Walking Dead Universe RPG Core Rules (HC)

Walking Dead Universe RPG Core Rules (HC)
55.00 €
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In the official The Walking Dead Universe Roleplaying Game, you will play as people struggling to survive in a hostile world. Exceptional challenges can appear from anywhere – from the lack of essential supplies, from conflicts brewing within the group, from hidden construction flaws in your safe haven, or from approaching walkers hungering for your flesh.

In the game, the player characters must not only hone their physical skills, but deeply explore who they truly are – what drives them to go on, what they consider worth fighting for, and what they're capable of doing, in the best and worst of times. Expect the stress and stakes to be high. The rules are based on the acclaimed Year Zero Engine, pushing the boundaries of the survival genre and making sure that every group can tailor the gaming experience to suit their own interests and play style.

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