Dungeons & Dragons Frameworks: Kobold Multi-Pack (7)

Dungeons & Dragons Frameworks: Kobold Multi-Pack (7)
65.00 €
Saatavuus: heti nouto- / postitilauksena
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

What are Frameworks Minis?
Made of rigid, high-impact polystyrene (“HIPS”), Frameworks sprue minis come unassembled on plastic frames (a.k.a. “sprues”), with multiple options designed to let you customize your figure to your liking. Using HIPS lets us show even more detail than our unpainted minis, and lets you assemble them in more dynamic poses.

Designed with more experienced miniature-hobbyists in mind, these minis require at least a hobby knife to remove them from their frames, and some glue to assemble them. We also recommend using primer for the best results.

Value-Added Spare Parts
WizKids made sure to include enough parts so that you can create the look you want, and each sprue also comes with a number of “figure-agnostic” spare parts that are themed to go with the figure—but can also be mixed and matched with any other mini in the sprue line (or even with our unpainted miniatures).

“Number ID” Parts
To help make these figures even better, we took the idea of spare parts a little further with our Multi-Packs—packages that contain enough sprues to create multiple figures, like orcs, skeletons, kobolds, and so on—by including several small objects in groups of one, two, and three.

You can use these to add a subtle “number ID” to these miniatures, so you can tell at a glance, for example, that the skeleton warrior with a total of five arrows sticking out of its base is “Skeleton #5.” Each Multi-Pack includes enough of these parts to number up to at least six figures, and just like other spare parts, you can mix and match them between miniatures.

This is a 7-count monster pack.

Dungeons & Dragons Frameworks: Kobold Multi-Pack (7) - kuva 2
Dungeons & Dragons Frameworks: Kobold Multi-Pack (7) - kuva 3
WZK 75067
Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Pathfinder
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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