
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

Haun tulokset 1 - 22 / 22


The game tells the tale of the majestic era of global discovery from 1492 (with the discoveries of Christopher Columbus) up to 1797 (the colonization of Tahiti). Each player is an explorer commissioned by a European nation who will, with the help of his team, explore, colonize and exploit the archipelagos. These colonial vanguards will be expected to carry themselves with diplomacy, meeting the needs of the locals while reaping the fruits of the New World. They must respect the archipelagos and their indigenous peoples because otherwise, the natives will revolt – and this could lead to a war of independence. The boundaries between expansionism and humanism, between economy and respect for local values, between knowledge and industrialization, are not always obvious. The final balance of the archipelago depends on the will of the explorers, who will choose to make these island colonies happy and productive, or outrageously exploit the resources and drive the natives to chaos and rebellion. Additional care must be taken, for hiding among the players may be a separatist and a pacifist, both of whom will try to tip the scales toward either revolt or peace. You must be prepared to take on this task and explore the islands. Archipelago is a semi-cooperative game that is rich in possibilities. Its extreme modularity ensures that you will always see a different game, simulating many likely scenarios of colonization. It combines exploration, resource management, optimization, cooperation, strategy, negotiation, corruption, trade, suspicion, alliances and betrayals, and even a dash of investigation. Built for 2 to 5 players, it also breaks new ground by allowing you to choose the duration of your game – from 30 minutes to 5 hours! You can enjoy a short family game or long nights of exciting adventures, whichever you decide. The box contains: * 1 action wheel * 30 secret objective cards * 15 trend cards * 48 evolution cards * 25 hexagons * 135 gold pieces * 82 resource cubes * 1 evolution track * 1 interior market * 1 exterior market * 1 board of active and revolting citizens with corresponding meeples * 1 board of available workers with a gray meeple * 5 sets of wooden tokens of 5 different colors * 4 ships * 10 citizens * 5 action tokens * 1 game order token * 13 market/port tokens * 13 city/temple tokens * 24 explorer tokens * 5 screens/game aids * 2 summary of objective cards sheets * 1 rulebook * Modular game with vast possibilities. * A semi-cooperative game by Christophe Boelinger (Dungeon Twister, Earth Reborn). * The possibility of choosing the length of your game - from 30 minutes to 5 hours.

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86.40 €

Katso pelin esittely Youtubesta. Säännöt valmistajan sivuilta. What story will your picture tell? Dixit is the classic, simple, lighthearted game of storytelling and guesswork where your imagination unlocks the tale. Winner of the prestigious Spiel des Jahres award, Dixit invites you to use the gorgous, imaginative artwork on the cards to tell brief stories. Each round, one player selects a card from his or her hand, thinks up a sentence, and plays the card facedown, telling the others the sentence conjured by the card. The other players all choose cards that they think match that sentence and play them facedown. The cards are shuffled and then revealed. Players secretly vote for the card that best matches the narrator's story, and player whose cards are chosen score a number of points. Of course, the real victory in Dixit is not in amassing points, but in sharing a creative experience with your family and friends. There is an old saying that every picture tells a story. Live the truth of that saying in the game Dixit, in which lovingly crafted pictures shape stories that you tell. Winner of the 2010 Spiel des Jahres award for Game of the Year, Dixit can be played with three to six players, and is suitable for adults and children, family and friends, and anyone with whom you share a common language. In this game of imagination and creative guesswork, players take turns playing the storyteller, telling a brief story based on a picture card. As the storyteller, you select a card from your hand, play it facedown, and speak a word, phrase, or sentence represented by the picture. The others play facedown the picture card from their own hand which best represents, to them, what you’ve said. The cards are shuffled and revealed, and each player votes for the image that they think inspired the storyteller’s brief tale. If all players correctly guess the storyteller’s card, everyone but the storyteller earns two points. If only a few players guess it, then they and the storyteller earn three points. In that case, every player, including the storyteller, earns a point per vote that their card received so that the most imaginative matches between pictures and words are rewarded no matter who made them. As storyteller, you don’t want to exactly describe the objects and creatures you see in these surreal, fantastical images. You want your words to convey more abstractly, or perhaps personally, what that image suggests, so that other players may be as creative with the cards they choose as you have been with your words. Most Rare Visions The cards you’ll find in Dixit all feature original art that depicts fantastical, dreamlike situations. No picture is meant to signify any single phrase or idea, but rather each one is meant to spark a multitude of thoughts, words, and stories. You will find certain meanings that are particular to you in the image of a woman playing cello that seems to be her body. Perhaps it conjures the memory of a concert you recently attended with another player. Or perhaps one of the other players also has black hair, a brown dress, and a quiet smile. Perhaps what draws you most to that card are the children climbing the bars of the music that stems from the cello. Seemingly simple images contain details that may signify any number of things. A burning candle, upon closer inspection, is not producing drops of white wax as you would suspect, but of red. It could be red wax, or even blood. The red might be the color of a car, or nail polish, the candle might bring up late nights spent writing, a winter night when the power went out, or the magic of a play that you saw. There are no right answers when playing Dixit. There is only your imagination. As Light As Tales Every aspect of Dixit is designed to be light-hearted, to encourage narrative and invention. The images on the cards are meant to inspire children and adults alike, to be jovial or serious. Players are represented by brightly-colored wooden rabbits who leap around the game board as you earn points. Since the journey is worth more than the outcome, the rabbits have no particular destination, and the game simply ends when all the cards have been played. What stories will you tell? Contains: * 84 cards featuring original artwork * One game board * Six wooden, rabbit-shaped player tokens * 36 voting tokens in six different colors * Rules 3 - 6 player(s) 30+ min Ages 8+

      loppu varastosta
31.80 €
Dixit: Journey (suomeksi + englanniksi)
Dixit: Journey (suomeksi + englanniksi)

Dixit Journey is the new version of the award-winning game of storytelling through imagination and clues where one picture is worth a thousand words. In this new version featuring a gallery of artistically designed cards that offer simple images for easy individual interpretation, younger players now have the chance to stretch their imaginations and incorporate their best vocabulary skills, all in the fun of creative play. The challenge is for the leader of the round to give a clue that is subtle enough to ensure that at least one player (but not all) will understand which card is his/hers and vote for that card. Points are scored in relation to the identification of the storyteller’s card. The players move their icons on the scoring track based on the number of points they earn each round. Although there are no changes in the overall game play of Dixit: Journey, it does contain a completely revised rulebook, a new game board that displays a simplified scoring track, six labeled sections along the outside for placing the face-down Dixit cards from players’ hands and a scoring reference area, where new players can quickly see how to mark their scores based on the outcome of their guesses. The latest edition of Dixit is a springboard for new players due to the revised rules and simplified game board. But long-time players of the game will enjoy expanding their current collection of Dixit cards as well. Dixit: Journey comes with around 80 new unique illustrations by a new artist Xavier Collette. 3-6 players Age 8+ Playtime: 30 minutes

      heti saatavilla
23.70 €

Hakusivu: 1

