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Dragonbane Core Set
Dragonbane Core Set

Mirth & Mayhem Roleplaying Dragonbane is a classic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game full of magic, mystery, and adventure. It is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast and furious play, with very little prep time and adventures that are a breeze to run. This is a game with room for laughs at the table, while still offering brutal challenges for the adventurers. We call this playstyle “mirth and mayhem roleplaying” – great for long campaigns, but also perfect for a one-shot. Dragonbane is a translation of Drakar och Demoner, Scandinavia’s first and biggest tabletop RPG, originally launched in 1982. This new and reimagined edition has one foot firmly planted in the heritage of decades of Swedish gaming and the other in the modern and innovative game design for which Free League Publishing is known worldwide. THE GAME Dragonbane comes with all of the fantastical creatures that you’d expect plus a few more – not least the duck-like mallards! The game uses a skill-based D20 system that is very easy for new players to learn. Each skill is rated from 1 to 18, and the player needs to roll equal to or lower than the skill level to succeed. That’s right – in this game you want to roll low. Rolling a natural 1 is called rolling a dragon, and triggers powerful special effects. The core Dragonbane game has ten professions, including the classic Fighter, Mage, Hunter and Thief, but also the more unorthodox Artisan, Merchant, Mariner and Scholar. The profession will impact a player character’s starting skills and give it a starting heroic ability, but after the game starts the player is free to further develop their character in any way they choose, unbound by any class restrictions. THE SETTING Dragonbane is a game of fast-paced fantasy adventures. The core game presents a core mythology of this fantasy world, focused on the eternal struggle between dragons and demons. The ruins of fallen kingdoms, worshiping either of these rival godlike creatures, beckon brave adventurers with the lure of hidden treasures. Rather than describing entire continents, the core game focuses on the Misty Vale, a hidden mountain valley until recently overrun by orcs and goblins. In recent years, the orcs have retreated into the mountains, leaving the land open for explorers, settlers and adventurers of other kin such as humans, dwarves, elves, halflings, mallards, and wolfkin. The land lies open for adventure. Dragonbane is a classic fantasy tabletop roleplaying game full of magic, mystery, and adventure. It is designed from the ground up to facilitate fast and furious play, with very little prep time and adventures that are a breeze to run. Dragonbane is a game with room for laughs at the table, while still offering brutal challenges for the adventurers. The box includes: * Rulebook with fast and effective D20-based game rules for character creation, skills, combat, magic, and travel * Adventures book with eleven complete adventures, to be played separately or tied together in the epic Secret of the Dragon Emperor campaign * The booklet Alone in Deepfall Breach letting you play Dragonbane solo, without the need for a Gamemaster * Huge full-color map of the Misty Vale adventure setting * Illustrated playing cards for combat initiative, improvised weapons, adventures, and treasure * Ten transparent polyhedral dice, including two D20s with a custom design * Five pregenerated characters to play * Five blank character sheets * Cardboard standees representing various characters and monsters * Double-sided battle mat

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60.00 €
Drakkenhall: City of Monsters
Drakkenhall: City of Monsters

Buy this game from Fantasiapelit and get a free PDF to accompany it! Read more about our free PDF program Monsters are people too! The Emperor expected a city of monsters to destroy itself, but instead the Blue and her people have created a city that’s wickedly unique: Drakkenhall! * Make a splash in the social season alongside a fashionista ooze! * Spend the night at a dybbuk inn at the docks, where possession is a perk! * Dodge the amputation golems until you can get your healing spells back! * Explore the Rubblehoods, the neighborhoods that have been left as monstrously energetic ruins! * Shop (OK, OK, plunder) the Goblin Market and admire (fight) its pet otyughs! * Prove yourself as the most dangerous monster of all–an Adventurer worthy of joining the S.M.A.S.H. Society! Drakkenhall: City of Monsters is a 13th Age sourcebook for GMs running adventurer and champion-tier campaigns. Contents include Ailor the Draco-Druid, kaiju shark mooks, 60 other monsters, the secret history of the Dragon’s Orc statue, a couple gnarly ideas for replacing missing limbs, urban planning notes (city of monster-style), and light rules and guidelines for sea travel in the Dragon Empire that Gareth managed to slip into the chapter on the Docks! Authors: Liz Argall, AnneMarie Boeve, Benjamin Feehan, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Cal Moore, Corey Reddin Cover Artists: Roena I. Rosenberger Interior Artists: Simone Bannach, Robert Crumb, Rich Longmore, Roena I. Rosenberger Other Credits: Developers: John-Matthew DeFoggi, Rob Heinso Pages: 128, B&W interior, softcover

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30.10 €

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