
Ruutunäkymän liikennevaloissa vihreä on heti saatavilla, punainen juuri nyt loppu varastosta, keltainen ei vielä ilmestynyt tai huutomerkin kera ei hyllyvalikoimaa, eli me tilaamme sitten, kun sinä olet tilannut meiltä. Saatavuusinfossa kerrotaan tarkemmin saatavuustiedoista.

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Hunted: Twilight of the U-Boats, 1943-1945
Hunted: Twilight of the U-Boats, 1943-1945

"No option but to fight on."
-Grossadmiral Karl Doenitz

the time is: 0800 hours, 3 July 1943
The Hunted is a solitaire tactical level game placing you in command of a German U-Boat during WWII. This is the long-anticipated sequel to the award-winning, multiple-print edition release The Hunters, and picks up the action where The Hunters left off. You command one of many U-Boat models available starting in 1943 and look to successfully complete U-Boat operations until the end of the war. Not only is this a standalone game, but fans of The Hunters will enjoy having the capability to easily combine both games to span all of WWII and experience the career of a U-Boat commander from 1939 until 1945.

While your mission is to destroy as much Allied shipping and as many Capital ships as possible, players will find it extremely challenging to "go the distance" and survive the entire war. The second half of the war has not been sugar coated; the brutal aspects facing U-boat commanders in the final phases of the war make surviving your attack difficult at best. True to history, your challenge is to accomplish what only a few could achieve — to make it to the conclusion, as happened historically.

The Hunted is purposely designed to deliver a brisk yet intensive gaming experience that forces many decisions upon you as you take command among the major German U-Boat models in service during WWII, and try to survive until the end of the war. All major U-Boat models are accounted for, with every level of detail, including period of service, armaments, crew make-up, damage capacity, and more. Fans of The Hunters will enjoy the same nail-biting game system, but fraught with many more challenges to withstand the advances the Allies have made in anti-submarine warfare. If you ultimately survive until 1945, you will surrender at port, having done your part on the front lines.

As U-Boat commander, you will be confronting many decisions during your patrol. To begin with, eleven German U-Boat models are profiled and available for you to choose from. Patrol zones reflect the period during the war at sea and will shift as the war progresses. All stages of the U-Boat campaign are represented; missions become increasingly more difficult as your adversary makes advances in anti-submarine warfare.

Conducting patrols are the heart of the system as you will be resolving encounters against individual ships, convoys, enemy submarines, and aircraft. Situations you face and decisions you make suddenly come in quick succession:

* Will you travel by Schnorkel with reduced visibility, or on the surface to spot more targets?
* How will you engage a convoy once spotted?
* Can you survive after attacking, and will your BOLD decoys work?
* How many torpedoes will you fire, and at what targets?
* Will you try to follow a convoy or ship to engage in additional rounds of combat?
* How will you slip away from escorts to avoid or minimize damage?
* What evasive maneuvers do you undertake?

The major German U-Boat models are represented and accurately profiled for the patrols you will undertake during the latter stages of the war:

* Type VIIC
* Type VIIC/41
* Type VIIC-Flak
* Type VIID
* Type IXC
* Type IXC/40
* Type IXD-2
* Type IXD/42
* Type XB
* Type XII (hypothetical)
* Type XIV
* Type XXI

Patrol Assignments include:
* Arctic
* Atlantic
* Australia
* Brazilian Coast
* British Isles
* Caribbean
* Indian Ocean
* Invasion (Atlantic)
* Mediterranean
* North America
* Norway
* West African Coast

The game delivers an historical narrative as 300+ ship targets are uniquely identified (including tonnage) with their historical counterparts that were sunk during the war, including freighters, tankers, and American ships.

Game System Highlights:
* 12 German U-Boat types represented
* 12 Patrol Assignments including anti-invasion patrol
* 300 named shipping targets, including 20 Capital ships
* Special Missions for Abwehr Agent Delivery, Supply Delivery, Replenish, and Minelaying
* Combat encounters with individual ships, ships with escort, convoys, enemy submarines, and aircraft
* Daytime and Night Engagement including Wolfpack patrols
* U-Boat Damage includes flooding, hull, torpedo doors, periscope, fuel tanks, crew injury (by crew type), engines, hydrophones, flak gun(s), deck gun, batteries, radio
* Crew Advancement, Commander Promotion including decorations up to the Knight's Cross and new awards including the Wound Badge, U-Boat Front Clasp, German Cross in Gold, and U-Boat War Badge
* Multi-player and Tournament Rule options (including Wolfpack Tournament)
* Evasive Maneuvers, Patrol Abort, Variable Escort Quality, Resupply at Sea, Gibraltar Passage, Reassignment to Newer U-Boat, Torpedo Duds, BOLD decoys, "Alberich" Anti-sonar coating, Schnorkel, NAXOS radar detector, Random Historical Events, and much, much more!

German technological advances abound in the second half of the war. Decoys, Schnorkels, homing torpedoes, FaT ladder search pattern torpedoes, and the Type XXI "Electroboot" have all given hope to the U-Boat crews. But balanced against these are Allied ASW advances — Hedgehog, Squid, Fido, and an ever-increasing air presence.

You were The Hunter, but now you are The Hunted. Can you bring your boat home in a tension-packed situation where every decision may be your last?

Game Components:
* One 1/2" full-color counter sheet
* One 3/4" wide full-color counter sheet
* Rules booklet with designer's notes
* Five player aid cards, 2-sided
* Six U-Boat Display Mats, 2-sided
* Two U-Boat Patrol Maps, 2-sided
* U-Boat Combat Mat
* Eight U-Boat Kommandant Cards
* U-Boat patrol logsheet
* Three 6-sided, two 10-sided dice, and one 20-sided die

Complexity: Low to Moderate
Average Playing Time: Two-Three Hours
Players: One (with options for more players)
Solitaire Suitability: Very High
Replayability: Very High

DESIGNER: Gregory M. Smith
EDITOR: Jack Beckman
ART DIRECTOR: Rodger B. MacGowan and RBM Studios
PRODUCER: John Kranz

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71.50 €
Imperial Struggle: The Global Rivalry -Britain & France, 1697-1789
Imperial Struggle: The Global Rivalry -Britain & France, 1697-1789

The Second Hundred Years' War

In 1697 the Sun King, Louis XIV, emerged from a decade of war with his Continental ambitions still unsatisfied. Meanwhile, King William III of England sat easier on his new throne than he ever had before. With the Spanish succession crisis unresolved and looming, there were no illusions that the new century would be a quiet one. But neither France nor England could have anticipated the tumult of the years to come: a Second Hundred Years’ War, during which these two tenacious adversaries would compete fiercely and proudly along every axis of human achievement. On battlefields from India to Canada to the Caribbean Sea their armies and fleets would clash; in the salons of Paris and the coffee-houses of London the modern world’s politics and economics would be born; and finally a revolution would rock the foundations of society – a revolution that could have ended not in blood and terror but in a triumph of democracy and liberty that might have transformed the world beyond imagining.

Imperial Struggle is a two-player game depicting the 18th-century rivalry between France and Britain. It begins in 1697, as the two realms wait warily for the King of Spain to name an heir, and ends in 1789, when a new order brought down the Bastille. The game is not merely about war: both France and Britain must build the foundations of colonial wealth, deal with the other nations of Europe, and compete for glory across the span of human endeavor.

Imperial Struggle covers almost 100 years of history and four major wars. Yet it remains a quick-playing, low-complexity game. It aims to honor its spiritual ancestor, Twilight Struggle, by pushing further in the direction of simple rules and playable systems, while maintaining global scope and historical sweep in the scope of a single evening. In peace turns, players build their economic interests and alliances, and take advantage of historical events represented by Event cards. They must choose their investments wisely, but also with an eye to denying these opportunities to their opponent. In war turns, each theater can bring great rewards of conquest and prestige… but territorial gains can disappear at the treaty table. At the end of the century, will the British rule an empire on which the sun never sets? Or will France light the way for the world, as the superpower of the Sun King’s dreams or the republic of Lafayette’s?

Imperial Struggle is a game about what historians call the “Second Hundred Years’ War.” It tries to capture the whole span of this global 18th-century rivalry between Britain and France. From the beginning of the game, the stakes couldn’t be higher: in the War of the Spanish Succession, France fights to become the world’s first global superpower by uniting its peerless army with Spain’s colonial wealth... all the way to the end, where the British struggle to maintain control over the vast North American territories.

There are two types of turns in Imperial Struggle: peace turns and war turns. Each peace turn, an array of Investment Tiles is laid out: each tile represents a diplomatic, military, or economic opportunity your government can exploit. Each tile shows the action points you’ll be able to spend when you choose it – but be careful – if there’s only one Diplomatic tile on view, it may be worth denying it to your opponent rather than taking an Economic or Military tile with a higher action point value. With Economic action points you’ll extend and develop your control over trade in essential commodities: furs, sugar, cotton, and spices; with Diplomatic ones, you’ll negotiate understandings with other European countries and native groups; and with Military points you’ll decide the extent of your military preparations for the inevitable wars to come and fortify your colonial holdings against unrest. With all three, you’ll have the chance to take the lead from your opponent in areas of competition like taxation, industry, and scholarship. And, like your historical counterparts, you’ll have to keep a close eye on the massive debt that can accumulate as a result of your ambitions.

You’ll also hold Event cards which can be used for a minor benefit regardless of your board position, but which can yield much larger gains if you’ve planned ahead for them. Event cards can only be played alongside an investment tile of matching type. Taking a leaf from Volko Ruhnke’s COIN system, most Events have two versions: pro-French and pro-British. Thus events that went one way historically can break to the other side’s advantage in any given game.

During war turns you compare your carefully assembled military strength in each of the war’s theaters to your opponent’s. This strength comes not just from troops but from alliances, naval superiority, and espionage. Only during wars can you take territory from your opponent, so they present a unique opportunity to strengthen your nation. Each of the major wars of the period is individually represented. The stakes in each theater and war vary as they did historically, and legendary historical figures like the Duke of Marlborough or the Marquis de Lafayette can leave their mark on the game as they did in history.

Imperial Struggle is a low-complexity game that can be finished by experienced players in a short evening. It is not a card-driven game in the sense that cards do not determine the entire scope of player actions each turn; rather, players must combine the Investment Tiles, accessible to each of them, with the Events, which are secretly held. Additionally, Imperial Struggle has no die rolling. The randomness in the game comes from three sources: the Investment Tile deal each peace turn, the initial military strength in each theater of war, and each player’s Event draws.

As France, will you forge a French Raj and dominate eastern trade? As Britain, will you retain control of the American colonies? Will the French Revolution fulfill its promise as the ultimate realization of the Enlightenment, eclipsing the American one in importance and impact? Will Britain dominate trade and industry on the sails of the Royal Navy? How will your Imperial Struggle unfold?

* One mounted gameboard
* One rulebook
* One playbook
* Two playmats
* One Investment Tile Display
* Two double-sided War Displays
* Two double-sided Player Aids
* Four countersheets
* 41 Event cards
* 26 Ministry cards

DESIGNER Ananda Gupta & Jason Matthews
MAP, CARD, & COUNTER ART Terry Leeds & Mark Simonitch
PRODUCERS Gene Billingsley, Tony Curtis, Andy Lewis, Rodger MacGowan, Mark Simonitch

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76.70 €
Inferno: Guelphs and Ghibellines Vie for Tuscany 1259-1261
Inferno: Guelphs and Ghibellines Vie for Tuscany 1259-1261

You thirsted for blood, now drink your fill.

Tuscany, 1259. As wealth from crafts and foreign trade elevated northern Italy's urban families above the landed lords, rivalries within and among their cities hardened into conflict between two great parties. Ghibellines aligned with the Hohenstaufen imperial dynasty that ostensibly ruled Italy, while Guelphs backed rival imperial claimants and the greatest challenger to each Emperor's authority, the Pope. Should any faction gain advantage, others coalesced to resist.

The comuni (republics) of Firenze (Florence) and Siena dominated inland Tuscany at the head of these competing alliances. As Guelphs sealed their control of the populous Firenze, Ghibelline Siena turned to Hohenstaufen King Manfredi of Sicily for reinforcement. Local rebellions and reprisals escalated on each side, as political exiles stirred the pot. After Manfredi dispatched German knights to protect his loyal Tuscans, Firenze mustered its people and allies to march on Siena, which responded with its own great army. Pisa and Lucca, Lombardia and Orvieto joined in. Guelph and Ghibelline in September 1260 at last faced off en masse in the center of Tuscany, at Montaperti—the result, a bloody Florentine defeat. But when Ghibelline exiles returned as masters of Firenze, its Guelphs rallied to Lucca and Arezzo, portending an eternal conflagration.

Inferno—the third volume in Volko Ruhnke's Levy & Campaign Series—fires up the cauldron 13th-Century Tuscan warfare, factional conflict fueled by the gold florins and teeming populations of up-and-coming cities and well-to-do valleys. Expert Italian wargame designer Enrico Acerbi brings the age to life within Volko's accessible medieval-operation system. Gathering transport and provender may not be as much the challenge here as the sudden treachery of rebel towns and castles along key roads. Italy's plundering berrovieri horsemen, famed elite crossbowmen, and distinctive palvesari shield bearers are just a few of the unique inhabitants of this volume. Muster, mount up, and find out whose blood will make the Arbia run red!

* One 17x22 inch Mounted Map
* 175 Wooden pieces
* 108 Playing Cards
* Three full-color Countersheets
* 15 cardboard Lord and Battle mats
* One Lords sticker sheet
* Four Player Aid sheets
* Two Screens
* Rules Booklet
* Background Booklet
* Six 6-sided dice

TIME: 60 Days per turn
UNITS: 100-250 Horse or 500 Foot
MAP: Point-to-Point, 95 miles across


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123.50 €
Into the Woods: The Battle of Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862
Into the Woods: The Battle of Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862

Into the Woods: the Battle of Shiloh is the eighth installment of the Great Battles of the American Civil War (GBACW) series, published by GMT Games.

The Great Battles of the American Civil War Series:
This series is one of the hobby’s longest-lived design concepts, springing from the legendary regimental level Gettysburg game – Terrible Swift Sword (SPI) – designed by Richard Berg in 1976. Under GMT, the rules system has remained stable, but has shown remarkable flexibility to allow each game to smoothly incorporate additional rules to reflect the historical battles. The series relies on interactive chit-pull mechanics to simulate the often chaotic nature of the 19th Century battlefield at the regimental level.

The Game:
Into the Woods: the Battle of Shiloh includes ten scenarios. They range from division level contests on half sized maps to two-map battles depicting both the first and second day of the struggle. Experienced players will be able to play many of the scenarios in one sitting. The game reflects the Confederate surprise, the "greenness" of many units on both sides, as well as the unique role Albert Sidney Johnston played in the Confederate attack.

* 1120 counters
* Two 22” x 34” double-sided maps
* One GBACW series rules booklet
* One Battle booklet
* Two Activation and Turn Record charts
* Two Player Aid Cards
* Two Terrain Effects Charts
* Two 2nd Disorder Charts
* Two 10-sided dice (blue and grey)

TIME SCALE: Each Turn = 1 Hour
MAP SCALE: 110 Yards Per Hex with 20-Foot Elevations
UNIT SCALE: 50 Men or 1 Cannon per Strength Point

GAME DESIGNER: Richard Whitaker

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76.70 €
Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001-?
Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001-?

2001: The “American Century” had closed with a single Cold-War superpower standing and a pause in conflict that some at the time dubbed “The End of History”. It wasn't.

In the Middle East and South Asia, an Islamic revival was underway. Resentments bred in part of US support for the regions' anti-Soviet tyrannies soon erupted into a new struggle against the West. Wealthy Saudi fanatic Usama bin Ladin issued a declaration of holy war against America in 1996 and then fired the first shots with spectacular terrorist attacks on US targets in East Africa in 1998 and the Arab Peninsula in 2000.

Bin Ladin's al-Qaeda organization plotted securely under the protection of the Taliban, a fundamentalist movement in Afghanistan born of the anti-Soviet “Bear Trap” of the 1980s. By 2001, al-Qaeda had set in motion even more devastating strikes--this time within the US Homeland--that Bin Ladin hoped would light off a global Muslim uprising. Uprising or no, the Western response to those September 11th attacks would reshape international affairs from London to Jakarta and from Moscow to Dar es Salaam.

Labyrinth takes 1 or 2 players inside the Islamist jihad and the global war on terror. With broad scope, ease of play, and a never-ending variety of event combinations similar to GMT's highly popular Twilight Struggle, Labyrinth portrays not only the US efforts to counter extremists' use of terrorist tactics but the wider ideological struggle--guerrilla warfare, regime change, democratization, and much more.

From the design and development team that brought you the award-winning card-driven game Wilderness War, Labyrinth combines an emphasis on game play with multifaceted simulation spanning recent history and near future. In the 2-player game, one player takes the role of jihadists seeking to exploit world events and Islamic donations to spread fundamentalist rule over the Muslim world. The other player as the United States must neutralize terrorist cells while encouraging Muslim democratic reform to cut off extremism at its roots. With the game's solitaire system, a single player as the US takes on ascending levels of challenge in defeating al-Qaeda and its allies.

The jihadists must operate in a hostile environment--staying below the authorities' radar while plotting terrorist attacks and building for the Muslim revolution. Will Iran's Shia mullahs help or hinder the Sunni jihadists? Will the gradual spread of Islamist rule bring final victory--or will it be a sudden strike at the United States with an Islamic weapon of mass destruction?

The United States has the full weight of its military force and diplomacy at the ready--but it can't be everywhere: will technological and material superiority be enough? US forces can invade and topple Islamist regimes, but how will the Muslim “street” react? And if quagmire results, how will the US find its way out?

Labyrinth features distinct operational options for each side that capture the asymmetrical nature of the conflict, while the event cards that drive its action pose a maze of political, religious, military, and economic issues. In the parallel wars of bombs and ideas, coordinated international effort is key--but terrorist opportunities to disrupt Western unity are many. The Towers have fallen, but the global struggle has only just begun. “Let's roll!”

Labyrinth contains 110 playing cards, including:
* Tora Bora
* Patriot Act
* Predator
* Iraq WMD
* Renditions
* Leak

Playing cards also include:
* Martyrdom Operation
* Taliban
* Kashmir
* Wahhabism
* Madrassas
* Zarqawi
* Abu Sayyaf
* IEDs
* Tony Blair
* Danish Cartoons
* Ex-KGB
* Lebanon War
* Mossad & Shin Bet
* Hijab
* Loose Nuke

...and so much more!

* One Counter Sheet
* 22x34 inch Mounted Mapboard
* 110 Playing cards
* Rules Booklet
* Two Player Aid sheets
* One Solitaire Play sheet
* 30 Wooden Cubes
* Four 6-sided dice

TIME: About 1 year per hand of cards
MAP: Point-to-Point system

GAME DESIGN: Volko Ruhnke
GAME DEVELOPMENT: Joel Toppen, Rob Winslow

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84.50 €
Labyrinth: The War on Terror, Expansion 2 the Forever War, 2015-?
Labyrinth: The War on Terror, Expansion 2 the Forever War, 2015-?

On June 29, 2014, ISIL proclaimed a worldwide caliphate based on an Islamic State carved out of swaths of Iraq and Syria, with its capital city in Ar-Raqqah, Syria. Its forces moved forward quickly, capturing Mosul and threatening Baghdad and key areas of Syria. The Caliphate reached its territorial high water mark in late 2015. The Obama Doctrine called for local allies to bear the brunt of the fighting after being trained and organized by US Forces, and supported by an extra-heavy dose of Allied Air Power. Would this slow but methodical approach reclaim the recently lost territory or would the Jihadist Jugernaught continue its unstoppable advance?

A year later, on January 20, 2017, Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. It did not take long for him to exert his brand of leadership on the national and world stage. Immediate efforts were made to secure US borders from both illegal immigration and access by terrorists. Trump also followed the previous policies of the Obama administration to dismantle ISIL primarily from the air, with focused operations by Special Forces to lead regional allies in rolling back the Caliphate. ISIL was effectively disenfranchised as a land-holding power by November 2017. Trump did distance himself from Obama by pledging to withdraw from the Iran Nuclear Deal, which he accomplished on May 8, 2018, much to the dismay of his European allies. International tensions played out in Asia as well with both North Korea and China requiring lengthy negotiations. Europe displayed an autonomy of action that frequently misaligned with US interests. And then there was Russia, who played their game both face-to- face and online!

Now it’s your turn to be the President. Can you use the machinery of state to achieve better results than “the Donald”, or will you be distracted in your pursuit of US prestige and international security by numerous global and domestic adversaries?

Labyrinth: The Forever War, 2015 - ? is a 1-2 player card-driven boardgame simulating at the strategic level the ongoing bid by Islamist extremists to impose their brand of religious rule on the Muslim world. It continues where Labyrinth: The Awakening, 2010 - ? left off and adds new event cards and rules to cover the last five years of history. Since publication of Labyrinth and its first expansion, fans of the game have expressed a desire to update it based on more recent events, and a variety of event card ideas and variants have been freely shared online. This second expansion to the Labyrinth game series fulfills that continuing interest by providing up-to-date event cards and allows the game to continue to serve as an effective strategic level model of the ongoing struggles in the Muslim world.

Labyrinth: The Forever War, 2015 - ? uses the exact same rules, victory conditions, map, components, and charts as its predecessor game and expansion. Ownership of Labyrinth and Labyrinth: The Awakening, 2010 - ? is required for play. Much has happened in the Muslim World since the end of the Labyrinth: Awakening event deck (roughly 2015), with a number of sub-themes across the globe that give rise to a new narrative that has been playing out over the last five years; these include:

* Growth and then Collapse of the physical Islamic State Caliphate
* Increased Iranian/Saudi Arabian Rivalry and Proxy War
* Government Repression of Expression (Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc.)
* Increased Women’s Rights Activism across the region
* Increased Russian and other International involvement in the Middle East
* Incredible violence outside the Middle East from ISIL and others across Europe, New Zealand, Sri Lanka and elsewhere
* Impact of President Donald Trump and his personality on US Foreign Policy
* Continued activity of African Jihadists
* Plight of International Refugees
* Emerging Main-Power Rivalry between the US, Russia, China, EU and the UK
* US ceding some degree of autonomy in portions of the globe in exchange for greater regional security

Except for the first item on this list, none of these have been fully resolved, though some have made movements in one direction or the other. Labyrinth: Forever War is designed to explore each of the above issues as part of the larger conflict between the West and Jihadist elements, which continues to this day, even if at a lower intensity than seen in the previous 15 years.

During the time from covered by the Labyrinth: The Forever War expansion (2015-to present), much has transpired: the physical Islamic State has collapsed, and no new nations have fallen into Civil War. Governance has improved in other areas too, with both Syria and Nigeria in the process of stabilizing, though the conflicts in Yemen and Libya still are unresolved and the former is growing to replace Syria as the country with the current greatest threat to the human condition within its borders. Forever War will explore all of the above in a competitive political-military simulation, and as a current events game, perhaps help each of us understand the ongoing and evolving global rivalries in a better light.

Labyrinth The: Forever War comes with four scenarios, two of which can be linked to the previous games to allow up to 360 event card combinations for near endless variety and discussion. No new major rules are introduced in this expansion, allowing players familiar with Labyrinth and Awakening to get right into the game with minimal reading. The Rule and Play Book includes game expansion design analysis and a detailed description of all 120 events cards and the thoughts behind the effects represented in the game. The solitaire system will allow play for both sides and will include enhancements to the Bots for all three games in the series. For fans of the Labyrinth series and of current events in general, this bargain purchase will add increased value and enjoyment to your collection and provide many hours of gaming enjoyment and political discussion.

Note: This expansion uses the same map, base rules, victory conditions, components and charts, from its predecessor games, thus ownership of Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001 - ? and Labyrinth: The Awakening, 2010 - ? is required for play.

* Combined Rules of Play and Play Book
* 120 Event Cards
* 3 Double-sided 8 x 11 Card Stock Reference Cards (1 side for updated tables and 5 sides for Bot charts)
* 13 new markers (16 Events (3 double sided)) 9/16 of an inch and 1 larger 9/16 x 1.5 inch counter
* Large, Game Expansion style Zip-loc bag in-lieu of box

DESIGNER Trevor Bender
ORIGINAL Labyrinth DESIGNER Volko Ruhnke
DEVELOPERS Jason Carr and Joel Toppen

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36.40 €
Last Hundred Yards 1
Last Hundred Yards 1

The Last Hundred Yards is unlike any tactical wargame published to date. It introduces innovative systems intended to model Small Unit Behavior in Combat during WW2. It is fun, fast-paced, and provides a very good simulation of what it was like to command combat units at the platoon or company level. The game is purposely designed to deliver a brisk yet intensive gaming experience that forces many decisions upon you as you take command of an infantry company in Western Europe after the D-Day landings.

Here's a look at the major innovations and the designer's thinking behind the systems featured in the The Last Hundred Yards:

Initiative and Advantage: In The Last Hundred Yards, only the player winning the initiative has a proactive game turn; his opponent is limited to reaction only. Generally, the attacker has the initiative or momentum at the beginning of a small unit combat as the result of plans and preparation, so he generally dictates the action. The defender will generally react to the attacker's actions, hoping at some point to blunt or take away the attacker's momentum. This is represented in The Last Hundred Yards by player advantage and the importance of winning the initiative.

Simultaneous vs Sequential: In small unit combat, things are happening simultaneously. In an attack on an enemy position, some units of a formation provide cover fire to suppress the enemy, while other units maneuver against the enemy position. These actions take place simultaneously. But, in most current tactical games, opportunity fire is sequential and is typically represented by the Phasing Player moving a unit or stack of units a single hex at a time, giving the non-phasing player an opportunity to fire. Then he moves into the next hex, again giving the non-phasing player an opportunity to fire, etc. Once he has finished moving one unit or stack of units, he selects another and repeats the process until he has moved all of his units. Not only is this very time consuming, but it's often unrealistic as well. First, the phasing player can adjust his move depending on the opportunity fire result. In reality, all these things are happening at the same time. Each player’s units would be moving and firing simultaneously and may not know or see where the enemy maneuvered. In The Last Hundred Yards, simultaneous movement and opportunity fire are modeled primarily through the Action / Reaction Cycle and Fire Mechanics.

Action/Reaction Cycle: “Where there is action there is always a reaction.” In The Last Hundred Yards, the Action/Reaction Cycle is the engine and the heart of the game. The Player winning the Initiative is the active player. He conducts actions (fire, maneuver, or recover) with the units of the active platoon. After all units of the active platoon have completed their actions, units of the non-active player may react (fire, maneuver, recover or do nothing) to units of the active player if units of the active player conducted actions in their LOS. Once the non-active player completes his reactions, the active player may react in turn to those units of the non-active player that conducted actions in their LOS. Or, the active player may instead activate the next platoon, repeating the cycle. A key aspect is that unless a unit sees an enemy unit conduct an action in his LOS he may not react. In essence, units that saw no action will most likely do nothing as they were most likely to hold their position until notified otherwise.

Fire Mechanics: Fire mechanics in The Last Hundred Yards are based on the premise that during the short span of a few minutes in a game turn, fire is focused on a specific enemy unit as it fires or maneuvers. To reflect this, DRM markers are used to represent the enemy unit or units under fire and the amount of fire power placed on them. A different color DRM marker is used for each type of fire (green for small arms fire, yellow for anti-tank fire and red for indirect fire). Note that neither player will see the results of his fire until the Fire Resolution Phase occurring after all platoons of the active player have been activated. The following Fire Resolution is extremely fast and simple. The firing player rolls a single sided 10 die for each of his DRM markers in play, adding or subtracting the DRM of this DRM marker to the die roll, then comparing it to the defensive value of the enemy unit. Combat results are Disruptions or Casualty Reductions.

Tank Combat: Tank combat at this scale is the most difficult aspect of modeling small unit combat. In most tactical games, vehicle combat usually has taken the form of defensive fire or motion activity by the targeted vehicle during the “I go” player’s turn. But there are some problems with this approach. First, defensive fire suffers from the “perfect knowledge” problem. The targeted vehicle always spots the menace. Sometimes, even often, the target vehicle has no opportunity to fire at its assailant for the simple reason that the crew of the target vehicle does not know the enemy is there. One cannot see much out of a buttoned-up tank on a battlefield erupting with booming explosions and the life-threatening zip of high velocity shells. The tank that kills yours is often one that was never seen. Second, humans do not possess vision thru 360 degrees. The act of “looking all around” takes time and in that time, a projectile may be on its way to kill your vehicle. Looking right means you are not looking left for a segment of time and in that time segment death may come your way. So in The Last Hundred Yards, the traditional defensive fire concept has been replaced with a reaction sequence that might allow the target vehicle to escape its hunter, and, in some cases, turn the hunted into the hunter.

* 6 double-sided geomorphic card stock maps
* 1 full-color Rules booklet
* 1 full-color Play booklet
* 2 sheets of 9/16" counters
* 2 sheets of 3/4" counters
* 4 MIssion Cards
* 2 identical Combat/Terrain Charts
* 2 identical Player Reference Cards
* 1 Game Turn Track
* 4 10-sided Dice

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76.70 €
Last Hundred Yards 2: Airborne Over Europe
Last Hundred Yards 2: Airborne Over Europe

Note: This game is a stand alone game. It does NOT require ownership of The Last Hundred Yards to be played.

The Last Hundred Yards Vol. 2: Airborne Over Europe is the second game in Mike Denson’s Last Hundred Yards series. It includes two major campaigns featuring numerous missions covering small unit actions conducted by US airborne forces in the Normandy and Market Garden operations.

In the Operation Overlord campaign, follow the elements of the American 82nd and 101st Divisions beyond the Normandy beachheads. After being scattered over a large area in Normandy on the night of June 6th, they struggle to assemble and secure their objectives to support the advance of the American units landing at Utah Beach. Later missions feature them defending against the inevitable German reaction and counterattack. Follow Lt. Dick Winters as he leads his platoon in taking out the artillery battery at Brecourt Manor near Ste. Marie-du-Mont and then faces a counterattack from elements of Col. Von Der Heydte’s 6th Fallschirmjäger Regiment.

In the Operation Market Garden campaign, follow the 82nd Airborne Division after landing south of Nijmegen in the early afternoon hours of September 17th as they race to secure critical bridges over the Waal and Maas rivers, as well as those over the canal between them. Follow Lt. Foley and his men as they defend Devil’s Hill against German counterattacks on the Eiesenborne Ridge Groesbeek Heights, a mere 2-3 miles from the German Border.

While the 82nd lands around Nijmegen, the 101st Airborne Division lands north of Eindhoven and begins its own race to secure its assigned bridges over the river Dommel in Eindhoven, the Wilhelmina canal in Son and Best, and the bridges over the Zuid-Willemsvaart and river AA in Veghel. Experience the counterattack by the German Kampfgruppes Hüber and Walther as they cut the main highway near Veghel. It took two critical days of hard fighting for units of 101stAirborne and British XXX Corp to reopen the corridor.

This game will introduce airdrop and night rules, as well as new terrain to the series. Successfully landing airborne troops at night, assembling them from a dispersed condition, and advancing against unknown enemy resistance to secure your objectives will prove a thrilling challenge in this new game. You don’t want to miss it!

* 1 Game Box
* 6 double-sided geomorphic maps
* 1 full-color Rules booklet
* 1 full-color Playbook
* 5 Mission Cards (10 missions)
* 2 9/16” counter sheets
* 4 full size and 1 half size counter sheets
* 2 Combat/Terrain Charts
* 1 Game Turn Track
* 1 Player Aid Card
* 6 Dice

DESIGNER: Mike Denson
MAP ART & DESIGN: Liz Stephanoff
COUNTER ART: Charles Kibler and Dariusz Buraczewski
PRODUCERS: Mark Simonitch, Andy Lewis, Tony Curtis, Rodger MacGowan, & Gene Billingsley

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76.70 €
Last Hundred Yards 3: The Solomon Islands
Last Hundred Yards 3: The Solomon Islands

The Last Hundred Yards Vol. 3: The Solomon Islands is the third game in the Last Hundred Yards Series. This game focuses on the vicious and brutal Solomons Campaign, including actions to control the islands of Guadalcanal, Bougainville, and New Georgia.

When you play the Solomon Islands Campaign missions, you will experience some of the fiercest small unit actions in the Pacific Theater. The game will focus on actions involving the 1st (The Old Breed) and 3rd (Fighting Third) Marine Divisions, as well as the Army’s 25th Infantry Division—the unit that finally drove the Japanese off the island, earning them the nickname “Tropic Lightning.”

Take to the jungles of Guadalcanal with the 1st Marine Division as they begin the first ground offensive of the war. Landed onto Guadalcanal and with intermittent naval support as the struggle for naval supremacy raged offshore, the Marines fought tooth and nail to secure their small foothold around Henderson Airfield. They fought against Japanese Reinforcements coming from all over the South Pacific area. Engage in bitter jungle fighting with the 3rd Marine Division as they attempt to hold and expand the beachhead on Bougainville Island against the Imperial Japanese 6th Infantry Division.

Finally, serve with the 25th Infantry Division’s famed 27th Regiment, the “Wolfhounds,” as they try to reduce Japanese positions on Guadalcanal’s Galloping Horse Ridge (an action that is portrayed in the movie “The Thin Red Line”). You will also fight with the Wolfhounds in the jungle around Munda Point for the airfield on New Georgia. Each of these actions involved tense jungle warfare and the routing out of fanatical Japanese units from hidden bunkers and pillboxes. You will understand the nerve-racking frustration of clearing an enemy position, only to have infiltrators attack you yet again from a different direction, at night!

This volume introduces new weapons and terrain including flamethrowers, anti-tank halftracks, light and heavy jungle. Each mission will provide new challenges with different elements, forces, and situations encountered, making this volume an exciting and nail-biting addition to The Last Hundred Yard Series.

Note: This game is a stand alone game. It does NOT require ownership of The Last Hundred Yards to be played.

Core Volumes for The Last Hundred Yards (LHY) Pacific Theater Series: The Last Hundred Yards Volume III: Solomon Islands is the core volume and will be required to play all future Pacific Theater Modules or Mission Packs.

* 4 double-sided geomorphic maps (8 total)
* 4 full-size counter sheets
* 1 half-size counter sheet
* 1 full-color Rules booklet
* 1 full-color Playbook
* 5 Mission Cards (10 missions)
* 2 Combat/Terrain Charts
* 1 Game Turn Track
* 4 10-sided Dice

DESIGNER: Mike Denson
MAP ART: Liz Stephanoff
COUNTER ART: Charles Kibler, Rick Reinesch, and Dariusz Buraczewski
PRODUCERS: Mark Simonitch, Tony Curtis, Andy Lewis, Rodger MacGowan, Gene Billingsley

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78.00 €
Last Hundred Yards: Mission Pack #1
Last Hundred Yards: Mission Pack #1

The Last Hundred Yards Mission Pack #1 builds on Volumes I and II focused on the Allied campaigns in Western Europe. The Pack contains ten Missions that occurred in 1944 during the Normandy pre-breakout and breakout phases in July/August, the Hurtgen forest in November, and the Battle of the Bulge in December.

Join the 2nd Division’s 23rd infantry regiment and experience what Allied soldiers termed “Hedgerow Hell” as it drives through “Purple Heart Draw” to take Hill 192 against the 3rd FJ regiment. The overall goal was to cut the St. Lo-Bayeux highway, a task that was critical for protecting the east flank of the 3rd Army’s breakout from Normandy along the west coast.

Follow units of Patton’s 3rd Army’s breakout that ultimately encircled the German 7th Army and led to its destruction in the Falaise Pocket. These Missions range from crossing key water barriers, forming bridgeheads, and seizing key crossroads to eliminating fortified positions.

Finally, see if you can do better with outnumbered Allied troops who were tasked with taking or holding, what seemed to them, pointless objectives during the Hurtgen Forest and the opening stages of the Battle of the Bulge campaigns.

This volume introduces new weapons and terrain including Rhino tanks, hedgerows, and sunken roads. Each mission provides challenges with different elements, forces, and situations, making this volume an exciting addition to The Last Hundred Yards Series.

Note: Players will need both LHY Volumes I and II to play all the Missions in this Mission Pack

* Two double-sided geomorphic maps
* Five Mission Cards (10 missions)
* Mission Pack Special Rules

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23.40 €
Musket and Pike: Dual Pack
Musket and Pike: Dual Pack

This Accursed Civil War and Sweden Fights On are being offered as a two-pack. Eleven, yes ELEVEN battles in one box!

The award-winning Musket & Pike Battle Series was launched in 2002 with This Accursed Civil War and followed with Sweden Fights On within a year. Both have been out of print for over a decade. The series has marched on with four more installments and has attracted many new players. So now we are making the first two games available again in a new, updated dual package.

In one box, you will get the first two volumes of the MPBS including:
* Two additional battles for “This Accursed Civil War:” Cheriton 1644 and Cropredy Bridge 1644. Both battles were in Ben's original Desk Top Published version, with Cheriton 1644 appearing later in C3i. The Edgehill 1642 variant from Gustav Adolf the Great will be included as well.
* For all battles, infantry and cavalry units will not be shared between battles for ease of setup and storage.
* The battle specific cards introduced in Saints in Armor with be provided with Turn Track, Victory Conditions, Dead and Pursuit boxes to improve their utility (5 back printed cards)
* The This Accursed Civil War Playbook will be brought up to the current series standard for ease of use.
* Orders of battle and maps will be updated to reflect the latest scholarship.
* Last but not least: the counters will feature formation icons requested by so many players over the years!

The Battles are:
* Edgehill 1642: Is the King beholden to Parliament or is he truly sovereign? King Charles and his army, their way to London barred by the army of Parliament, have drawn up to give battle. Edgehill was the first major battle of the war. Robert Devereax, Earl of Essex, commands the army of Parliament sent to prevent the King's army from reaching London. The fighting is indecisive as the bloodied Royalist foot fall back, but Essex conceded the field despite receiving reinforcements. A major victory for either side could have ended the war here.
* First Newbury 1643: Outmaneuvered, Essex, with the Royalists under King Charles between his army and London, is forced to fight. Essex spies a hill southwest of Newbury and in the early morning occupies it. Hedges line the area and help minimize the King's advantage in Cavalry. Essex’s stand on Round Hill stopped the Royalist and saved the rebellion.
* Cheriton 1644: Sir William Waller’s Southern and Western Association Armies with the help of the London Trained Bands defeated Hopton’s Royalists in the rolling hills and hedges. The first in a series of victories in early to mid-1644 the signaled a turning tide in the war.
* Cropredy Bridge 1644: Confident from his victory at Cheriton, Sir William Waller seeks to exploit a gap in the Royalist Main Army on the march. Waller divided his forces and attempted to trap part of the Royalist Army, but difficult terrain and quick reaction by the Royalists turned the tables and left much of Waller’s army trapped and he was given a stinging rebuke.
* Marston Moor 1644: The largest battle of the war. It decided the fate of Northern England. An allied army of Scots under the Earl of Leven, the Northern Association under Ferdinando Fairfax, and the Eastern Association under the Earl of Manchester laid siege to the King's Northern Army under the Marquis of Newcastle at York, the key to the North. King Charles dispatched his nephew, the talented Prince Rupert, to affect a relief. The defeat was complete; the Royalist army was utterly destroyed and the North lost to Parliament. A new hero arose: Cromwell, a name inextricably linked with the English Civil War and the key player in the following two civil wars.
* Second Newbury 1644: The disaster that precipitated the forming of the New Model Army. Three Parliamentary armies come together and catch the King by surprise just north of Newbury. The most unconventional of all the battles; the superior Parliamentary force attacks from either end, but is short on time. Various options on gaining more time by shortening the flank march give this action high replay value.
* Naseby 1645: The debut of the New Model Army and the battle that broke the back of the King's army. The New Model Army was created by combining the elements of the major armies in the field. While this worked well for the cavalry, there were serious problems in the infantry ranks. The King's army was outnumbered, but it retained its corps of veteran infantry. The final result was a decisive defeat for the King and the end of his military fortunes. Though fighting would last another year, the King would never field a potent army again.
* Nördlingen 1634: Though the Swedes struggled with command after the death of King Gustav II Adolf, they continued to exploit the momentum he had generated. A strong Swedish force pushed into Bavaria under the joint command of Duke Bernhard and Field Marshal Horn. The Habsburgs effected a union of forces with their Spanish cousins at Nördlingen, besieging the Protestant stronghold. The Swedes were drawn into a trap.
* Wittstock 1636: The Cannae of the Thirty Years War. Field Marshal Banér had his lines of communication cut by an Imperial-Saxon army under General Hatzfeld. In a daring plan, Banér divided his numerically inferior force and launched a double envelopment. In a desperate struggle for Vineyard Hill, General Torstensson's cavalry held the line just long enough for General King's cavalry to make the march around the Imperial right flank.
* Second Breitenfeld 1642: Field Marshal Torstensson caps a brilliant campaign with a siege of the Imperial fortress of Leipzig. Archduke Leopold commanding a larger Imperial army rushes to engage the Swedes. Within sight of the same ground of Gustav Adolf's greatest victory from eleven years past, the armies met. The Imperials had hopes for another Nördlingen, yet they got another Breitenfeld.
* Jankau 1645: Field Marshal Torstensson launches a surprise winter campaign against the unprepared Imperial forces in Bohemia, catching the Emperor himself virtually unguarded at Prague. With all haste, General Hatzfeld is recalled and an army cobbled together to stop the Swedes. The armies came together in the wooded hill country southeast of Prague.

* Musket & Pike Battle Series Rulebook
* “This Accursed Civil War” Playbook
* “Sweden Fights On” Playbook
* 5 Counter Sheets
* 1 Series Marker Sheet
* 4.5 Back Printed Map Sheets (For 11 Battles)
* 6 Two-Sided Battle Specific Player Aid Cards
* 2 11x17 Folded Player Aid Cards
* 1 Orders Summary Card

Designer: Ben Hull 
Developer: Dick Vohlers

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97.50 €
Next War: India-Pakistan
Next War: India-Pakistan

The ink was hardly dry on the documents following the partition of British India in 1947 before war broke out between India and Pakistan. Since the partition, four major wars and numerous smaller conflicts have been waged over much of the same ground. In 1947, 1965, 1971, and 1999 India and Pakistan fought in the mountains of Kashmir and on the plains of the Punjab region to the south. Today, both sides are armed with thousands of armored vehicles, hundreds of advanced aircraft, and dozens of nuclear weapons. With tensions high and both sides heavily armed, another conflict may be just a matter of time.

Next War: India-Pakistan, the next volume in GMT's series of Next War games and a follow-on to  Next War: Korea, allows players to fight a near future war between India and Pakistan.

Due to the nature of a potential conflict, only a portion of the Indo-Pakistani border is featured so that the fighting centers around what it always has: the fate of the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. Special rules govern such things as the expanded role bridges play in the region play as well as the fact that both sides in the conflict are nuclear-armed nations. The People's Republic of China and the United States can make an appearance, but they might withdraw in the event of a nuclear exchange. The question is: will this war settle once and for all who will control northwest India?

Note: the Next War series is not an introductory wargame. Rather, we have intended herein to create a system (and a series) that will allow detailed study of modern warfare in various venues as well as engaging gameplay. That said, the Standard Game rules encompass a fairly straightforward rule set that will, we think, be considered "easy to learn" by experienced wargamers. So, players who choose to play Standard Game scenarios can have a relatively quick game when that's what suits them. The real flavor of a war in the theatre, however, comes through in the Advanced Game, where you get much more control over airpower and can more clearly see each side's strengths and weaknesses. For players who want a "mini-monster game" experience, playing the Advanced Game Campaign Scenarios with some or all of the optional rules will definitely "deliver."

Ownership of Next War: Korea will NOT be required to play.

Ground units in Next War: India-Pakistan represent the brigades, support units, and divisions of the armies of the India, Pakistan, China, and the United States. All ground units are rated for their attack and defense strengths, movement capabilities, and unit efficiency.

Air units represent fighter, bomber, and attack squadrons of the major combatants and are rated for All-Weather Capabilities as well as their range, average pilot skill, and their abilities in Air-to-Air Combat, Close Air Support, and Strike missions.

Maps and Terrain
The game's map represents the area in and around the Punjab district of Pakistan and the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir at a scale of roughly 7.5 miles per hex. The map stretches from edge of The Great Indian Desert to just inside the Himalayas and encompasses portions of both sides of the border.

Game System
A game turn is generally composed of:
* Weather Determination. Bad weather can severely hamper air operations and can significantly slow ground operations.
* Initiative Determination and Air/Naval Phase, wherein Air Superiority levels and air availability are determined.
* Special Operations Phases in the Advanced Game allowing players to utilize their special operators in various recon and raid missions behind enemy lines.
* Strike Phases in the Advanced Game allowing players to launch air strikes, cruise missiles, artillery and tactical nuclear weapon strikes.
* One or more Movement and Combat Phases that allow both sides to move, react, and fight, with an advantage to the Initiative player on non-Contested turns
* Arrival of Reinforcements and Replacements
* Victory Determination

Combat resolution examines not only unit strengths but also unit efficiency (representing training, doctrine, and morale), as well as the terrain where the combat takes place. The CRT tends to be very bloody in nature, reflecting what we believe will be a degree of attritional warfare early due to the lethality of modern weapons. As in many games, casualties represent not only actual combat losses but also losses of unit cohesion brought about by the rapid pace with which modern armies are able to engage and exploit on the battlefield.

There are several Standard Game scenarios. Some are small and focus on limited objectives while others are variations of a campaign game encompassing the entire map.

In a break from the standard set in Next War: Korea (and its follow-on Next War: Taiwan), the scenarios in Next War: India-Pakistan posit specific at-start situations and objectives (or victory conditions). In some scenarios Pakistan is the aggressor while in others the Indian side is on the attack, in all cases there are varying levels of Chinese and United States intervention.

The International Posture Matrix  à la  Flashpoint: Golan is still present to allow players to experiment with a variety of intervention options for the US and PRC.

In  Next War: India-Pakistan, Jammu & Kashmir is once again aflame. Can you, as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan's commander, conquer Kashmir and hold it against the enemy? Can you, as the Republic of India's commander, attack and defeat the enemy without the conflict going nuclear? And what will happen in the international community while all this is going on? There’s only one way to find out...

* 1 22x34" map
* 4 9/16" counter sheets
* 2 rulebooks (Standard + Advanced Rules and Game Specific Rules)
* 6 8.5x11" Player Aids
* 2 11x17" Player Aids
* 1 10-sided die

TIME SCALE 3.5 days per turn
MAP SCALE 7.5 miles per hex
UNIT SCALE Brigade / Division / Squadron

Series Design:  Mitchell Land
Game Design Research: Douglas Bush
Series Development: Chris Fawcett
Original System Design: Gene Billingsley

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110.50 €
Next War: Iran
Next War: Iran

The Middle East has long been a hobgoblin for foreign powers and, as much as Afghanistan, also a graveyard of empires. Sitting squarely astride ancient trade routes and with the added impetus of the world's addiction to oil, the area has been a hot spot for centuries.

Now, with the old regime teetering and losing its grip, Iran makes a bid for forcing the West to recognize its complete sovereignty and control over its own affairs by striking at the one thing they care about: the flow of oil. Mining the Straits of Hormuz and declaring it closed to all traffic, Iran defies the world. The US, and perhaps some of its allies, takes action to re-open the straits and get the black gold flowing to the world again.

Next War: Iran is the sixth game in the Next War series. It is unique in the series in that the Allied player has to do the attacking while the non-Allied player attempts to defend its territory against neo-imperial oppression. With a long logistical tail, few true allies in the region, and the menace of Iran's A2AD capabilities, re-opening the Straits is a tall order.

Ownership of any previous Next War series will NOT be required to play Next War: Iran.

Ground units in Next War: Iran primarily represent divisions and brigades of the armies of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States of America. All ground units are rated for their attack and defense strengths, movement capabilities, and unit efficiency. The Iranian armed forces feature all three branches of land forces: Islamic Republic of Iran Ground Forces, Islamic Republic of Iran Navy, and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; they might get some Russian intervention for whatever that's worth. On the Allied side, the primary forces are the United States with potential involvement by the UK, Australia, France, Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar.

Air units represent the fighter, bomber, and attack squadrons of the major combatants. They are rated for All-Weather Capabilities, range, average pilot skill and training, and their capabilities in Air-to-Air Combat, Close Air Support, and Strike missions.

Naval units represent an abstraction of groups of ships (task forces) and allow players to conduct amphibious invasions, naval combat, naval gunfire support, and more.

Maps and Terrain
The game’s map represents the area along the coast of Iran at a scale of roughly 7.5 miles per hex. The map stretches from the important port of Chah Bahar in the east to a hundred or so miles west of the Straits of Hormuz.

There are a couple of Island Land Areas, similar to other games in the series which contain some important Petroleum Facilities the Allies will want to seize intact if they can.

Weather Determination. Bad weather can severely hamper air and naval operations activity and can significantly slow ground operations.
Initiative Determination and Air/Naval Phase, wherein Air Superiority levels and air availability are determined and Sea Control is established or modified.
Special Operations Phases in the Advanced Game allow players to utilize their special operators in various recon and raid missions behind enemy lines.
Strike Phases in the Advanced Game allow players to launch air strikes, cruise missiles, and artillery and SSM strikes.
One or more Movement and Combat Phases that allow both sides to move, react, and fight with an advantage to the Initiative player on non-Contested turns
Arrival of Reinforcements and Replacements
Victory Determination

Combat resolution examines not only unit strengths but also unit efficiency (representing training, doctrine, and morale), as well as the terrain where the combat takes place. The CRT tends to be very bloody in nature, reflecting what we believe will be a degree of attritional warfare due to the lethality of modern weapons. As in many games, casualties represent not only actual combat losses but also loss of unit cohesion brought about by the rapid pace with which modern armies are able to engage and exploit on the battlefield.

There are several Standard Game scenarios. Some are small and focus on limited objectives while at least one will be a campaign game encompassing the entire map. Similarly to previous games in the series, the Advanced Game scenarios will be divided into various starting points representing different levels of build-up before the game begins.

So, the question remains. Can you, as the Allied player, enforce the will of the West on Iran and get the oil flowing again? Or will you, as the Iranian player, defy the world?

One 22" x 34" Map
One 22" x 25.5" Map
One Series Rules Booklet (48 pages)
One Game Specific Rules Booklet (36 pages)
One Reinforcement PAC - 8.5" x 11" (double-sided)
One Standard Game SOP/ADF PAC - 8.5" x 11" (double-sided)
One Standard Game PAC - 8.5" x 11" (double-sided)
One Advanced Game SOP - 8.5" x 11" (double-sided)
One Strike Effects/Strat Move PAC - 8.5" x 11" (double-sided)
Two CRT/TEC PAC - 8.5" x 11" (double-sided)
One Air Superiority Display - 11" x 17" (single-sided)
Two Advanced Game PAC - 11" x 17" (double-sided)
Four Countersheets
Two d10

TIME SCALE 3.5 days per turn

MAP SCALE 7.5 miles per hex

UNIT SCALE Division /Brigade/Battalion


Series Designer: Mitchell Land
Original System Designer: Gene Billingsley

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa 2023
9999 €
Next War: Poland
Next War: Poland

Ukraine is in turmoil: embroiled in a civil war which has lasted for years and the situation seems further from resolution with each year that passes. Clandestine support from both Russia and the West fuels the war and keeps any hope of peace at bay. In the meantime, the civil war in Syria and the fight against Islamic extremism gathers steam. NATO and Russia stare each other down in a "coopetittion" in the region, and tensions rise meteorically as not so "friendly" fire incidents occur. The West tightens sanctions against Russia and ratchets up its rhetoric; Russia, meanwhile, attempting to regain a place in global power politics, responds with sanctions of its own against Turkey and starts low-level cyber warfare and "little green men" incidents in the Baltics. Tempers flare across the world, Turkey shoots down another Russian plane while Russian SAM batteries shoot down a Turkish F-16 in retaliation. Russia declares enough is enough, decides on war with NATO, and invades the Baltics and Poland. Belarus, knowing where it's bread is buttered, joins in. Some NATO nations rush to the rescue while others debate the issue. Once again, Europe trembles to the rumble of tank treads and marching boots…

Next War: Poland, the fourth volume in GMT's Next War Series. This game moves the action from Asia to Europe and allows players to fight a near future war in Poland as the Russians and their allies invade and NATO responds.

A large portion of Poland is represented by the Operational (hex) map, while the Baltics are represented by a Strategic Display (similar to Next War: Taiwan’s). The Russians are not the behemoth of the Cold War, but they possess good material and a much better trained army than before. The Baltics, using new rules and mechanics, may fall quickly, although their forces may put up some resistance and make an appearance as reinforcements, while the front quickly establishes itself in eastern Poland as the Russian 6th and 20th Armies push forward to seal the Suwalki Gap while NATO rushes forces into the area spearheaded by the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps and followed up by whatever nation’s troops respond to the Article 5 declaration. The question is, can NATO stop the Russians or will Poland be overrun while Russia presents the world with a fait accompli?

Note: the Next War series is not an Introductory wargame. Rather, we have intended herein to create a system (and a series) that will allow detailed study of modern warfare in various venues as well as engaging gameplay. That said, the Standard Game rules encompass a fairly straightforward ruleset that will, we think, be considered pretty "easy to learn" by experienced wargamers. So players who choose to play Standard Game scenarios can have a relatively quick game when that's what suits them. The real flavor of a war in the theatre, though, comes through in the Advanced Game, where you get much more control over airpower and can more clearly see each side's strengths and weaknesses. For players who want a "mini-monster game" experience, playing the Advanced Game Campaign Scenarios with some or all of the optional rules will definitely "deliver."

Ownership of any previous Next War Series game will NOT be required to play.

Ground units in Next War: Poland represent primarily brigades, regiments, and battalions of the armies of the Russia, her allies, and NATO. All ground units are rated for their attack and defense strengths, movement capabilities, and unit efficiency.

Air units represent fighter, bomber, and attack squadrons of the major combatants and are rated for All-Weather Capabilities as well as their range, average pilot skill, and their abilities in Air-to-Air Combat, Close Air Support, and Strike missions.

Maps and Terrain
The game’s map represents the area in and around the eastern border of Poland at a scale of roughly 7.5 miles per hex. The map stretches from Kaliningrad Oblast in the north to Warsaw in the south, and from the Belorussian border west to Poznan.

The Baltics are represented by a Strategic Display incorporating Land Areas and At Sea Boxes.

Game System
A game turn is generally composed of:
* Weather Determination. Bad weather can severely hamper air and naval operations activity and can significantly slow ground operations.
* Initiative Determination and Air/Naval Phase, wherein Air Superiority levels and air availability are determined and Sea Control is established or modified.
* Special Operations Phases in the Advanced Game allowing players to utilize their special operators in various recon and raid missions behind enemy lines.
* Strike Phases in the Advanced Game allowing players to launch air strikes, cruise missiles, and artillery and SSM strikes.
* One or more Movement and Combat Phases that allow both sides to move, react, and fight, with an advantage to the Initiative player on non-Contested turns
* Arrival of Reinforcements and Replacements
* Victory Determination

Combat resolution examines not only unit strengths but also unit efficiency (representing training, doctrine, and morale), as well as the terrain where the combat takes place. The CRT tends to be very bloody in nature, reflecting what we believe will be a degree of attritional warfare early due to the lethality of modern weapons. As in many games, casualties represent not only actual combat losses but also losses of unit cohesion brought about by the rapid pace with which modern armies are able to engage and exploit on the battlefield.

There are several Standard Game scenarios. Some are small and focus on limited objectives while others are variations of a campaign game encompassing the entire map. Similarly to previous games in the series, the Advanced Game scenarios will be divided into various starting points scenarios allowing reinforcements to arrive at differing times as well as providing additional logistical support.

So, the question remains. Can you, as the Russian player, enforce your will on the West and regain your former status in world affairs. Or will you, as SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) successfully use the assets at your disposal to blunt the Russian attack and save Poland?

* One 22x34" map
* One 22x24" strategic display
* Four 9/16" counter sheets
* Two rulebooks (Series Rules and Game Specific Rules)
* Six 8.5x11" Player Aids
* Two 11x17" Player Aids
* One 10-sided die

Game Design and Development: Mitchell Land
Original System Design: Gene Billingsley

TIME SCALE 3.5 days per turn
MAP SCALE 7.5 miles per hex
UNIT SCALE Brigade / Regiment / Battalion
NUMBER OF PLAYERS One or two (can be played in teams)

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118.40 €
North Africa '41: The Western Desert, March to December 1941
North Africa '41: The Western Desert, March to December 1941

North Africa '41 is a game that represents the campaign in North Africa from Rommel's first offensive in March 1941 to December 1941. Combat units represent regiments, brigades, and battalions. Each game turn represents half a month, but a game turn is further divided into 3 Impulses representing 4-5 days.

This is a complete redo of my old design The Legend Begins which was first published 30 years ago by Rhino Game Company. Everything has been redone—new map, new order of battle research, and improved rules using many of the ideas developed in Stalingrad ’43, Holland ’44, and Salerno ’43.

The map and unit scale from the old game remains the same as well as some of the rules.

Scene from a VASSAL game of the early May 1941 game turn, 3rd Impulse. Some movement allowance on counters have since changed.

There are still Limited and Active ZOCs, Tank shifts, Coastal Shipping between ports, Malta convoy rules, port destruction/repair, and Resource Points. Resource Points are used to build or purchase assets that are in limited supply such as: air support, battleship convoy escort, air transport, and temporary full participation of the Italian army.

The basic game system borrows heavily from other games in the WWII 19xx series, but there are no ZOC Bonds in this game. Only the ZOCs of motorized units stop enemy movement. Units can move past non-motorized units by paying +2 MPs to exit each ZOC.

New rules have been added to enhance excitement and prevent perfect plans: Event Tables, Delay markers, strafing, Rommel movement bonus, and the Long Range Desert Group.

The game will include three scenarios: The Campaign Game, Battle Axe, and Crusader.

* One 22” x 34” map sheet and one 22” x 28” map sheet
* Two counter sheets
* One Rules booklet
* Two identical 17” x 11” player aid cards
* Three Setup and Scenario cards
* Two 6-sided dice

Game Designer: Mark Simonitch

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84.50 €
Pacific War: The Struggle Against Japan, 1941-1945
Pacific War: The Struggle Against Japan, 1941-1945

In 1985, Victory Games published Pacific War. Reviewers at the time (for example, Fred Hellferich in his Fire and Movement review) felt this design set the standard for an operational/ strategic simulation of this globe spanning conflict. Over the last 35 years this game’s reputation has grown, with several failed efforts to get it back into print. Now that this design has finally come home (to GMT Games), I am here to tell you that this is the end of that publishing journey.

Pacific War is a Strategic wargame that takes you from the attack on Pearl Harbor to the climatic summer of 1945... from Australia to China... from Burma to Hawaii... from the defense of Wake Island through the invasion of Guadalcanal culminating in the desperate battles to defend the Japanese Home Islands.

For the first time in a Pacific Theater game, size, subtlety, and ease of play has come together in a game of sharp action and historical accuracy.

Players can become familiar with the layered Pacific War systems in the solitaire Engagement scenarios, then fight their way through increasingly panoramic Battle, Campaign, and Strategic two player and multi-player Scenarios. As they learn the game's basic maneuver and combat systems, they will then layer on more advanced systems for Strategic bombing, submarine attacks on merchant shipping, search and detection, amphibious assaults, and extensive Operations driven by their command decisions.

Pacific War is a source of limitless challenge and excitement for anyone ever fascinated with the fury and vastness of the Pacific War.

Pacific War is also a time machine back to the halcyon days of the monster game. However, despite what you may have heard, Pacific War is NOT a monster game, but rather an operational World War II air-land-sea game system that lets you fight EVERY Pacific battle and campaign of significance. The original game came with 21 scenarios. This new edition will add at least half a dozen more. The game gains its monster game reputation from the fact that in order to fight all of these campaigns, you need a large number of counters (over 2000) that represent individual capital ships, cruiser divisions, destroyer squadrons, aircraft groups, and land units ranging from battalions to divisions to corps, with all units individually rated based on their historic performance.

The game map is an equal area map (two mounted maps) which is the grandfather of the Empire of the Sun map. Each hex is 100 miles and covers the entire Pacific from Hawaii to India and Alaska to Australia. The game will also come with a separate map focused on the Solomon Islands where many of the interesting and balanced scenarios occur. What made Victory Games' Pacific War unique in 1985 remains true in GMT’s 2022 edition. The design integrates strategic/operational intelligence into a telescoping time mechanic that allows campaigns to progress in a logical asymmetric flow, accompanied by tense game play. Pacific War is a deep historical simulation, so if this is not what you are looking for in a new purchase, please read no further. So, how is this level of simulation achieved?

During each monthly turn you bid command points (logistics) to determine initiative (offensive player), with the high bid then activating and launching their forces toward their objectives. Secretly, your opponent (reaction player) determines the operational intelligence level and their potential to intercept the offensive. As the offensive develops, it comes within range of enemy air and submarine forces that tactically attempt to detect the oncoming attack. The reaction player decides how to defeat the attack based on the intersection of tactical and operational intelligence coupled with available forces and logistics.

This entire sequence is set within a telescoping time scale (days to hours) that has naval units seamlessly accelerate (from 12 to 30+ knots), searches seek out the enemy, carriers launch air strikes, combat air patrols defend, culminating with torpedo and dive bomber attacks on individual naval targets. At its core, Pacific War’s game systems allows you to fight detailed carrier strikes (sequential and simultaneous) with night surface naval actions (float planes, gunfire and torpedo salvos) integrated with large scale ground offensives on the Asian mainland (e.g., Malaya, Burma, and China) and of course amphibious invasions (e.g., Java, Guadalcanal, and Leyte). If you are looking for a detailed and interactive operational simulation of the War in the Pacific, this is the game for you!

Back in 1985, Pacific War was designed by a 31-year-old creating his most ambitious effort to date. I was a full-time game designer (like now) with my 2-year-old daughter (now 37) sitting on my lap (now reserved for granddaughters). Over the last 35 years I have continued to study and research this topic, culminating in 2005 with the design of Empire of the Sun for GMT Games. I am now applying this lifetime of research and experience back into this final edition of Pacific War.

So, what will change in the new version? The structure and feel of the design will be unchanged, so if you played it in your youth, you already know how to play. That said, a devoted number of players have been playing this game for 35 years and I have incorporated the best of their feedback into this new and final edition for this title. I am going over each scenario and updating them with information that I did not have available back in 1985. For example, I now have several Japanese translations of their official records that were only published in the last few years. Toward this end, I am adding at least six new campaign and strategic scenarios, so you can experience the entire panorama of the war in a long afternoon .

The key question that I consider when buying a new game is will it hit the table? The owners and reviewers who created the game's reputation were excited that Pacific War had a layered set of scenarios that incorporated fifteen-minute solitaire learning engagements, two hour battles (such as Coral Sea and Santa Cruz that were used in a decade of tournaments), two to eight hour Campaigns (such as Malaya, Guadalcanal and Breaking the Bismarck barrier), and of course the Strategic scenarios that cover the entire war from a single year to the entire war. Will you ever play the entire war? It's unlikely (to date I have only done it three times). However, Pacific War is an operational level game and the Campaign scenarios are the heart and soul of this game system. Most play in an afternoon to completion. So, will it hit the table? Only you can answer that question, but from a time and learning perspective this game will support any time commitment you wish to make, to include the 100+ hour Strategic Scenario.

The other question that was not asked back in 1985, but to many is important in 2022 is "does Pacific War have a solitaire ‘Bot system?" The answer is no, with an explanation. The only game decision that cannot reasonably be made is the Operations bidding mechanic and the original game included a solitaire bidding mechanic which will be retained. I will look to see if there are any other similar decisions, such as surface action range bids that I have already added. Thereafter, you will need to play both sides. Due to the history and the game system you will likely not notice as you experience the war’s narrative unfold before you. So, although Pacific War will not have a ‘Bot (not even sure how to do that with over 25 scenarios), the game will handle all the interactive bids decisions. If you want a full-blown solitaire opponent, this is not the game for you.

With all of this hype I want to be straight with all perspective buyers of this new edition. If you are looking for a light and airy historically-themed game, please do not buy this game. I do not want to disappoint anyone, so read my lips: if you want a light wargame, do not buy this game.

I am very excited that I am finally going to get this game back into print. But, like Admiral Picard in the new series, this is my last try to "make it so." Also, understand that this is likely a one and done print run - my final word on this design. I do not expect to walk this path again, so if enough of you are interested in owning Pacific War, I'll give you my best effort to make it a purchase that rewards you with hours of enjoyable and challenging game play. As you might imagine, as I prepare a game this big for the publication process, I have no doubt about what I will be doing for the remainder of my shelter in place phase. Feel free to reach out to me online if you have any questions.

- Mark Herman, April 2020.

* 4 inch box
* 3 rulebooks
* 2 22 x 34 inch mounted maps
* 1 cardboard scenario map
* 9 counter sheets
* 1 pad of 24 Replacement Record Sheets
* 1 8.5 x 22 Operations Display
* 1 11 x 34 Japanese Display Sheet
* 1 11 x 34 Allied Display Sheet
* 1 11 x 34 Japanese Screen
* 1 11 x 34 Allied Screen
* baggies
* 2 ten-sided dice

Game Designer: Mark Herman

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162.50 €
Panzer Basic Game
Panzer Basic Game

The Panzers Roll...

The tanks prepare for action. The fuel tanks topped off and the ammo loaded. The commanders confer one final time to review the battle plan. They await your orders.

As the fog clears, your beleaguered battle group once again moves into position to cover the retreating infantry. It is their only possible escape route. Failure is not an option – it never is. Your ranks have thinned since your first days on the Eastern Front. Those once halcyon times have now come and gone. The objective is simple. It is just a matter of holding the line until the reinforcements arrive.

The sharp report of a tank gun to your right quickly focuses your attention back to the situation at hand. The enemy is quickly advancing. You order the flank element to engage, all the while keeping a sharp eye peeled to the left thinking this is just another diversionary feint.

Again, your suspicions are correct. Their main force just broke over the rise on your left. You order the main body forward. The engines rumble, the guns crack and explosions erupt. Your forces will once more carry the day!

Panzer Major Points:
* Game system designed for small unit actions from platoon to battalion-sized formations
* Vehicles, towed guns and aircraft are scaled at 1:1 with each 7/8” double-sided counter representing a single unit
* The 5/8” double-sided leg unit counters are scaled at squads, half-squads and sections, including their attached weapons
* Ground scale is 100 meters per hex
* Comprehensive yet quick to play
* Basic set includes a 22” x 34” mapboard
* Expansion sets include multiple double-sided geomorphic mapboards
* Full color illustrated manual with various player aids and reference cards
* Modular rules system with Basic, Advanced and Optional rules section. Players may keep it simple or as complex as desired.
* All of the unit data is included on the full-color data cards.
* The streamlined chit-based command system moves the action along at a brisk pace
* Scenario and TO&E Reference Book
* The add-on modules expand the game from the basic set.

Includes rules for:
* Vehicle include 11 unique hit locations, armor angles and penetration charts for level, rising and falling fire
* Various ammunition type, e.g., AP, HVAP, APCR, HEAT, HE
* Sighting Effects
* Overwatch fire
* Rate-of-fire
* Indirect fire, both on gameboard and off gameboard
* Hand-to-hand combat
* Close assault
* Troop quality
* Command control
* Unit cohesion
* Morale
* Smoke Effects
* Mines
* Obstruction
* Bogging
* Air-to-ground and anti-aircraft combat

Covers the major theaters of WWII including the:
* Eastern Front
* Western Front
* North Africa

Panzer Basic Game Components:

* 88 – double-sided 7/8” (1 sheet)

352 – double-sided 5/8” (2 sheets)
Order Chits
Terrain Effects, e.g., mines, rubble
Turrets, open and buttoned-up

* 1 – 22” x 34” single-sided full color map

* Reference Charts
2 – double-sided 11” x 17” Game Charts
2 – single-sided 8 ½” x 11” Transport/Summary/Hidden Unit Charts
2 – double-sided 8 ½” x 11” Data Card Keys
1 – double-sided 8 ½” x 11” Terrain Chart/Sequence of Play Chart

* Data Cards 5” x 4”
German: 8 double-sided
PzKpfw III/M
PzKpfw IV/G
PzKpfw IV/H
PzKpfw V Panther
PzKpfw VI/E Tiger I
PzKpfw VI/B Tiger II
Marder II
SPW 251/1
Trucks, SdKfz 7 and SdKfz 11 Prime Movers
7.5cm PaK 40 Anti-Tank Gun
8.8cm FlaK 38 Anti-Air/Tank Gun
Hs 129B-1/R2 and Fw 190 F-1 Aircraft
Squads, Half-Squads & Sections
Mortars, HMG and Anti-Tank Weapons

Soviet: 8 double-sided
T-70 M42
T-34/76 M43
T-34/85 M44
KV-1S M42
IS-2m M44
SU-85 M43
SU-100 M44
SU-152 M43
Trucks and Limbers
57mm M43 Anti-Tank Gun
76.2mm M39 Anti-Tank Gun
IL-2m3 Shturmovik and Yak-9T Aircraft
Squads, Half-Squads & Sections
Mortars, HMG and Anti-Tank Weapons

* Booklets 8 ½” x 11”
Rulebook: 80 pages
Playbook: 40 pages

* Dice
4 – d10 (2 white, 1 Blue, 1 Red)

Game Design: James M. Day

      heti saatavilla
110.50 €
Paths Of Glory: The First World War Deluxe Edition
Paths Of Glory: The First World War Deluxe Edition

Paths of Glory, designed by six-time Charles S. Roberts Award winner, Ted Raicer, allows players to step into the shoes of the monarchs and marshals who triumphed and bungled from 1914 to 1918. As the Central Powers you must use the advantage of interior lines and the fighting skill of the Imperial German Army to win your rightful “Place in the Sun." As the Entente Powers (Allies) you must bring your greater numbers to bear to put an end to German militarism and ensure this is “The War to End All Wars." Both players will find their generalship and strategic abilities put to the test as Paths of Glory's innovative game systems let you recreate all the dramatic events of World War I.

This is the Sixth Printing of designer Ted Raicer’s award-winning classic card-driven game of the Great War. More than just a reprint, it is a Deluxe Edition, sure to delight players new and old. Polished by years of passionate play and heated discussion; this Deluxe Edition will apply the learnings of the past two decades to the rules, enhance game balance based on thousands of competitive playings, and take the physical components to a new level. As a bonus, this edition includes both the classic AND the historical scenario map used in today’s competitive play, adds the additional counters and strategy cards first released in the Paths of Glory Player’s Guide, and provides a carefully curated set of markers to enhance face to face play.

* One 22" x 34" double-sided mounted mapboard (Classic Simonitch Map and the new Historical Scenario map by Terry Leeds.)
* 316 full-color die cut counters including the optional counters first released in the POG Player’s Guide in 2002.
* Updated 2017 Edition Rule Book incorporating prior rulings and errata.
* 110 Core Strategy Cards & 20 Optional Cards from the POG Player’s Guide.
* Updated Two Player Aid Cards
* Two six-sided dice

Game Features:
TIME SCALE 3 months per turn
MAP SCALE Point-to-Point
UNIT SCALE Armies and Corps

DESIGNER: Ted Raicer
ART DIRECTOR: Rodger B. MacGowan
MAP ART: Mark Simonitch
CARDS & COUNTER ART: Mark Simonitch
PRODUCERS: Andy Lewis, Gene Billingsley, Rodger MacGowan, Mark Simonitch, Tony Curtis

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91.00 €
Peloponnesian War
Peloponnesian War

From the opening of the Archadameian War in 431BC to the Fall of Athens in 404, The Peloponessian War allows YOU to compete against the man in the mirror, as you live through the suicide of Greece. Maneuver your generals, hoplites, and navies to fight battles and attempt to bring the war to an end on your terms. Take heed, however. As you weaken your foe, you create a greater game challenge for yourself. For as you improve in strength, so does your opponent.

In terms of physical components, Mark's enhanced version is getting the full GMT treatment: mounted map and strategy boards, high-quality thick counters, redesigned rules and playbook, all with new art throughout. This will be a product that you'll want to own and play for a long time!

What was old is new again. I am excited to have this opportunity to bring back into print and enhanced version of my original Peloponnesian War design that was originally published by Victory Games. This military game of ancient warfare lets YOU chart the destiny of the war. Peloponnesian War uses a still-unique solitaire system that was a pioneer in this genre, yet was never copied.

Most current solitaire systems on the market today have the player take one side for the entire game. This pits the player against a random 'Bot system, even the best of which have some difficulty giving you the same challenge as playing against a human opponent. In Peloponnesian War, you get to play both sides, pitting yourself against the best that YOU can offer. If the game system is winning, the player is forced to continue with the losing side. Success, on the other hand, will eventually force the player to change sides and recover the losing side's fortunes. The duration of the war and the player's performance determine victory. In this manner the player competes against himself in the classic tradition of the Greek tragedy.

* Rules booklet
* Play book
* Mounted Game Board: 22x34 inches
* 2 Counter Sheets
* 1 pad of VP Record Sheets
* 1 Athenian Strategy Matrix
* 1 Spartan Strategy Matrix
* 2 Player Aid Cards
* 2 Six-sided Dice

1–2 Players
Age: 14+

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84.50 €
People Power: Insurgency in the Philippines, 1983-1986
People Power: Insurgency in the Philippines, 1983-1986

You can say that the story of "People Power" in the Philippines started with one airplane arriving in Manila and ended with another one departing. On August 21, 1983, exiled opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. returned from the United States to his homeland. He expected to be arrested, but also fatefully contemplated, as his plane approached Manila, the possibility that he might not survive the homecoming. Tragically, moments after disembarking, he was shot dead by a conspirator on the airport tarmac.

This episode would embolden and mobilize the opposition to the Marcos regime and set in motion a chain of events that would conclude with the departure of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos some three years later, after more than twenty years of autocratic rule. This is a story of greed and corruption at the highest levels of government, of a dictator who ruled with an iron fist, and of a grass-roots opposition that stood up to him, revolted, and eventually drove him from power in disgrace. It was a revolution that displayed that there is great power in a united, determined group of individuals. Just a few short years before the Iron Curtain fell in Germany, Filipino patriots showed the world the power of a people united to topple a tyrant. At its heart, it is the story of "People Power."

People Power: Insurgency in the Philippines, 1983-1986 is volume XI of the highly-praised and popular COIN Series originally designed by Volko Ruhnke. People Power features three separate factions, instead of the customary four.

* The first faction is the Government, symbolized by the personal rule of Ferdinand Marcos, his wife Imelda, and his political cronies and military forces.
* Second are the NPA. Inspired by successful Marxist revolutions in China, Cuba and Nicaragua, these insurgents sought a national uprising from both the urban and rural populace and desired to replace the Marcos government with their own brand of autonomy.
* The third and final faction is the non-violent Reformers, embodied by Aquino’s widow, Corazon. She, along with her allies and supporters in that moment of tragedy, revived a platform of social justice and unrelenting momentum that would irrevocably change the Philippine political landscape immeasurably.

For players new to the COIN Series, or for those looking to teach the the series to their friends, People Power will serve as an excellent introductory game. Aiming for a 2 hour playtime and accessible complexity, People Power utilizes many of the basic COIN Series mechanics in new and familiar ways. The 22" x 17" map aids in introducing the game to a new player, as it presents only two types of terrain - Cities and Countrysides (where the latter amalgamates the rural settings of the island nation as well as much lightly-habitable terrain of jungles and mountains). Don't let the fast play and basic systems fool you, though. There are still plenty of strategic puzzles and inter-player backstabbing to be had! Also, People Power includes a new feature for the COIN Series - a Key Personality mini-hand procedure that represents the effectiveness of various generals and power brokers adding a new dimension to player actions and decisions.

As with most of the COIN Series games, People Power immerses players in an unfolding dramatic narrative that pits insurgent forces against a government that seeks to defeat them, while a third party seeks to thwart both. For you COIN Series veterans, here's a brief synopsis of how People Power presents the inter-faction dynamics:

* NPA Victory comes in the form of amassing NPA Bases, and instead of Support or Opposition, NPA "Resistance". Their Operations and Special Activities are not only indicative of most Cold War era revolutionary movements but also distinct in its application to its domestic agendas.
* The Government uses Support and Control to funnel patronage to cronies and the Marcos' family. Their Operations and Special Activities allow them to operate against the NPA (as in previous COIN volumes) and to subvert the activities and thwart the plans of the non-violent Reformers, as well.
* The Reformers (the historical victors) win by having both Reformer Bases and Opposition. Their Operations and Special Activities tools are not as powerful or intimidating as their armed foes but are crafted to provide them with persuasive social impact in a war of ideas.

Here's a bit more detail on some of the COIN Series modifications and additions that you'll get in People Power:

* People Power is one of the lower complexity COIN games with a much shorter play time, which can be utilized as a primer for those who wish to learn the system as a gateway to the other more complex games in the series.
* Propaganda Turns have been replaced by a two-turn Election cycle.
* The Personality Cards are representations of political, military and cultural figures; the “Newsmakers” of their time. Each card grants a different 'momentum' effect for each campaign.
* The Acts of Desperation deck serves to model the chaotic final three days of the People Power Revolution by giving players secret objectives that are scored during the final victory check.

We have crafted People Power to deliver a simple and fast game that will challenge and delight both veterans and newcomers to the COIN Series. It's designed to be a fast, fun, nail-biter of a game that never plays the same way twice. Like all of our COIN Series games, People Power also transports players to a (perhaps unfamiliar) historical setting and immerses them in the issues and conflicts of that place and time. Although it is first and foremost a competitive game, we believe it also presents great value with its historical insight and analysis about those fateful years that brought a country to the brink of civil war, then resolved the drama with an unprecedented reawakening of democracy, freedom, and hope.

* 17x22 inch mounted mapboard
* One Event Deck
* Card-Driven Solo-System Deck
* 80 Wooden Pieces
* 12 pawns
* One full-size, full-color counter sheet
* Rules of Play booklet
* Playbook booklet
* Three 6-sided dice
* Three foldout play aid sheets

DESIGNER: Kenneth Tee
DEVELOPERS: Eric Harvey and Jason Carr
GRAPHIC ART: Donal Hegarty, Eric Harvey, and Mark Simonitch

TIME SCALE: Yearly turns
MAP SCALE: Area map
PLAY TIME: 2-3 hours

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91.00 €
Pericles: The Peloponnessian Wars
Pericles: The Peloponnessian Wars

460-400 BC

Pericles is a ‘sandbox’ (unscripted) wargame that covers the ENTIRE period of conflict described in Thucydides classic history on the Peloponnesian wars. Pericles is a four-player game, where two teams of Athenian and Spartan factions fight for Hegemony in 5th Century Greece. Each team of two represents a faction vying for control of their City States, strategy, and honor. Athens sees the Aristocrats debate issues with their opposing Demagogues, while in Sparta House Agiad and House Eurypontid contend for royal dominance.

Pericles uses elements from the Golden Geek best Wargame of 2015, Churchill, to simulate war as the extension of politics by other means. In the War portion of the game, it is US versus THEM (Athens versus Sparta), where each team implements their collective strategy to dominate Theaters of War, build economic strength, and fight battles to win Honor. In the respective Political assemblies, it is ME versus YOU (faction versus faction), where the battle for government control has to be balanced by your common interests in a series of wars that must be won, or all is lost.

Pericles uses an Issue Queue preplanning mechanic that the play testers have described as ‘insanely fun’. After your Political assembly has debated and won issues, these issues (military, league, diplomatic, oracle) are secretly placed on the military map in one of the twenty Theaters of war. If you or your opponents place a second issue into a Theater, it creates a queue of issues. Once all issues are placed, they are revealed and resolved one at a time. The order of issues in the queues and the order in which they are resolved across all Theaters tells YOUR story of the Peloponnesian wars.

Strategy in Pericles unfolds in how you create combinations of issues to achieve the historical narrative. Do you want to conduct a Periclean raiding strategy? Then you would play two military issues into a Theater to first move forces into position, then raid. Do you want to build a base in the enemy homeland (historically Pylos or Decelea)? Then you would conduct a military expedition, followed by a league issue. Do you want to raise an opponent’s ally in rebellion? Then you would deploy a diplomatic mission, and sow treachery for immediate or future advantage. It is in the placement, order, and resolution of the issues that the game allows you to explore and experience the broad range of historical situations without a script.

What would a game of Hoplites and Triremes be without a battle mechanic? Battle in Pericles is based on armies and fleets being led by the classic generals of yore, represented as Strategos tokens. During the Political assembly, each faction uses historical personalities to acquire Strategos tokens. Use the Spartan general Brasidas and gain four Strategos tokens, while Epitadas only generates one. Strategos tokens can be thought of as military capital that is spent in the war to lead and move forces. If you send forces to a Theater with enemy forces, a land or naval battle will occur. All players then secretly commit Strategos to the battle. Then, the commanding general of the military expedition and their teammate reveal their Strategos commitment and move wooden land and naval units to the battle. Now the defensive commitment of Strategos is revealed, each side then reveals a random battle card value, and the winner is decided. The winner of the battle now has the option to fight a subsequent naval or land battle. The outcome of these tactical decisions determines if any fortified bases are destroyed by assault or siege. Then the next issue is resolved. Winning battles awards and reduces honor.

Players will experience periods of Peace, where most action is conducted with Allied forces (Delian and Peloponnesian League), or periods of War where Athens and Sparta directly enter the fray. The end of the game is not set, and factions from the opposing sides can conspire to declare Peace, gain honor, and control the timing of how a game of Pericles ends.

But what do you do if you cannot get four gamers together? Fear not, Pericles comes with Strategy tables for both sides and rules to play Pericles with 3 humans, 2 humans, or in single human mode. So, no matter how many or how few players you can get to the table, you can take a walk through the Athenian agora (market) up to the Pnyx (Assembly hill) and debate policy with Pericles, while trying to both gain control of the government and win the Peloponnesian Wars.

Victory in Pericles goes to the side that conquers their opponents City State OR generates more honor points from geographic dominance and economic strength than the other. However, there can only be one, and the ultimate winner of the game is the victorious City State faction that has the most honor points. Pericles is a game of coopetition. As I stated earlier, Pericles is a game of US versus THEM, but for the winning side it is a game of ME versus YOU!

* 1 Mounted Map
* 88 Cards
* 180+ Wooden Pieces (Cubes, Disks, and Sticks)
* 1 Counter sheet (130 counters)
* 1 Rulebook
* 1 Playbook
* 4 x Play Aid Cards
* 4 Cardboard Player Shields, two sided four color (one for each faction)
* 1 twenty sided die
* 1 six sided die

Game Features:
TIME SCALE 6 Years per turn
MAP SCALE Theaters of War in and around the Aegean

  !   tilattava tuote
110.20 €
Plains Indian Wars
Plains Indian Wars

The Great Plains in the latter half of the 19th century was a cultural battleground. The Native way of life was under siege by an avalanche of invaders seeking land and progress. Plains Indian Wars reduces this monumental and catastrophic series of conflicts to its basic elements: A settler surge via long snaking wagon trains, the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, east and west, and the cavalry sent to protect them all. At the same time, Plains Indian Wars seeks to offer the Native-American player the opportunity to unite earlier, hold their own and perhaps even prevent European-American success.

Plains Indian Wars can be played by 1-4 players, but is best played as a two-player game. Game play averages 60-90 minutes.

The Plains Indian Wars Map board centers on the Great American Plains between the Mississippi River in the east and the Rockies in the west, the Canadian border in the north and Mexican border in the south. The Northern and Southern Enemies are each defending 5 purple regions, The NPT and SPT are defending 12 regions each. Separating the NPT and SPT is the planned route for the Transcontinental Railroad. US Completion (linking the two lines) ends the game and earns the US player a bonus. The Indian player earns a bonus if this is prevented.

North and south of the rail line are historic wagon train routes. The US player earns points for each wagon cube that completes its journey. The Indian player earns points for preventing this. All factions may retreat into or enter from Mexico, Canada, the Rockies or the Mississippi, although those cubes retreating into the Rockies go directly to Sacramento and must exit from there and those retreating into the Mississippi go directly to St. Louis and must also exit from there. Also, US movement west out of the Rockies is dependent on successfully building a rail line through the Rockies – not a simple task!

On opposite sides of the Map board are found: faction deck boxes, faction cube reserve boxes, a casualty box, a victory point schedule and a victory point track. Both sides earn VPs during the game. The US player earns them for getting Wagon cubes into the Rockies. The Indian player earns them for capturing Wagon cubes. Most VPs are earned at the end of the game: One point per side for each region controlled and a bonus for either completing or preventing the completion of the railroad.

Faction turn order is random. Faction discs are drawn, one at a time from the draw bag and placed on the map in the order they are drawn. This is key, as players never know when workers will be completing a section of track or when wagon will escape (or enter into) a trap, but they will know what factions they no longer have to worry about that turn.

Each major faction holds a hand of three cards. The 60 cards included represent a selection of leaders and events connected with the Plains Wars. There are two types of cards: War Party/Engagement/Migration cards tell players how many cubes may be drawn from the reserve box and placed in respective home areas and how far the cubes may move. Text cards allow for special circumstances and may act as reaction or endurance cards. There is only one play immediately card reflecting George Armstrong Custer’s hubris - its play could be positive for the Cavalry player but more often than not ends in disaster.

Combat? Combat is harsh and frequent. When opposing factions occupy the same region, players start rolling their faction’s personalized dice. Each weapon symbol rolled is a hit which removes a cube. Each blank result is a miss which allows a cube of that faction the opportunity to retreat from battle. Settlers have little firepower but a near endless number of cubes. The NPT and SPT enjoy better firepower increased further when they join forces. Cavalry enjoys the best firepower but has the fewest cubes in the game. When both sides roll a treaty symbol, the stronger force relocates the weaker force. If both sides have an equal force, the battle continues.

I have had a deep and abiding interest in Native American culture ever since reading Dee Brown’s Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee in high school. During the Plains Wars, massacres and cruelty occurred on both sides, The Sand Creek Massacre and Custer’s Last Stand are well-known examples. Unfortunately, the journalistic adage, “If it bleeds, it leads,” is true of our American history. Sensational Conflict, victory and progress are what kids grow up learning, but there is always so much more behind and leading up to the infamous incidents we emphasize.

The Plains Warriors showed immense courage and tenacity defending their homes and their land. The settlers, the soldiers and the rail workers who sought to wrest it from them were no less courageous. Make no doubt! Plains Indian Wars is fun. It is fast and it is exciting. As a teacher though, I make no bones about wanting this game to open doors to further learning. So when you open the box I hope it opens your mind and whoever you play... may the dice be with you!

* Mounted Mapboard
* 4 Faction Card Decks (15 cards each)
* 190 Colored 1/4" Cubes
* Rulebook
* 5 Sets of Faction Dice (2 each)
* 7 Draw Discs
* 1 Draw Bag

Game Designer: John Poniske

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84.50 €
Plantagenet: Cousins' War for England, 1459-1485
Plantagenet: Cousins' War for England, 1459-1485

England, 1459. The son of the great Henry V has not lived to fill his father's shoes. England has lost the Hundred Years War, and mighty lords amass lands and wealth rivaling the King’s own. Henry IV left the door open for any such powerful lord with good pedigree to reach for the throne, and the best candidate is Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York.

Mounting tension over the Crown leads to armed clashes, under the excuse of freeing the king from his evil counsellors, and finally ignites the Wars of the Roses that William Shakespeare would immortalize in his plays:

* A Yorkist rebellion that succeeds in placing Edward IV on the throne and exiling the Lancastrians to Scotland and France.
* A civil war pitting Warwick the Kingmaker and King Edward’s brother Clarence against the King and his other brother Richard Gloucester.
* The reinstatement for a few months of Henry VI and the invasion from France by his son and wife leading to a final contest between Richard III and Henry Tudor (later known as Henry VII) and the Battle of Bosworth that ends the Plantagenet dynasty.

Treason, bravery, political maneuver, and a cast of memorable characters mark one of the most intense and divided periods of English history.

In Plantagenet—the newest volume in Volko Ruhnke's Levy & Campaign Series—players lead one of the two factions across the three main periods of war, as individual scenarios or the entire Wars of the Roses.

Designer Francisco Gradaille adds overall and local political influence to Volko’s medieval operation system to reflect the ever-changing loyalties of the time while keeping play familiar to fans of the Series. Players will create and maintain a network of allied lords and nobles in order to obtain the provender and coin needed to supply and pay their armies. As ravaging and looting will damage each side’s reputation, each faction will strive to convince cites to join its side. Great battles will seek to kill or capture enemy lords—perhaps even a king. Two kinds of operational moves will be in play: the military and the political.

In the end, when the dust settles and all arrows have flown, one rose will sit on the throne. White or Red, York or Lancaster, gather your troops and banners and join the fight.

Game Components:
* One 17x22 inch Mounted Map
* 152 Wooden pieces
* 179 Playing Cards
* Two full-color Countersheets
* 13 cardboard Lord and Battle mats
* One Lords sticker sheet
* Four Player Aid sheets
* Two Screens
* Rules Booklet
* Background Booklet
* Six 6-sided dice

Players: 1-2
Time: 60-90 days per turn
Units: 100-250 Horse or 500 Foot
Age: 14+

Game Designer: Francisco Gradaille
Prototype Art and Playtest Lead: Marc Aliaga
Historical Advisor: Graham Evans
Series Development: Wendell Albright, John Campbell, and Cristophe Correia
Series Creator: Volko Ruhnke

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115.70 €

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