
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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Armata Strigoi
Armata Strigoi

The eternal struggle between vampires and werewolves is coming to an end. The last Vampire Master and his Apprentice, Strigoi from Wallachia, are dwelling in the ancient fortress of Tismana: a stronghold haunted by evil undead creatures. Nevertheless, the POWERWOLF — sons of the Legends of the Night and the Armenia Savage Army — the defenders of the "Real Truth", prepare for a last frantic assault knowing there are no alternatives to victory! Armata Strigoi is a game in which the Powerwolf win or lose as a team, but each player makes their own decisions about their actions and movements. Each player represents one of the Powerwolf heroes which assault the Strigoi’s fortress as a single pack. In order to win they have to defeat both Vampires. However, the two foes are initially invulnerable and their vitality is intrinsically linked to their dwelling fortress, thus, upon the demise of the first vampire the whole structure will start to crumble and collapse on itself, making the victory a race against time! The Powerwolf act collectively, but a pack of werewolves during a furious assault is not known to be a highly organized band that can devise and set up high-profile strategies and tactics. Hence, the players are forbidden from sharing details about their cards, though they can talk to each other, propose joint actions, or heal a comrade. Victory is achieved by defeating both Strigoi. To make them vulnerable, the Powerwolf must first collect Blood Points by decimating the fellow Creatures of the Night who haunt the fortress. During their quest, they can also collect weapons and magical artifacts. If one Strigoi perishes, the other immediately turns into a Supreme Master Vampire, making them even more lethal. At the same time, the fortress starts to crumble and collapse room by room. If both Strigoi are defeated, the Powerwolf pack wins the game. It is not an easy task, but let the hunt begin! 2-5 Players 60-90 Min Age: 14+

      heti saatavilla
78.00 €

The bonfires are sources of light, energy and warmth created by the guardians of light in order to brighten the cities on the otherwise dark planet. The residents of the cities however, took the bonfires for granted and exploited them for their personal gain. Disappointed the guardians of light retreated and let the bonfires extinguish. The citizens could no longer live in the now dark cities and were forced to leave. You are a group of gnomes living close to the cities and you also need and the light of the bonfires. Missing it now, you try yourself to visit the cities and learn how to ignite the bonfires once again: You must visit the guardians of light on their holy islands and ask for tasks to prove your good will. For each completed task, they will re-ignite one extinguished bonfire. Whoever manages to earn the greatest trust from the guardians and manages to brighten their city the most will win the game. The engine for the game are the three-coloured tiles you will be puzzling onto your player board. When you manage to place the same colours adjacent to one another, you will receive more action tiles of that specific kind. This will allow you to specialize in certain types of actions and pursue different strategies. You can use the tiles to perform the following actions: * Move your ship to an island * Receive a task from an island by spending two resources * Invite a guardian of light into your city * Trigger a procession of guardians through your city and gain resources. * Add a landscape tile to your city (this is where the processions take place) * Recruit a gnome gaining a special ability or victory points * Find support by the last bonfire, gaining portals, resources or action tiles You will play in turn order until a fixed number of tasks has been solved, after which each player has 5 more turns. During final scoring, you will receive points for your completed tasks (the bonfires) and any improvements made there (portals, landscapes or guardians). 1-4 Players 70-100 Min Age: 12+

  !   tilattava tuote
66.20 €

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