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Processing: A Game of Serving Humanity
Processing: A Game of Serving Humanity

Säännöt valmistajan sivuilta. Aliens have conquered Earth, but that's not the worst of it. As a survivor, you've been enslaved to figure out who gets "Processed," "Probed," and "Freed." There's one more wrinkle: the aliens think cows are people too. Processing is a social game of terrible democracy. A conveyor belt of cows and hipsters will be marching towards their fate and you must decide which get "Processed" into meat, "Probed" for science, or "Freed" to live under alien rule. The Confederated Alien Overlords (CAO) demand you work to appease them all, but since they all want different things that will be tough. There are three rounds and you'll have to pick a different Alien agenda each round. The game is easy to learn, but hard to win requiring strategy, negotiation, and planning to survive working for our Alien Conquerors. Game Play Overview Processing is a social game. Game mechanics are easy to learn and allow players to interact with each other without slowing play. During each player’s turn, they may only do one thing: place a vote taken on an empty space. After each player votes six times, you score. Though the mechanics are easy, winning is not. Every action benefits or harms the other players. Plus, you have limited resources. Social deduction is helpful. Creating a consensus with the other players which benefits you MOST is key. Cheer: “Meat! Meat! Meat!” Barter: “I’d gladly pay you next turn for a hipster burger today.” Plead: “Please please please.” Do what you can to get the table on board with your agenda. 3–6 Players 30 Min Age: 13+

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36.00 €

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