
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

Haun tulokset 1 - 24 / 319

1918: Veli veljeä vastaan / Brother Against Brother
1918: Veli veljeä vastaan / Brother Against Brother

Pelaajien valinta 2018 voittaja: harrastajapelit

Pelin viimeisimmät suomenkieliset säännöt valmistajan sivuilta. Also, the latest english rules from the manufacturer's site.

1918 – Veli Veljeä Vastaan on Suomen sisällissotaan sijoittuva korttivetoinen sotapeli kahdelle pelaajalle. Toinen pelaaja vastaa senaatin johtamien valkoisten joukkojen taistelusta toisen koittaessa johdattaa kansanvaltuuskunnan johtamat punaiset vallankumoukselliset voittoon.

Pelissä on yli viisikymmentä historiallista tapahtumaa kuvaavaa korttia. Jokaisessa kortissa on paitsi peliin liittyvä kuvaus myös lyhyt historiallinen teksti ja siihen liittyvä kuva. Pelilautana on Suomen kartta vuodelta 1918, johon on merkitty kaupungit ja niitä yhdistävät maa- ja rautatiet.

Valkoisen pelaajan tavoitteena on vallata punaisten hallussa olevat strategiset kaupungit punaisen pelaajan koittaessa joko valloittaa valkoisten pääkaupunki Vaasa tai pitää omat alueensa pelin loppuun.

Peli on kaksikielinen, kaikki pelin materiaali on sekä suomeksi että englanniksi.

* Pelilauta
* 6 pelinappulaa
* 55 korttia englanniksi ja 55 korttia suomeksi
* Sääntökirja englanniksi ja suomeksi
* Taulukko joukkojen sijoituksesta pelin alkaessa
* Historiallinen variantti
* Tohtori Olli Kleemolan lyhyt johdatus Suomen sisällissotaan 1918
* Kaksi kuusisivuista noppaa

Long before the Iron Curtain divided Europe, decades before the Cuban missile crisis, and even longer before Vietnam and the domino theory, there was one battleground where red banners were raised outside of the birth of the Communist Revolution: Finland

The first export of proletarian revolution, the Finnish Civil War marked the bold new step that the forces of international class warfare would take.

This war had it all: foreign interventions, prison camps, both rural and urban fighting, as well as fierce ideological confrontation - even within the ranks of each side.

The people of Finland, as well as their leaders had tough choices to make. The war made enemies out friends, and ravaged the soul of a nation. It was 1918, and it was Brother Against Brother.

Brother against Brother is a two-player wargame of the Civil war in Finland during early 1918. One player takes the role of the Whites (i.e. the government troops) and other the Reds (socialist revolutionaries). In that bloody struggle future of the nation that has just declared its` independence is decided, and whether General C.G.E. Mannerheim of White forces or Comrade Kullervo Manner emerges triumphant is up to the players.

Map is point-to-point representation of the Finland from 1918 featuring both railways and roads of the time, both of which also effect the gameplay. Game is card-driven and more than 50 action cards (each with unique picture of the era) are at the heart of the game. Cards can be used either as action points or events. Events include German intervention, Swedish occupation of Åland islands, grain trains from Soviet Russia as well as drunk Red commander…

Units represent mainly company/battalion level and include both Civil Guards and Red Guards, as well as special units; armoured trains for Reds and Jaeger units and German intervention forces for Whites. Reds can either try to occupy the White capital of Vaasa (preferably before Germans appear) or to defend their area until the end of the game. Balancing with actions and events is crucial for both parties.

Game is fully bi-lingual (English and Finnish) including two decks of action cards. So if you wish to familiarize yourself to wargaming lingo in Finnish this is a perfect opportunity.

The game contains 55 uniquely illustrated cards, each with a genuine photograph taken during the war. Our aim was to present the events that transpired in the clearest way possible, while still providing the feeling of observing and influencing the conflict as if in the field.

Brother against Brother has a fully mounted gameboard depicting the map of Finland from 1918, as well as 196 playing pieces and the necessary dice and reference materials.

All the components are of high quality, both visually and physically. The game is fully bilingual, in English and Finnish.

1918: Brother Against Brother draws its inspiration from such classics as Paths of Glory, Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage and Hammer of the Scots. It can be played in about two hours.

We have put a lot of effort in the research of background information for the game. Several museums and archives have provided support for the project. The photographs have been selected by a renowned scholar of political history, Dr. Olli Kleemola from the University of Turku.

Dr. Kleemola has also provided assistance for the historical research necessary to be true to the conditions and accurate depiction of this short yet immensely consequential war.

* Game map
* 206 counters
* 55 cards in English and 55 cards in Finnish
* Rules booklets in English and Finnish
* Setup table
* Historical variant
* Short introduction to Finnish Civil War of 1918 by Dr. Olli Kleemola
* Two 6-sided dice

2 Players
120–180 Min
Age: 12+

      heti saatavilla
59.00 €
7 Wonders: Duel (suomeksi)
7 Wonders: Duel (suomeksi)

7 Wonders Duel on kaksinpeliversio suositusta 7 Wonders -pelistä ja se on ehdottomasti vuosien 2015-2016 kaksinpeliparhaimmistoa. Peli sisältää tiukkoja taktisia tilanteita ja pitkän linjan kaupunginrakennusta, mutta on silti kestoltaan vaivaiset 20-30 minuuttia!

7 Wonders Duel -pelissä kumpikin pelaaja johtaa omaa sivilisaatiotaan ja tulee kolmen aikakauden aikana rakentamaan rakennuksia ja suuria ihmeitä.

Jokainen aikakausikortti edustaa rakennusta, joka vahvistaa pelaajan armeijaa, tekee tieteellisiä löytöjä ja kehittää hänen kaupunkiaan.

3 tapaa voittaa

Pelaaja saa armeijarakennuksista (punaiset kortit) sekä tietyistä ihmeistä kilpisymboleja, jotka liikuttavat rintamalinjamerkkiä vastustajan pääkaupunkia kohti. Näin rintamalinja aaltoilee pelin aikana puolelta toiselle, kun kumpikin pelaaja panostaa sotavoimiinsa.

Rintamalinjan liike voi antaa pelaajalle voittopisteitä, mutta jos merkin saa työnnettyä vastustajan pääkaupunkiin asti, peli päättyy armeijavoittoon!

Pelissä on 7 erilaista tiedesymbolia. Aina, kun pelaaja saa kerättyä 2 samaa tiedesymbolia, hän saa välittömästi valita pysyvän edun itselleen. Jos pelaaja onnistuu keräämään 6 erilaista tiedesymbolia, peli päättyy välittömästi tiedevoittoon!

Peli päättyy 3. aikakauden lopussa, jos siihen mennessä ei ole tapahtunut tiede- tai armeijavoittoa. Siinä tapauksessa peli päättyy eniten voittopisteitä keränneen pelaajan siviilivoittoon!

1 pelilauta
66 aikakausikorttia
7 kiltakorttia
12 ihmettä
4 sotamerkkiä
10 edistysmerkkiä
1 rintamalinjamerkki
31 rahaa
1 pisteytysvihko
1 pikaohje
1 ohjekirja

Kieli: suomi, ruotsi, norja, tanska

      heti saatavilla
26.50 €
Jäinen kuolema: Suomen talvisota / Freezing Death: Finnish Winter War
Jäinen kuolema: Suomen talvisota / Freezing Death: Finnish Winter War

Pelin viimeisimmät suomenkieliset säännöt valmistajan sivuilta.

Jäinen kuolema: Suomen talvisota on kahden pelaajan sotapeli Suomen ja Neuvostoliiton välisestä talvisodasta vuosina 1939–1940 ja tiestä tuohon konfliktiin.

Pelin lautana on kartta, johon on kuvattu kolme rintamaa, joilla pääasialliset taistelut tapahtuivat ja missä Neuvostoliiton pelaaja yrittää edetä joukkoineen kun Suomen pelaajan yksiköt, heikommin varusteltuina, mutta paremmin sopeutuneina jäätäviin lämpötiloihin yrittivät epätoivoisesti pysäyttää näitä.

Länsivaltojen alkaessa harkita interventiota, alkoi hiekka molempien osapuolten tiimalasissa käydä vähiin. Kestäisikö suomalaisten puolustus yhä raivokkaammat hyökkäykset ja toisaalta olisiko Stalin valmis maksamaan poliittisen hinnan taistelusta, joka vastoin hänen oletuksiaan ei osoittautunutkaan paraatimarssiksi Helsinkiin.

Peli on korttivetoinen ja pelimekaniikan sydämen muodostavat yli 50 toimintakorttia (joista jokaisessa on kuva konfliktin ajalta). Kortteja voi käyttää joko tapahtumina tai toimintapisteinä. Tapahtumiin kuuluvat niin vodka-annoksen rohkaisemat neuvostojoukot, maailman ensimmäisen naisdiplomaatin madame Kollontain diplomaattiset manööverit, kuin Suomen USA:ssa ennen sotaa hankkima sympatia ainoana maana, joka maksoi velkansa.

Peli on täysin kaksikielinen (suomi ja englanti), ja siinä on toimintakortit kummallekin kielelle.

* Pelilauta
* 74 pelinappulaa
* 55 korttia englanniksi ja 55 korttia suomeksi
* Sääntökirja englanniksi ja suomeksi
* Tohtori Olli Kleemolan laatima 6 sivuinen historiallinen johdatus sotaan suomeksi ja englanniksi
* Kahdeksan kuusisivuista noppaa

Freezing death: Finnish Winter War is a two player wargame of the Winter War fought between Finland and Soviet Union 1939-1940 as well as preparations that lead to the conflict.

Map shows three fronts where main battles took place and where soviet player tries to advance his troops to while Finnish players units, underequipped but more accustomed to freezing conditions, try desperately stop them. While the Western Powers deliberated intervention, time was running out on both belligerents. Can the Finnish defenses endure the ever-fiercer attacks? Is Stalin ready to pay the political price of a battle that, contrary to his scheme, was not about to become a parading march to Helsinki?

Game is card-driven and more than 50 action cards (each with unique picture of the era) are at the heart of the game. Cards can be used either as action points or events. Events include Russian troops encouraged by vodka-rations, diplomatic efforts of worlds first female diplomat madame Kollontai as well as sympathy Finland has built is US on prewar years by being only nations not to default its debts.

Game is fully bi-lingual (English and Finnish) including two decks of action cards. So if you wish to familiarize yourself to wargaming lingo in Finnish this is a perfect opportunity.

2 Players
60–90 Min
Age: 12+

      heti saatavilla
59.00 €
Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition (The Cold War, 1945-1989)
Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition (The Cold War, 1945-1989)


On November 9th of 2009, the world will mark the 20th Anniversary of the conclusion of the Cold War. That was the day that the Cold War's most tangible symbol, the Berlin Wall, was relegated to the ash heap of history. Unlike the 20th Century's other great conflict, the Cold War did not end in an explosion of neutrons, but rather, an explosion of human freedom and optimism. We had avoided what many thought inevitable - the destruction of mankind through armed conflict between the Soviet Union and the United States. Overnight, the face of Europe had changed. Suddenly, all things were possible.

That was 20 years ago. Sadly, we all learned that the end of the Cold War was not "the end of history." Mankind would find new ways to divide itself. While the threat of nuclear holocaust disappeared, newer and more sinister forms of conflict would take its place. Where once superpowers bestrode the globe, decentralized networks and even individuals now command the world's attention.

This Deluxe Edition of Twilight Struggle seeks to capture the feeling of that earlier era. Twilight Struggle is a two-player game simulating the forty-five year dance of intrigue, prestige, and occasional flares of warfare between the Soviet Union and the United States. Using the card-driven game mechanics pioneered in such award winning games as We the People and Hannibal: Rome vs. Carthage, Twilight Struggle recreates the conflict between the most powerful nation states the world has ever known. The scope of the game covers the entire world as it was found in 1945. Players move units and exert influence in attempts to gain allies and control for their superpower. As with GMT's other card-driven games, decision-making is a challenge; how to best use one's cards and units given consistently limited resources? Twilight Struggle's Event cards add cover a vast array of historical happenings, from the Berlin Airlift, to the Vietnam War and the U.S. peace movement, to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

This Deluxe Edition of Twilight Struggle marries world-class components, with the sort of world-class game play for which GMT is already known. We cannot think of a better way to commemorate this vital piece of world history. We invite you to relieve an era with the words uttered by one of its most iconic statesmen:

"Now the trumpet summons us again, not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are - but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle"
- John F. Kennedy

* Heavy duty 9 x 12 x 2 inch box
* Mounted map with revised graphics
* Two double-thick counter sheets with 228 counters
* Deck of 110 event cards (increased from 104)
* Revised rules and player aid cards
* Two six-sided dice

Game Features:
TIME SCALE approx. 3-5 years per turn
MAP SCALE Point-to-point system
UNIT SCALE Influence markers

      heti saatavilla
84.50 €
7 Wonders: Duel -Pantheon (suomeksi)
7 Wonders: Duel -Pantheon (suomeksi)

7 Wonders - Duel on erityisesti kahdelle pelaajalle suunniteltu versio suuren suosion saavuttaneesta 7 Wonders lautapelistä. Pelissä käytetään osittain 7 Wonders lautapelistä tuttuja elementtejä, mutta peli on kuitenkin täysin itsenäinen vain kahdelle pelaajalle kehitetty peli.

7 Wonders Duel: Pantheon on pelin lisäosa, joka tuo peliin muinaisten kansojen jumalat! Käytä jumalten voimia pelin manipuloimiseen.

Vaatii 7 Wonders Duel perusversion.

Enki! Isis! Minerva! Tanit! Zeus! Add a divine element to your games of 7 Wonders: Duel with the Pantheon expansion!

In the award-winning card game 7 Wonders Duel, you compete against another player to build the greatest city of the ancient Mediterranean world by constructing a variety of temples, taverns, workshops, schools, and stables. These great citites are also are home to incredible Wonders: the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Great Pyramid of Giza, the Colossus at Rhodes, and more. Any city you build combines the best of Greece, Egypt, Phoenicia, Rome, and Persia, all built out of stone, wood, glass, and papyrus. People pack your city's streets, houses, and theatres, but the divine element that was so pervasive in those civilizations has been missing from the game. Until now.

7 Wonders Duel: Pantheon brings the gods of the ancient world into 7 Wonders Duel. You can now seek the favor of deities from five different ancient cultures and bring them together to watch over your city. You might even build your patron gods and goddesses lavish temples to dwell in, or dedicate to them one of the expansion’s two new Wonders.

Divine Natures
Ancient Greeks and Romans believed that in order to receive a divine blessing, you had to give the god something in return, some sort of offering or vow. So it goes with the Pantheon expansion: if you want a god’s favor, you have to make an offering. During Age I, you collect Mythology tokens, which allow you to choose which deities have a place in the Pantheon, and Offering tokens, which help you court those deities’ attention. Then, in Ages II and III, you can activate a god or goddess in the Pantheon instead of taking a card from the structure. To do so, you pay whatever that god or goddess demands from you in offerings and place him or her next to your city.

With Isis on your side, you can use a card from the discard pile to construct one of your Wonders for free. Zeus, whose nod determines what happens and what does not, enables you to discard any single card from the structure that you want, as well as any Mythology or Offering tokens on it. The Phoenician goddess Tanit, whose people were renowned for trade, fills your coffers with twelve pieces of gold. Enki, the Sumerian god of crafts, technology, and creation, lets you choose one of two progress tokens. Minerva’s ability to keep the conflict pawn from entering your territory may not instantly bring you victory, but it can save you from military defeat.

Ritual Spaces
Age III introduces another aspect of ancient religion: the ritual space. When playing with Pantheon, instead of incorporating three Guilds into the card structure, you add in three Grand Temples. Each Grand Temple belongs to a different Mediterranean culture. If you have the favor of a god or goddess from that culture, you can build the temple for free. For example, having Isis by your side enables you to build the Egyptian temple; with Enki, you can build the Mesopotamian one.

A single Grand Temple is worth five victory points, but two together are worth twelve, and if you can manage to build three in your city, you’ll earn twenty-one victory points for them. This echoes the polytheism common across the ancient Mediterranean, where many cultures borrowed deities from each other. Isis became popular in Imperial Rome, Aphrodite is very similar to Ishtar and Astarte, Minerva is in many ways a Roman version of the Greek Athena. Moreover, focusing too much on one god and neglecting the others was thought to lead to trouble. In Pantheon, therefore, activating multiple gods and creating a city full of Grand Temples to them is among the best ways to achieve victory.

Create Your Pantheon
From the time it was founded in the third century BCE, Alexandria’s people worshipped Egyptian, Roman, and Greek gods. A native of that legendary city might even visit a Greek temple one day, then an Egyptian shrine the next. Roman soldiers in Greece and the Near East worshipped the native gods of the area they occupied alongside their own gods. As you choose and activate gods in Pantheon, you’ll be emulating these syncretic religious traditions and echoing the history of the ancient Mediterranean, where numerous cultures came together and combined to form something truly great.

• A must-have expansion for the award-winning card game 7 Wonders Duel
• Enables players to recruit patron gods and goddesses for their cities
• Introduces Grand Temples which transform gameplay in Age III
• Draws upon ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Phoenician, and Babylonian religions
• Features two new Wonders

* One Pantheon board
* Fifteen Divinity cards, five grand temple cards, and one Gate card
* Two Wonder cards
* Seventeen tokens
* One Minerva pawn
* One Score notepad
* One Rulebook
* One Game Aid

Säännöt suomeksi, ruotsiksi, norjaksi ja tanskaksi.

      heti saatavilla
20.10 €
Battle Line: Alexander the Great
Battle Line: Alexander the Great

Ancient Battles were fought in organized formations. The leaders of both sides directed their forces along the battle line to gain tactical advantage in order to overwhelm their opponent in the center, breakthrough one of his flanks, or hold their position until the time came for a decisive move. How will you muster your battle line? Your objective is to create powerful formations on your side of the nine Flags, in order to beat the formations on your opponent's side of the respective Flags. The first player to win three adjacent Flags (a Breakthrough) or any five Flags (an Envelopment) achieves victory. Based on Reiner Knizia's original design published in Germany as Schotten-Totten, Battle Line enhances and expands the game system to give players more tactical options and fun.

Game Components
CARDS 60 full-color Troop cards and 10 Tactics cards
* 9 Flags (plastic pieces)
* 4-page Rule Book

Game Features
Battle Line is a two-player card game built around the theme of warfare during the age of Alexander the Great. Battle Line features 60 full-color Rodger MacGowan/Mark Simonitch cards depicting the prominent formations of the period (War Elephants, Heavy Cavalry, Phalanx, etc.) and 10 full-color tactics "wildcards" that give players extra flexibility and choices and help make each new battle wildly different from the last.

Battle Line takes about 30 minutes to play. To win, you must create powerful formations along your side of the line of battle that are superior to those of your enemy. Victory goes to the player who wins 5 of the 9 battle flags (an envelopment) or three adjacent flags (a breakthrough). Based on Reiner Knizia's original design published in Germany as Shotten-Totten, Battle Line enhances and expands that game system to give players even more tactical options and gut-wrenching decisions.

How will you muster your battle line? Will you use your elephants to trample a hole in the enemy front, or send Alexander to the front to win a critical flag? Maybe you'll dispatch the Companion cavalry to lead or reinforce a crucial point in the line, or perhaps you"ll rely on your spies to determine the enemy"s strengths and weaknesses before committing your best forces. You'll always have plenty of choices. With every card play, you'll determine the strength and direction of your attack while plotting to fend off your enemy's advances.

In Battle Line, you and your opponent lead the combined arms of the greatest u

2 Players
30 Min
Age: 12+

      heti saatavilla
28.60 €
Battle Line: Medieval
Battle Line: Medieval

Now in it's 8th GMT Printing, designer Reiner Knizia's Battle Line is our #2 All-time best-selling game! This new re-themed version of Battle Line is a two-player strategy card game built around the theme of Medieval warfare. This re-themed version of Battle Line features 60 beautiful new cards by illustrator Roland MacDonald, as well as 10 full-color tactics "wildcards" that give players extra flexibility and choices and help make each new battle wildly different from the last.

Battle Line takes about 30 minutes to play. To win, you must create powerful formations along your side of the line of battle that are superior to those of your enemy. Victory goes to the player who wins 5 of the 9 battle flags (an envelopment) or three adjacent flags (a breakthrough). Based on Reiner Knizia's original design published in Germany as Shotten-Totten, Battle Line enhances and expands that game system to give players even more tactical options and gut-wrenching decisions.

Battle Line places you in command of your army's strategies. How will you muster your formations? Will you use your powerful KingsGuard to vanquish your enemy, or perhaps send the King of England or France to the front to win a critical flag? Or perhaps you"ll rely on your spies to determine the enemy"s strengths and weaknesses before committing your best forces. You'll always have plenty of choices. With every card play, you'll determine the strength and direction of your attack while plotting to fend off your enemy's advances.

In Battle Line, you and your opponent lead the combined arms of the greatest units of the era. Will you, like the great Kings of yore, reign supreme? Play Battle Line, and find out.

Designer: Reiner Knizia

2 Players
30 Min
Age: 12+

      heti saatavilla
31.20 €
British Way: Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire
British Way: Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire

The British Way: Counterinsurgency at the End of Empire is the first of several COIN multipacks, containing four separate games exploring a series of thematically related insurgencies.

Between 1945 and 1960, the British fought four major “emergencies,” as they referred to their counterinsurgency campaigns, each trying to manage their retreat from empire. The four games in this pack focus on exploring British counterinsurgent responses to a variety of different opponents, including communist insurgents in Malaya, militant nationalists in Kenya, and smaller and more clandestine terrorist organizations in Palestine and Cyprus. The games adjust the core COIN mechanics to provide a compelling new way of handling two-player conflicts, while also streamlining several mechanics to quicken gameplay. The British Way offers an approachable introduction to the COIN series for new players, while presenting experienced players with four mechanically distinct games to explore and compare.

* Four full games in one box: Explore four different conflicts set during the twilight of the British Empire in the 1940s and 1950s. Each game uses a unique ruleset building on the same general mechanical structure, ensuring that they are easy to pick up while still offering a distinctive experience.
* A new adaptation of the classic COIN system: Improved two-player sequence of play and a versatile Political Will track for determining victory.
* Unique mechanisms reflecting the British approach to each conflict: New Villages in Malaya, the ‘Pipeline’ in Kenya, Curfews in Cyprus, and Mass Detention in Palestine.
* Small board footprint with quick-but-deep gameplay: Each game plays in under 90 minutes and takes place on a single 17x22” board.
* An “End of Empire” Campaign: A campaign scenario allowing players to play the four games in a linked series with a cumulative scoring system, random ‘external’ events relating to British decolonization, and new mechanics to integrate each game into the campaign.

The British Emergency in Malaya (1948-1960) is viewed by some as the classic case of a successful counterinsurgency campaign, fought against an insurgency led by the Malayan Communist Party. The Malayan Emergency significantly influenced counterinsurgency theory and would become a model case, later appealed to by commanders in conflicts ranging from Vietnam to the present. The British Way: Malaya is the perfect introduction for players new to the COIN series, offering a shorter two-player game experience that will give players some familiarity with Government and Insurgent factions in other modern COIN volumes, such as Cuba Libre or A Distant Plain. For experienced players, it also serves as a good introduction to the new core mechanics in The British Way by offering Factions and Operations that will be familiar from previous COIN volumes but with several new systems, such as the Political Will track, streamlined Sequence of Play, and a shifting British Commander Capability.

The British Emergency in Kenya (1952-1960), fought against the Mau Mau insurgents, dramatically departed from the strategy modeled in many of the modern COIN volumes, with a heavy focus on coercion rather than winning ‘hearts and minds.’ In game terms, this means a shift away from building ‘Support’ towards new mechanics modeling various forms of repression used by the British in Kenya. However, their use of repression can have political consequences back in Britain, represented as a potential penalty to Political Will—as one British official noted, “If we sin, we must sin quietly.” The British player must balance this core tradeoff, while the Mau Mau player must mobilize the Kikuyu population and expand their revolt to survive the overwhelming British response. The British Way: Kenya depicts a dramatically asymmetrical conflict where an extremely poorly equipped insurgency must utilize clever (and in some cases brutal) tactics to try and ride out an overwhelmingly powerful, often unconstrained, and increasingly criticized counterinsurgency campaign.

Cyprus and Palestine: New Counter-Terrorism Mechanics
The next two conflicts in the pack depart more significantly from core COIN concepts because Britain’s two opponents in Cyprus and Palestine operated as smaller clandestine terrorist cells rather than the larger insurgencies depicted in Malaya and Kenya. Instead, new “counter-terrorism” tactics are modeled, such as Curfews, Intelligence, Arms Caches, and a more detailed Sabotage and Terror system. These two games offer a fresh approach to a different kind of conflict and provide an even quicker play experience for two-player COIN duels.

The British Emergency in Cyprus (1955-1959) was conducted under the shadow of international opinion and increasing pressure from the international community to respect human rights. As the British player tries to balance locking down the population while managing international pressure, the EOKA player will launch sabotage attacks in towns across the island while building their organization in the mountains. The British Way: Cyprus is probably the simplest of the four games in the pack, although the new counter-terrorism mechanics it introduces are significantly different from anything that has appeared in previous COIN volumes.

Likewise, during the Palestine campaign (1945-1947), the British player will be faced with the Jewish resistance groups Irgun and Lehi launching sabotage and terrorist attacks across Mandatory Palestine, while risking criticism from the US and other international observers if their response is too heavy-handed. The British Way: Palestine further develops the new counter-terrorism mechanics introduced in Cyprus, while also including unique game systems to model the British use of the blunt tool of Mass Detention, the shifting cooperation of Haganah (the Jewish Agency’s armed wing), and high-profile terrorist attacks such as the King David Hotel bombing.

A Note on “The British Way” of Counterinsurgency:
The historical simulations included in The British Way are designed to depict the full array of strategies used by the British during these conflicts, ranging from the more benevolent provision of material benefits through pacification programs to the horrific measures used to gain control over the local population. Many myths have arisen about an ‘enlightened’ British approach to counterinsurgency that emphasized the use of minimum force and focused on winning the population’s “hearts and minds,” compared with the supposedly more violent approaches taken by the United States in Vietnam or by France in Algeria. However, new scholarship on these conflicts has confirmed the brutality of the methods commonly used by the British in their counterinsurgency campaigns. As summarized by the historian Hew Strachan, these conflicts were often decided by “the firm smack of government,” not the popular winning of hearts and minds. This multipack is intended to help synthesize and present these crucial developments in our understanding of British counterinsurgency, even if that means the simulations depicted are at times more thought-provoking than fun. The designer’s main goal is that players find these games informative about what happened during each conflict and why, and that the gameplay leaves them wanting to learn more. Each game will come with a detailed Background booklet describing the events depicted and listing additional sources, while the combined Playbook will include comparative essays discussing British counterinsurgency across the four games and how it is depicted in conflict simulations.

Game components
* Two double-sided 17x22” mounted game boards
* 4 Game Event Decks and 1 Campaign Event Deck
* 54 Wooden Pieces
* 8 Pawns
* One full-color counter sheet
* Eleven double-sided player aids
* Two 6-sided dice
* 4 Combined Rule/Background Booklets
* 1 Combined Playbook/Campaign Guide

Number of players: 2

GAME DESIGN: Stephen Rangazas
DEVELOPER: Joe Dewhurst

      heti saatavilla
102.70 €

Hakusivu: 1 2 3 8 12 13 14
