mm Mortar Team (Mid War), 2x Flame-thrower Teams (Mid War) Finnish Infantry Platoon and Company Command team The main strength of the Finnish army is its well-trained and skilfully-led Jalkaväkikomppania (pronounced yahl-kah-vae-kee-komp-pahn-ee-ya) or infantry company well tested in battles of the Winter War. A Kapteeni (Captain) leads an infantry company of three platoons. Finnish infantry companies are organised along German lines and have four squads. A cadre of Finnish field officers fought as a Jäger battalion in the German Army in World War One. They returned to teach German Jäger tactics to all the Finnish officers. As a result Finnish field officers are very well trained and after three years of war, highly experienced. In attack the Jalkaväki’s superior fieldcraft gives them the ability to advance quickly and use ‘motti’ tactics—first encircling and then assaulting and destroying the enemy. Jalkaväki platoons are the strength of the Finnish Army. The troops are not regular soldiers, but all had reserve training before the war. Now three years of combat has made them unmatched fighters. There can be no question of retreat, for they are fighting for their very homes. No other infantry defend better than dug-in Jalkaväki as the Soviets have discovered to their cost. In attack they are not afraid to take on any foe, even hunting down the invaders’ tanks.

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26.00 €
Finnish Unit Cards
Finnish Unit Cards

Contains: 30x Unit Cards

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9.00 €
