
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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Book Of Ash 2: Carthage Ascendant
Book Of Ash 2: Carthage Ascendant

In a brutal age of bloodshed and miracles where dark sorcery has extinguished the sun, the fate of Western Europe, Africa--and perhaps all the world--rests in the hands of a warrior woman named Ash. The undefeated legions that are the army of Carthage rampage across the kingdoms of Europe. Beneath a sunless sky, Burgundy alone stands in the path of the Visigoth horde and their legendary slave general, the Faris. Deep in enemy territory lies a living stone idol of frightening power that must be destroyed if anyone is to survive, a being that whispers in Ash’s soul, that has guided her through every military campaign, that only she and her enemy--her twin--can hear. But there is an even greater evil that lurks at Carthage, one that created the stone idol and shaped Ash’s existence. It plots with deadly purpose the final annihilation that will wipe Burgundy from the face of the earth. For Burgundy lies at the heart of it all--the richest prize in Europe and the key to the world--the jewel of the Carthaginian campaign. In a brutal age of bloodshed and miracles where dark sorcery has extinguished the sun, the fate of Western Europe, Africa--and perhaps all the world--rests in the hands of a warrior woman named Ash. The undefeated legions that are the army of Carthage rampage across the kingdoms of Europe. Beneath a sunless sky, Burgundy alone stands in the path of the Visigoth horde and their legendary slave general, the Faris. Deep in enemy territory lies a living stone idol of frightening power that must be destroyed if anyone is to survive, a being that whispers in Ash’s soul, that has guided her through every military campaign, that only she and her enemy--her twin--can hear. But there is an even greater evil that lurks at Carthage, one that created the stone idol and shaped Ash’s existence. It plots with deadly purpose the final annihilation that will wipe Burgundy from the face of the earth. For Burgundy lies at the heart of it all--the richest prize in Europe and the key to the world--the jewel of the Carthaginian campaign. 432 p

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8.40 €
Crescent City Rhapsody
Crescent City Rhapsody

Kathleen Ann Goonan’s first novel, Queen City Jazz, propelled her into the front ranks of speculative fiction. Her lyrical and imaginative renderings of a near future transfigured by the wonders and dangers of nanotechnology provide readers tantalizing glimpses of scientific advances just beyond the cutting edge...and the unpredictable human consequences following in their wake. Now comes Goonan’s most ambitious, penetrating look yet into the exotic future already flowering around us--and perhaps within us. It begins with silence. A powerful electromagnetic pulse high in the atmosphere triggers a communications blackout, causing electronics and computers to fail the world over. In that moment of anachronistic quiet, a brilliant astronomer named Zeb Aberly, scouring the heavens with equipment of his own design, makes the discovery of a lifetime: the pulse originated in space--and it carried a message from an intelligent source. But Zeb is not alone. Shadowy forces within the government seek to decipher the message and to keep its existence secret at all costs. Fleeing for his life into the back streets and alleys of Washington, D.C., Zeb embarks on an odyssey that could cost him his family, his sanity, and everything he loves. And it begins with murder. In New Orleans, mob boss Marie Laveau--a descendant of the famous voodoo priestess--is brutally gunned down by nameless, faceless enemies. But Marie’s vast wealth has purchased the best life insurance of all: resurrection. Reborn by means of nanotechnology, Marie discovers that her husband and young daughter were also hit, their bodies too badly damaged to be repaired. Now she will stop at nothing to track down and punish those responsible. But her quest will lead beyond vengeance, into the very technology that saved her...and a conspiracy linked to the mysterious event now known as the Silence. Recurring at unpredictable intervals, the Silence renders electronic-based technology unreliable and dangerous. A substitution must be found before civilization collapses; breakthroughs in nanotech and advances in genetic engineering give hope of a new kind of communication in the future. But now, as babies born around the world in the months following the first Silence grow to adulthood, demonstrating uncanny physical and mental characteristics that bring suspicion and violence, nanotech plagues unleashed by ecoterrorists and fearful governments wreak havoc on an already panicked populace. The eye of the apocalyptic storm is a radically transformed New Orleans, where Marie Laveau works feverishly to build a safe haven for the hunted and oppressed, gathering the best and the brightest to build her utopia dream. But time is running out. With the military might of a new and repressive world order ranged against her, Marie’s only hope lies in the most dangerous piece of nanotechnology ever devised: A technology capable of saving the human race--or destroying it. 448 p

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9.00 €

Hugo Award winner.

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10.40 €

In our world, called the Verite, he is a Scottish laird, an engineer, and a master of virtual reality design. In the computer-generated universe of Virtu, created by the crash of the World Net, he is a living legend. Scientist and poet with a warrior''s soul, Donnerjack strides like a giant across the virtual landscape he helped to shape. And how he has bargained with Death himself for the return of love. The Lord of Entropy claimed Ayradyss, Donnerjack''s beloved dark-haired lady of Virtu, with no warning, leaving a hole in the Engineer''s heart. But Death offered to return her to him for a price: a palace of bones...and their first-born child. Since offspring have never before resulted from any union of the two worlds, Donnerjack accepts Death''s conditions - and leads his reborn lover far from the detritus and perpetual twilight of Deep Fields to his ancestral Scottish lands, hoping to build a sanctuary and a self for Ayradyss in the first world. But there is no escaping, because cataclysmic change is taking place in Virtu. A bizarre new religion is sweeping through this ever-shifting universe where the homely can be virtually beautiful, the lame can walk and the blind can see. Now it''s threatening to spill over into Verite. And its credo is a call for a different kind of order. For all the ancient myths still occupy Virtu. And the Great Gods on Mt. Meru are amassing great armies in anticipation of the time when a vast computer system attempts to take over the reality that constructed it. The House of Donnerjack, itself responsible for so much Virtuelle growth, is now responsible for preventing more - as John D''Arcy Donnerjack and Ayradyss, each in their own way, must guard and guide aprecious, impossible legacy from Death and after death. For the Engineer and his beloved Angel of the Forsaken Hope have produced their greatest creation, one coveted by the Lord of the Lost for some incomprehensible purpose; one that will play an integral part in the future moldi

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9.10 €

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