Malifaux 2nd Edition Crossroads

Malifaux 2nd Edition Crossroads
49.50 €
Saatavuus: heti nouto- / postitilauksena
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A sourcebook for Malifaux Second Edition, Crossroads introduces rules for all Crews which have not yet been updated to Second Edition, along with a few new ones.

This book contains rules for nearly two hundred models which have been updated to second edition or added to the line. It also contains a massive amount of new stories further exploring the characters of Malifaux and the roles they play in the lore. Everyone who enjoys Malifaux will find something they love about this book!

Each chapter is divided up by Faction, containing a series of short stories further exploring the characters of Malifaux and the roles they play in the lore. Additionally, every tale is complemented by a special scenario, allowing you to relive the trials and tribulations of some of your favorite characters.

viivakoodi 9780990589600

Wyrd Miniatures
WYR 20013
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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