Zorro: The Complete Dell Pre-Code Comcis (HC)

Zorro: The Complete Dell Pre-Code Comcis (HC)
78.00 €
Saatavuus: epävarma - kysy!
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 0 eur. Postikululaskuri

Now for the first time in over sixty years read the original comic books that introduced Zorro to young readers all over the world.

Starting with Four Color #228, Dell Comics introduced Zorro with a book based on the original Johnston McCully story. Featured in this deluxe full color reprint of all of Dell's Pre-Code Zorro comics are issues 228, 425, 497, 538, 574, 617, and 732. These stories feature artwork by Everett Raymond Kinstler (497, 538, and 574), Bob Fujitani, Bob Correa and Alberto Giolitti.

Collects seven complete issues, with a special essay by Max Allan Collins.

HC, 7x10, 256pgs, FC

Jos kuvaus katkeaa kesken eikä sitä saa vieritettyä, klikkaa tästä se kokonaan näkyviin:
Hermes Press
Käsikirjoitus: Max Allan Collins, Johnston McCulley
Kuvitus: Everett Raymond Kinstler, Bob Fujitani, Bob Correa, Alberto Giolitti

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