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Ascension Deckbuilding Game
Ascension Deckbuilding Game

Get Ready to Ascend! Ascension is a fast-paced deckbuilding game that’s quick to learn, easy to setup, and packed with endless hours of replay value! Our goal with Ascension was to make a game that we would bring out again and again for our own game nights. With an all-star team working on design and development, including Magic Pro Tour Champions Justin Gary, Rob Dougherty, and Brian Kibler, and John Fiorillo, we’ve spent the better part of a year making a game that will appeal to fans of the board games, trading card games, and non-gamers alike. The game revolves around the Center Deck that contains Heroes, Constructs, and Monsters. Players take turn recruiting Heroes or Constructs for their decks, or defeating Monsters for the Honor and other bonuses. At the beginning of the game, six cards are placed in the Center Row face up. Whenever a card leaves the Center Row, it is immediately replaced with a card from the Center Deck. Players also have access to two Heroes, Mystics and Heavy Infantry, that they can recruit during their turn as well. Lastly, players may spend 2 Power at any time to defeat a Cultist, which will grant them 1 Honor. Heroes and Constructs offer resources and special effects to aid you during the game. Constructs are different from Heroes in that they will stay in play turn after turn, meaning that you can keep getting the effect of a Construct every turn for as long as it is in play. Monsters need to be defeated to be removed from the Center Row, but grant you a reward when you kill them. The game ends when there are no more Honor Tokens remaining (the number you start the game with is determined by how many players there are). Players count the number of Honor Tokens they have, and add it to the total Honor value of the cards in their deck (denoted by the star in the lower left corner). The player with the highest Honor count is the winner!

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38.70 €

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