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Sword of Change 3: Devlin's Justice
Sword of Change 3: Devlin's Justice

Devlin of Duncaer has done the impossible. Desperate for death in the wake of his family's slaughter, he agreed to become the Chosen One of the neighboring Kingdom of Jorsk—the kingdom which conquered and enslaved his own native land of Duncaer. The job involved magically binding himself to Jorsk and its needs by a powerfu Geas spell, and used to come with about a three months survival time—until Devlin. Miraculously surviving attack after attack, he comes to learn once again the value of life, honor and friendship. But just when he is reconciled to his new life, he finds he must go off seeking the Chosen One's sword of legend—which he knows for a fact was lost in conquered Duncaer. So now Devlin—once exiled from his homeland and hoping never to go back—must again face the land of his birth and the people who once trusted him. Only now he comes to them wearing the garb of their conquerors. But when Devlin returns from that mission, it is only to discover that things in Jorsk have been getting worse in his absence. The unknown enemy's magical attacks on the kingdom are getting worse, and the king's policy of non-involvement is throwing his kingdom into chaos. As more and more borders are threatened, the nobles can do nothing but squabble and debate. It seems that Devlin is the only one who can stem the tide. But can he discover the enemy's true identity and put a stop to his or her predations before the entire kindgom collapses, taking its Chosen One down with it?? 400 p

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7.20 €
Swords of the Serpentine (GUMSHOE Fantasy RPG) (HC)
Swords of the Serpentine (GUMSHOE Fantasy RPG) (HC)

Buy this game from Fantasiapelit and get a free PDF to accompany it! Read more about our free PDF program A GUMSHOE roleplaying game of swords & sorcery by Kevin Kulp and Emily Dresner! When it’s summer, you smell her before you see her. As you come around the curve of the Serpentine river the scent of the open sea is replaced by the stench of low tide, of boat tar, of rare spices spilled from a smuggler’s ship; of cooking smoke and human waste. Bells ring out across the water and echo like the song of ghosts, loud enough to almost drown out the chanted prayers of your ship’s rowers. You round the bend past the lower fort and there she is: the great city of Eversink, sprawled out on scores of islands across the sheltered water. Her jeweled and crystal turrets are reflected in a shimmering bay full of hundreds of brightly colored boats. Architecture from a dozen eras towers above a tangle of grand plazas and narrow canals. Temples to her goddess rise above the mansions and tenements, calling her people to prayer. She may be ancient and corrupt, slowly and inexorably swallowed by an endless bog; but she’s alive in a way most cities aren’t. She’s a melding of faith and stone and wood and water – and mud – that’s unique in all the world. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve come to kill a rival, earn a fortune, learn a secret, or hire an army. You’re home now, and the Sinking City will embrace you. All you need to do is survive. Swords of the Serpentine is a sword & sorcery game of daring heroism, sly politics, and bloody savagery, set in a fantasy city rife with skullduggery and death. The rules adapt the GUMSHOE investigative roleplaying system to create a fantasy RPG with a focus on high-action roleplaying and investigation inspired by the stories of Fritz Leiber, Terry Pratchett, Robert E. Howard, and others. Your characters will discover leads that, if followed, propel them headlong into danger and forbidden knowledge. A lead might point the way to sunken treasure, jungle ruins, the missing key to a sorcerous trap, or the true identity of a notorious murderer. The GUMSHOE game mechanics ensure that you’ll always notice leads if you look for them. It’s up to you to choose which one you’ll follow into whatever perils lie ahead, in hopes of fortune, glory, justice, or just staying alive another day. If you want to track down foul sorcerers in a corrupt and decadent city, clamber through underground ruins to sneak into an enemy’s home and rob them, or wage a secret war against a rival political faction, you’re in the right place. Swords of the Serpentine offers: * A fantasy city of mystery and magic inspired by Lankhmar and Ankh-Morpork * Tools for fast and effective character creation * A customized combat system that opens the door for cinematic, heroic battles * Social combat that targets your enemy’s morale, letting you defeat some foes through wit, guile, and threats * Sorcery that allows you to rip apart a tower with the flick of a hand—but are you willing to pay the price in corruption to body and soul? * Powerful allegiances that give you influence in one or more factions across the city, but which can earn you equally powerful enemies… * Streamlined abilities that power four distinct types of heroes, and which you can mix-and-match across professions to customize your character further * Gameplay and rules mechanics that encourage players to help build the world they’re adventuring in * Rules for death curses, true names, alchemy, sorcerous items, ghostly possession, political manipulation, and more! Authors: Kevin Kulp, Emily Dresner Cover Artists: Jérôme Huguenin Pages: 368

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72.00 €

TacTiki is an abstract strategy game for 2 players, with a strong memory aspect, recommended for players aged 8 years old or higher, lasting between 20-30 minutes. Tactics and planning are the lifeblood of the game, which will fascinate and attract players from all over the world - all securely packed in a mysterious box! Make your way to the opposite side of the board and build a TAC or TIKI statue with 5 of your pieces on one of your opponent’s start fields. The square, 5x5 board tile is the island where the war of the gods will take place, with the first row of fields on opposing sides representing the start fields and the rest representing the battlefield. During the game, you will move and stack multiple pieces on top of each other, forming columns and initiating attacks against your opponent. On your turn, you may either move pieces or reincarnate a defeated piece. You can move a piece 1 field forward, left, or right, but not backwards or diagonally. Each player’s turn consists of two moves: 1.) One piece can move twice or 2.) Two pieces can each move once. When a piece moves into a field with 1 or more already existing pieces, it is always placed directly on top of the other piece(s). 3.) Reincarnate a defeated piece. You do not need to show your opponent it's value. If you move to a field containing an opponent’s piece a battle occurs with each player revealing their piece’s strength. The weaker of the two is removed from the game. In case of a tie, both pieces stay in the field but only the one in the top can move, blocking their opponent. Also, once a piece has reached an opponent’s start field, it may not be moved anymore, neither by you nor by any action of your opponent. You win the game by being the first player to build a statue of 5 pieces on an opponent’s single start field. 2 Players 30 Min Age: 12+

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48.00 €

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