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Goblonia RPG
Goblonia RPG

Be a Goblin! Build Your Crew! SMASH the Faetriarchy! Goblonia is a story-focused role-playing game about the hijinks of modern-day goblins pushing back against the rotten, evil Faetriarchy. Set in a ramshackle city, against the backdrop of an absurd war, this is a game of secret rebellion, chaotic missions, underhanded exploits, risky ventures, and random explosions. Nobody actually expects you to save the day... Your stories are destined to jump off the rails, burst into flames, and crash face first into the gutter. So buckle up and embrace the mayhem! Plot your plots, scheme your schemes, bribe your friends, thwart your enemies, skulk past spriggans, tangle with trolls, hound the hobgoblins, and stick it to Titania every chance you get! Your “adventures” in Goblonia might take the form of: * Stealing important stuff from the Fair Folk or their lackeys (supplies, information, weapons, shiny things that you just really wanted for your own, etc.) * Disrupting efforts to enforce law and order (aka servitude) upon the masses. * Plotting to gain influence, uncover secret factions, and forge unsteady alliances. * Avoiding harassment and arrest by the "authorities” while freeing political prisoners (or enslaved humans) * Venturing into the Shadows on clandestine missions or suicidal treasure hunts. This stand-alone game contains: * Complete rules for playing and running the game * Seven goblin playbooks (plus two optional ones) * Step-by-step guidelines for creating goblin characters * A unique, card-based resolution system (each player needs 1 poker deck) * Full details about the city of Goblonia and its inhabitants * Loads of NPCs, plenty of monsters, and two starting missions 220+ B&W pages

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60.00 €

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