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Galactic Distractions
Galactic Distractions

The crowd cheers when the first blow is struck in the one hundred and seventy-second Tobian Conteste Ex Martial, the local favourite drawing first blood against a foreign underdog. Hundreds of thousands roar to the rafters when the Aslan strikes back, millions watch on broadcast comms around the planet, and billions of Credits hang in the balance. Tobia, one of the crown jewels of the Trojan Reaches, hosted these sporting events seasonally and the people always seemed to enjoy it - but the bookies and gamblers...they loved them. For weeks before one of the Conteste Ex Martials were to be held, the cities of Tobia were a tremendous and exciting place to be for fighters and fight-fans from all over the Reaches. Fighters like Dushaneyl, the 'Destroyer from Monteigh', are held up like gods amongst mere mortals; making rumours of scandal and cheating surrounding him to be synonymous with downright heresy. Galactic Distractions is a scenario arc set in the Third Imperium that places the characters on a path that begins with unbelievable fortune and luck that makes them some of the most envied people on the planet. The path will take them many places; from inside the spotlight of the largest night club of the Tobia scene to a blood-slick abattoir filled with intergalactic mobsters. What the characters do with their new-found connections, whether they choose fame or infamy, will set the stage for the events this scenario contains. Perhaps the characters will survive unchanged by the corruption around them, or perhaps they will be swept up into the maelstrom of controversy, crime and tragedy. Size: 128 pages, Softback Interior Art: Black and white Author: Bryan Steele

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27.50 €
Galrauch (1)
Galrauch (1)

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56.00 €
Game Master's Book of Random Encounters (HC)
Game Master's Book of Random Encounters (HC)

500+ customizable maps, tables and story hooks to create 5th edition adventures on demand For many tabletop RPG players, the joy of an in-depth game is that anything can happen. Typical adventure modules include a map of the adventure’s primary location, but every other location - whether it's a woodland clearing, a random apothecary or the depths of a temple players elect to explore - has to be improvised on the fly by the Game Master. As every GM knows, no matter how many story hooks, maps or NPCs you painstakingly create during session prep, your best-laid plans are often foiled by your players' whims, extreme skill check successes (or critical fails) or their playful refusal to stay on task. In a game packed with infinite possibilities, what are GMs supposed to do when their players choose those for which they're not prepared? The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters provides an unbeatable solution. This massive tome is divided into location categories, each of which can stand alone as a small stop as part of a larger campaign. As an example, the “Taverns, Inns, Shops & Guild Halls” section includes maps for 19 unique spaces, as well as multiple encounter tables designed to help GMs fill in the sights, sounds, smells and proprietors of a given location, allowing for each location in the book to be augmented and populated on the fly while still ensuring memorable moments for all your players. Each map is presented at scale on grid, enabling GMs to determine exactly where all of the characters are in relation to one another and anyone (or anything) else in the space, critical information should any combat or other movement-based action occur. Perhaps more useful than its nearly 100 maps, the book's one-shot generator features all the story hooks necessary for GMs to use these maps as part of an interconnected and contained adventure. Featuring eight unique campaign drivers that lead players through several of the book's provided maps, the random tables associated with each stage in the adventure allow for nearly three million different outcomes, making The Game Master's Book of Random Encounters an incredible investment for any would-be GM. The book also includes a Random NPC Generator to help you create intriguing characters your players will love (or love to hate), as well as a Party Makeup Maker for establishing connections among your PCs so you can weave together a disparate group of adventurers with just a few dice rolls. Locations include taverns, temples, inns, animal/creature lairs, gatehouses, courts, ships, laboratories and more, with adventure hooks that run the gamut from frantic rooftop chases to deep cellar dungeon-crawls, with a total of 97 maps, more than 150 tables and millions of possible adventures. No matter where your players end up, they'll have someone or something to persuade or deceive, impress or destroy. As always, the choice is theirs. But no matter what they choose, with The Game Master's Book of Random Encounters, you'll be ready. By Jeff Ashworth Hardcover, 256 pages

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29.90 €
Game of Thrones Boardgame 2nd Edition: Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat
Game of Thrones Boardgame 2nd Edition: Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat

Useammassa FFG matossa on käytetty väriaineita jossa on EU:ssa kielletty määrä ainetta X. Mattoja ei siis saada EU:hun kunnes valmistaja saa komponenttinsa EU-kelpoisiksi. The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are split and divided by conflict—both on the open fields of battle and in the treacherous intrigues of court. For years, you’ve played out these epic power struggles on your tabletop in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, and at Gen Con 2018, we announced the coming onslaught of House Targaryen with the Mother of Dragons expansion. Soon, you’ll be able to bring your battles over Westeros to a perfectly arranged setting with the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat. Across the Narrow Sea Measuring 3’ by 3’ (~90x90cm), the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat displays the entirety of the Seven Kingdoms in all their glory, along with the western coast of Essos introduced in Mother of Dragons. From the harbor of Volantis to the snowy wastes of Castle Black, the world of A Song of Ice and Fire is lovingly rendered on this premium, slip-resistant gamemat. As you can see above, this deluxe gamemat is fully compatible with the upcoming Mother of Dragons expansion, seamlessly incorporating the continent of Essos, the dragon strength track, the Iron Bank of Braavos, House Arryn’s stronghold in the Eyrie, the fourth Westeros deck, and additions to the influence tracks—all printed onto a single thoughtfully arranged gamemat. Whether you’re taking up arms with old allies like House Stark or House Lannister, or you’re making your bid for the Iron Throne with House Arryn and House Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons Deluxe Gamemat is an unmissable accessory for fans of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game. Huom! Tuote ei mahdu pakettiautomaattiin eli toimitetaan vain normaaliin postitoimipisteeseen.

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61.80 €
Game of Thrones LCG 2: Intro Deck -House Baratheon
Game of Thrones LCG 2: Intro Deck -House Baratheon

These instructive Intro Decks are designed to introduce new players to the mechanics, environment, and key characters of A Game of Thrones: The Card Game, providing a stable foundation and highlighting the unique features of each faction. Each pre-constructed deck contains sixty-nine cards—a full sixty-card deck (containing 1x, 2x, and 3x cards) with seven plots, a faction card, and an agenda card. With one of these decks, you'll have everything that you need to begin your battles right away, whether you're battling another intro decks or playing against a custom deck built by other players. Even if you're a veteran player, there are still plenty of reasons to pick up the Intro Decks. Not only is it a great way to get additional copies of commonly played neutral cards and plots, like Marched to the Wall (Core Set, 15), you can also use them as a tool to invite new players to experience your battles for the Iron Throne! What's more, every Intro Deck features an alternate-design faction card and a copy of the Fealty (Core Set, 27) agenda emblazoned with the sigil of your chosen faction—making this the perfect way to spread your loyalty to your other decks! Ours Is the Fury As the ruling House of the Seven Kingdoms, the Baratheons gain control by forcing their enemies to bend the knee. They also specialize in power challenges, the key to accumulating power and ultimately earning victory in A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Stannis Baratheon (Core Set, 52) can minimize your opponent’s ability to regroup after they have deployed their forces. By joining forces with his elder brother Robert Baratheon (Core Set, 48), these noblemen can dominate the field of battle. When you're in command of the House Baratheon Intro Deck, you can exert your dominance to accumulate further power at the end of each round. Robert Baratheon and Thoros of Myr (Journey to Oldtown, 3) both share renown keyword, while attachments such as Disputed Claim (Lions of Casterly Rock, 3) can grant renown to any Lord, Lady, or Bastard. Any traitorous House that rises in rebellion will be fighting an uphill battle. By maintaining your hold on the Seven Kingdoms and reminding your subjects who their true king is, the Iron Throne will be secure in your hands for generations to come.

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19.50 €

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