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Catan: Explorers and Pirates (4e)
Catan: Explorers and Pirates (4e)

Take your Catan game over the horizon and discover a life of island adventure with Catan: Explorers and Pirates! The five scenarios in this set require you to master not one island but three, and the sea as well! With a wealth of new pieces, rules and options, Klaus Teubers masterpiece is more compelling than ever! Explore and trade with ships designed to carry settlers, cargo or adventurers. Settle new lands, battle pirates, acquire spices and locate the grand banks of Catanian fish! The Catan: Explorers and Pirates expansion features five scenarios and three missions. Some of the scenarios make use of the missions while others do not, allowing you to mix and match for maximum variety and replayability. Land Ho! Explore the seas of Catan and discover two new islands to expand your settlements. Once youve discovered an island, you must use ships to ferry settlers from one island to another and colonize distant lands. (Introductory Scenario) Pirate Lairs! In this scenario pirates prowl the seas along with your trading vessels. Pay tribute to the pirates or drive them off. Then find and capture their lairs to earn gold and Victory Points! (One Mission Scenario) Fish For Catan! The people of Catan are short of food! These are deep water fish though, so first you must find their shoals before you can catch them! The Council of Catan will reward players with Victory Points for returning fish to the island, as well as for capturing pirate lairs. Just watch out for roaming pirates, not only will they demand gold for tribute, they might also get to the fish before you do! (Two Mission Scenario) Spices For Catan! In this scenario the Council of Catan wants you to find fish and spices for the people of Catan! As before, they reward the most industrious merchant captains with victory points. Obtaining spice will require you to become friends with the mysterious inhabitants of the Spice Islands but in return they will not only trade you spices but teach you their knowledge of sailing or even pirate fighting techniques! (Two Mission Scenario) Explorers and Pirates! This lengthy and challenging scenario brings everything from the previous scenarios together! Explore new lands, capture pirate lairs, find fish and befriend the inhabitants of the spice isles! (Three Mission Scenario) Components: * 16 harbor settlements (wood) * 32 adventurers (wood) * 12 ships (wood) * 8 settlers (wood) * 12 markers (wood double cubes) * 4 pirate ships (wood) * 6 fish(wood) * 24 spice sacks (wood cubes) * 76 gold coins (die cut) * 12 frame pieces * 6 gold field hexes * 6 fish shoal hexes * 6 spice hexes * 6 terrain hexes and 6 number tokens (green backs) * 6 terrain hexes and 6 number tokens (orange backs) * 6 pirate lair tokens * 3 mission cards * 3 mission victory point cards * 4 building cost cards Components utilized from The Settlers of Catan In addition to the components listed above, the following components from the standard game are used with Catan: Explorers and Pirates: * Roads * Hexes * Settlements * Resource Cards Ages 12+ For 3-4 Players Playing Time 90 + minutes Designer: Klaus Teuber Art: Michael Menzel

      heti saatavilla
55.00 €
Catan: Explorers and Pirates 5-6 Player Expansion
Catan: Explorers and Pirates 5-6 Player Expansion

Now 5 to 6 players can explore Catan’s wild, unknown seas in search of fish, spices, or rich new lands for settlement! This Catan: Explorers & Pirates 5-6 Player Extension allows you to add 1 or 2 new opponents without sacrificing ease of play. As in the Catan: Explorers & Pirates expansion, you’ll build harbor settlements, ships, settlers, and sailing crews and set out across mysterious seas in search of new lands, spices, fish, and gold fields. So, get a crew of 5 or 6 together for an adventure in Catan. Challenge pirates on land and sea as you seek to win renown. Use your ships to carry loyal settlers and claim faraway territory. Chart unknown waters and return with rich cargo. Should you prove the most able explorer and be the first to complete your noble mission, you’ll become master of Catan! Components: • 1 rulebook • 8 harbor settlements (wood) • 18 Crews (wood) • 6 ships (wood) • 4 settlers (wood) • 6 markers (wood double cubes) • 2 pirate ships (wood) • 2 fish(wood) • 12 spice sacks (wood cubes) • 2 pirate lair hexes • 2 pirate lair tokens • 3 terrain hexes and 6 number tokens (green backs) • 3 terrain hexes and 6 number tokens (orange backs) • 4 sea hexes • 1 Large Council of Catan tri-hex piece • 1 Large Sea tri-hex • 3 Number tokens (orange backs) • 3 Number tokens (green backs) • 2 building cost cards • 2 player piece manifest cards • 1 new piece manifest card Ownership of MFG3061 The Settlers of Catan, MFG3062 The Settlers of Catan 5-6 Player Extension and MFG3069 Catan: Explorers and Pirates are required for the use of the product. In addition to the components listed above, the following components from the standard game and the 5-6 player extension are used with Catan: Explorers and Pirates: • Roads • Hexes • Settlements • Resource Cards Ages 12+ For +2 Players Playing Time 90 + minutes Designer: Klaus Teuber Art: Michael Menzel

      heti saatavilla
30.80 €

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