
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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In the teachings of the Catholic Church, an indulgence was a way to absolve yourself of venial sin. In some cases, this might be by doing good works or engaging in meaningful prayer. But in the darkest of times, indulgences were sold to anyone willing to make a significant “contribution”. As the rising families of the Italian Renaissance conspired and plotted to seize control, the indulgence offered a clear conscience for many a questionable deed committed in the name of power. Indulgence is a trick-taking game for 3-4 players, featuring the stellar artwork of Chelsea Harper. On their turn, players choose an edict that gives the rule for the hand. The other players then decide if they want to violate the edict by doing the opposite of what it commands. So, “Don’t take any Medicis” suddenly becomes “I must take all the Medicis”. Committing a sin can be challenging, but a player attempting it gets the benefit of the indulgence, a large token that turns one of their cards into a winning hand. Can you trick your opponents into committing sins without the indulgence? Can you avoid sinning yourself? Whoever can pull that off will end up with a pile of florins and the title of victor. In 1981, Milton Bradley published Dragonmaster, designed by Jerry D’Arcey. It was itself a reimagining of D’Arcey’s prior game, Coup d’Etat, and its classic progenitor, Barbu. Dragonmaster enjoyed lavish production, with oversized cards, art by the incomparable Bob Pepper, and some nifty interlocking gems for keeping score. (Mike Gray tells us the interlocking gems were designed to avoid losing bits if you were playing around a campfire.) In approaching this restoration, we decided first to retheme. The field of fantasy card games has gotten a bit crowded over the years. So we decided to go with the Italian Renaissance, which offered intrigue and a whole deck’s worth of colorful characters. We knew we had to keep up the standards for the components. So, while we don’t expect people to play around a campfire much these days, the custom metal coins offer just the right heft and feel oh so nice as you’re stacking your spoils. We scouted for a top-notch artist and kept the tarot-sized cards to show it off. Finally, we had to even out the game play. The original game suffered from a runaway leader problem, where an early power play with the dragon card all but assured one player’s elimination from contention and gave the other a big leg up. We tweaked the dragon card—now the Indulgence token—to make it more accessible, less powerful, and easier to understand. Since the variable contracts were such a big part of the fun, we decided to ramp that up with even more options and a more interesting method of meting them out, adding another layer of strategy. Finally, we upped the deck to 36 cards to increase strategic depth and even out the hands between 3- and 4-player games. * Restored from 1981's Dragonmaster. * Traditional trick-taking tweaked by variable contracts and a shoot-the-moon option. * DeLuxe components, including tarot-sized cards, thick coins, crystal gems, and a ring. * Beginner and advanced play modes for casual or cutthroat players. * Gorgeous art by newcomer Chelsea Harper. 3–4 Players 40–60 Min Age: 14+

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26.00 €
Stop Thief! 2nd Edition
Stop Thief! 2nd Edition

New for the second edition: * All four play modes fully incorporated into the game: competitive, cooperative, 1-vs-all, and solo. * Updated app with an enhanced thief AI and improved usability. * A separate set of thieves with unique effects for cooperative play. * A new special ability for the green investigator. * New cover art by lead artist Roland MacDonald An alert pops up on your smartphone: A crime has just been committed! Grab your investigator’s license and your keen powers of deduction and hunt down the suspect. But watch out, because you’re not the only private eye on the hunt, and only one of you can slap the cuffs on the suspect and claim the reward. Get enough reward money, and you can finally leave this rat race behind and retire to a sunny tropical beach in the Caribbean. Stop Thief is a family game of logical deduction for 2-4 players (1-5 players with various play modes). An invisible suspect commits a crime. Only the sounds they make will give them away. Listen to the clues and figure out where they are hiding. Play cards from your unique deck to mover around the board, sneak through a window, or even get a private tip. Once you have the suspect pinned down, swoop in and make the arrest. Stop Thief was designed by Dr. Robert Doyle and published by Parker Brothers in 1979. Dr. Doyle was an honest-to-goodness rocket scientist. He left NASA to design electronic games and toys, like Code Name: Sector and Electronic Battleship. He is perhaps best known for the groundbreaking Merlin, one of the first handheld electronic game systems, which featured multiple games in one device, variable difficulty levels, and the ability to save games—all in 1979! His influence can be seen today in the recent spate of games merging electronics and tabletop play. But the most fun of all his designs remains Stop Thief. The obvious first step in our restoration was taking the electronic device and turning it into an app. Doing that allows us to get better sound quality and a more dynamic platform for different modes of play. Next step was ditching the roll and move mechanic and, in general, stripping out some of the luck and adding in a healthy dose of strategy. By replacing the dice for decks of movement cards, it also let us make the decks asymmetrical, which increases the fun and replayability. We also added game effects to the suspect cards to further spice things up. Finally, we gave the whole thing a fresh coat of paint with more current art and design. 2–4 Players 30–60 Min Age: 10+

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45.50 €
Thunder Road: Vendetta
Thunder Road: Vendetta

Rules. Cars, kills, and chrome! In 1986, Thunder Road hit the table, unleashing a cavalcade of carnage unlike anything the game world has seen since. We’re thrilled to be bringing back Jim Keifer’s classic in all its dusty, blood-spattered glory — now with a thorough tune-up from designers David Chalker and Brett Myers and a fresh coat of paint from artist Marie Bergeron. Start your engines... if you dare! Thunder Road: Vendetta is a revved-up restoration of the classic 1986 game of mayhem on the asphalt. Grab your crew, roll your dice, race your cars, shoot your guns, and try not to get wrecked. THUNDER ROAD VENDETTA is a game of fast turns, high interaction, and dicey decisions. Your crew will drive through perilous roads, dodge hazards, slam into other cars, and fire those guns. Or, when all else fails, CALL IN THE CHOPPER! You control a crew of three cars: LARGE, MEDIUM, and SMALL. At the start of the round, players roll all four of their movement dice. On your turn, assign a die to one of your cars. Once, during the round, you can also assign a die to your command board. Move your car the number on your movement die. Add the road die if you stay on the road. But watch out for obstacles. If you end your move with a car in your sights, make a shooting attack to see if you hit. If your car takes damage, place a token on the dashboard and resolve any effect. If a car takes two damage, it become inoperable. When two cars share a space, roll the slam die and the direction die to see who moves. If your car is larger, you can call for a reroll. Use your commands to Nitro, Drift, Repair ... or call in the CHOPPER! When someone drives off the lead road tile, drop the rear tile, slide them down, and place a new one. Any cars on the rear tile just got eliminated! This new version features exciting new additions, including random hazard tokens, such as wrecks, oil slicks, and more. Damage isn't merely one and done. Now, you'll draw damage tokens with exciting effects that can send your car careening across the board. You'll also have more choices on your turn, assigning one of your dice to your command board to repair damage, nitro boost, or send out your attack copter to fire away. 2–4 Players 45–75 Min Age: 10+

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72.00 €

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