Dirty Plotte: Complete Julie Doucet Box Set

Dirty Plotte: Complete Julie Doucet Box Set
156.00 €
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Julie Doucet's comic book series Dirty Plotte is one of the most iconic to have ever been created, a visionary work both for the medium and for storytelling. Her stories are candid, funny, and intimate, plumbing the depths of the female psyche while charting the fragility of the men around her. Her artwork is dense and confident, never wavering in the wit and humour of its owner.

Dirty Plotte: The Complete Julie Doucet collects the entire comic book series, including the acclaimed My New York Diary, rare comics and previously unpublished material, in a deluxe two volume box set.

SC, 7x10, 616pgs, FC

Drawn & Quarterly
Käsikirjoitus/kuvitus: Julie Doucet

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