Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip 03 (HC)

Moomin: The Complete Tove Jansson Comic Strip 03 (HC)
26.00 €
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Huom: painojälki on PALJON laadukkaampaa näissä kuin suomalaisissa versioissa -rasterit ei ole tukossa...

Moomin has been swiftly making its way into the hearts of North Americans ever since Drawn & Quarterly began collecting the strip in 2006. It debuted in the London Evening News in 1954 and has become the fastest-selling D+Q series to date. Fifty years ago, Jansson's observations of everyday life—whimsical but with biting undertones—easily caught the attention of an international audience and still resonate today.

This third volume returns to Moominvalley, where its beloved inhabitants get tangled up in five new stories. Moomin falls in love with a damsel in distress, an unseasonably warm spell turns the valley into a tropical rainforest, and a flying saucer crashes into Moominmamma’s garden. Moominpappa decides to live out his dream of occupying a lighthouse and writing a great seaside novel, only to discover that he hates the sea so close up and has no interest in writing about it, and a variety of curious clubs spring up in the valley. Moomin and Moominmamma do their level best to avoid the whole mess but, of course, get drawn into the muddle. Hardcover, 104 pages.

Drawn & Quarterly
Käsikirjoitus/kuvitus: Tove Jansson

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