Walking Dead Universe RPG Starter Set

Walking Dead Universe RPG Starter Set
49.50 €
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Tell your own story in The Walking Dead Universe!
The Walking Dead has always been about characters facing impossible choices in an unforgiving world. Now you must into the world of the dead and face these choices head on.

Play the part of individuals struggling to survive in the hostile and unforgiving world known from the TV series. The challenges you face are never trivial, and the appear from just about everywhere. from the lack of essential supplies, from conflicts brewing within the group, from hidden construction flaws in your safe haven or from the approaching herd of walkers hungring for your flesh and blood.

The game has been designed with two play styles in mind.
In campaign mode the storyline is created by your goals and choices, and the result of your efforts while struggling to survive.
In survival mode you are presented with a pre-determined and often acute problem that put you right into a dramatic and dangerous situation, often featuring locations and characters from the TV series.

The Walking Dead Universe RPG is based on the acclaimed Year Zero engine found in many Free League games, but uniquely tailored for this game.

The starter set comes in a box containing an condensed rulebook, pre-generated characters, 20 special dice, multiple maps, a stress meter, and the first full-length survival scenario for you to play.

viivakoodi 9789189765221

Free League
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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