Complete Web of Horror (HC)

Complete Web of Horror (HC)
65.00 €
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The legendary, creator-controlled horror magazine from 1969 collected at last!

In 1969, a feisty new comics magazine emerged to rival the popular horror magazines Creepy and Eerie: Web of Horror. Conceived by a plucky, independent publisher, Web of Horror showcased instant classics of horror and science fiction by such rising stars of comic art as Bernie Wrightson, Michael Kaluta, Bruce Jones, Ralph Reese, Frank Brunner, Roger Brand, and Wayne Howard, as well as seasoned veterans such as Syd Shores and Norman Nodel, illustrating stories written by Otto Binder, Nicola Cuti, and others.

Now, over 50 years later, Fantagraphics presents the complete Web of Horror in one expertly edited and designed volume. In addition to all three published issues, this collection includes over a dozen stories intended for subsequent issues that have been rarely or never-before published, several long thought to be lost and recently unearthed. Among these "lost" stories is Wrightson's "The Monster Jar," lovingly restored by Frederic Manzano.

The Complete Web of Horror also features a wealth of historical and contextual essays, including the Foreword by original Web of Horror editor and science fiction novelist Terry Bisson; an account of the magazine's origin by the late Clark Dimond; the history of the magazine's rise and baffling demise by collection editor Dana Marie Andra; reminiscences by fanzine publishers Robert Lewis and Robert Gerson; and an Afterword by Richard J. Arndt.

HC, 8x11, 296pgs, PC

viivakoodi 9781683969372

Jos kuvaus katkeaa kesken eikä sitä saa vieritettyä, klikkaa tästä se kokonaan näkyviin:
Fantagraphics Books
Käsikirjoitus: Otto Binder, Nicola Cuti, etc
Kuvitus: Bernie Wrightson, Michael Kaluta, Bruce Jones, Ralph Reese, Frank Brunner, Roger Brand, Wayne Howard, Syd Shores, Norman Nodel
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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