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Star Wars Rebellion: Rise of the Empire
Star Wars Rebellion: Rise of the Empire

Inspired largely by the characters and events of Rogue One, Rise of the Empire introduces a plethora of new heroes, villains, starships, troopers, and vehicles from that film, alongside other characters, ships, and events from Star Wars: Rebels and the classic trilogy, plus new missions that add more drama and intrigue to your games.

You can send Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor to recover the Death Star plans. You can confuse Imperials with false orders and assaults behind enemy lines. You can command Director Krennic and his finest death troopers. And you can set traps for the Rebel pilots and soldiers, luring them away from their base and into massive battles with more fully cinematic combat and tactics. Even Jabba the Hutt makes an appearance, offering his services to the Empire and feeding his prisoners to the Sarlaac.

Altogether, Rise of the Empire enhances your games with eight new leaders, thirty-six plastic miniatures, five target markers, two attachment rings, three new dice, and more than one-hundred new cards. You'll find U-wings, TIE Strikers, Nebulon-B frigates, and the Interdictor. You'll gain new ways of subverting your opponent's plans, and you'll discover a whole new chapter in your ongoing Galactic Civil War!

A Rebellion Built on Hope
It is a dark time for the galaxy, and it is growing darker. With every passing day, the Galactic Empire spreads its oppressive rule to new systems, destroying all peace and hope. Worse yet, however, are the rumors that the Empire is constructing a secret battle station of unimaginable power. Against this overwhelming threat, the only hope for freedom lies with the group of unlikely heroes who have banded together to complete a series of dangerous secret missions.

With Rebellion, you gain full command of one side of this struggle or the other. You command the full leadership and military of the burgeoning Galactic Empire, or the brave and desperate heroes of the fledgling Rebel Alliance. In either case, you must balance all your military strength, resources, and political alliances against the secret missions you undertake to advance your cause. You must keep an eye to the loyalties of whole systems while directing your forces to victory in battles or guiding them to success on missions.

The result is that your game becomes a sweeping tale of individual heroics with far-reaching consequences, and this story turns largely upon the outcome of the missions you attempt. Accordingly, Rise of the Empire introduces brand new mission decks for the Empire and Rebellion that pluck your games of Rebellion outside the timeframe of the original Star Wars trilogy and allow you to begin with the Death Star under construction and Director Krennic eager to see it fully developed and tested.

Desperately outnumbered and outgunned, the Rebellion's very survival, then, hangs upon the surgical precision of its missions. As the Rebel player, you'll need to consider your options carefully. Will you attempt a Secret Mission alongside Cassian Andor? Will you fight Behind Enemy Lines with Saw Gerrera? Or will you focus on developing your forces, offering a Promotion to a leader like Admiral Ackbar or Wedge Antilles? The wrong decision may spell doom. The right one may save millions of lives.

Cinematic Combat
It's only natural that a Rebellion expansion inspired by Rogue One would feature a good number of daring heroes, scheming villains, and critical missions. But, of course, there's more to the film than its desperate, covert operations and spy work. The film just wouldn't be the same without its superlaser blasts and its climactic battles in space and on the ground.

Similarly, Rise of the Empire wouldn't be the same without its new combat units, tactic cards, and the new rules it introduces for bringing them all together in massively cinematic confrontations in space or on the ground. You'll have Rebel vanguards launching rockets against Imperial assault tanks. You'll find TIE Striker pilots weaving past Rebels entrenched with their Golan Arms DF.9 turret placements. And if you're the Rebel player, you may watch in horror as you realize the Imperials have developed gravity wells on their Interdictor that can prevent your Nebulon-B frigates from escaping into hyperspace.

With Rise of the Empire, you can use advanced tactics cards to bring a new dimension to combat. The Rebellion and Galactic Empire each gain their own tactic decks, filled with surprises that allow their units to use their unique strengths to change the course of combat. When you play with these advanced tactic cards, you don't just change the cards you play in combat; you change the whole nature of the combat itself.

When you play with the cinematic combat rules from Rise of the Empire, you and your opponent each secretly choose one of these advanced tactic cards at the start of each round of combat. When the cards are revealed, their effects can have potent repercussions, many of which relate directly to the units you're fielding in the battle. There are others that may even reach beyond the theater of battle.

For example, if you play Rogue One in a combat where you have a U-wing and then retreat a unit in the round you play it, you can rescue a captive leader. Suddenly, your round of combat gains a bit of the story element usually associated more closely with your missions. Or if you arrange a winning Confrontation, you can eliminate one of your opponent's leaders!

A Perfect Fit
New leaders. New missions. New tactic cards that lead to more fully cinematic combats. Rise of the Empire isn't just inspired by Rogue One; it follows the movie's example, adding new depth and story to the Rebellion game experience just as seamlessly as Rogue One provided new insight into the Galactic Civil War presented in the original Star Wars trilogy.

What will you become when the galaxy erupts into an epic series of conflicts?

• An expansion for the highly acclaimed Star Wars: Rebellion board game
• Inspired largely by the characters and events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
• New leaders and new missions add new chapters to your ongoing Galactic Civil War
• New units, advanced tactic cards, and dice add tension to your cinematic combats
• Comes with eight leaders, thirty-six plastic miniatures, three new dice, two attachment rings, five target markers, and more than one hundred cards

      loppu varastosta
66.00 €
Star Wars: Outer Rim
Star Wars: Outer Rim

A game of bounty hunters, mercenaries, and smugglers for one to four players!

Far from the shadows of Coruscant’s skyscrapers lies the dangerous Outer Rim. To many citizens, the galaxy's edge represents a hive of scum and villainy that is better left ignored. But to the scoundrels of the galaxy, the Outer Rim represents opportunity. If you can survive the harsh conditions of the edge of space, you may just find yourself emerging from the grime of the underworld as one of the most famous scoundrels in the galaxy.

In Outer Rim, you take on the role of an underworld denizen, setting out to make your mark on the galaxy. You’ll travel the Outer Rim in your personal ship, hire legendary Star Wars characters to join your crew, and try to become the most famous (or infamous) outlaw in the galaxy!

But it won’t be easy. The warring factions of the galaxy roam the Outer Rim, hunting down the scum that have proven to be a thorn in their side, and other scoundrels looking to make their mark see you as the perfect target to bring down and bolster their own reputation. Do you have what it takes to survive in the Outer Rim and become a living legend? Fame and Infamy
A game of Outer Rim takes place over a series of turns that sees players taking dangerous jobs, tracking down bounties, upgrading their ship, and more, all in service of gaining more and more fame.

Regardless of the path you take to get there, the goal of Outer Rim is to gain ten fame, cementing your place in the legends of the Star Wars galaxy. Gaining this fame can come from a variety of sources, such as completing your character’s personal goal, collecting on bounties and jobs, delivering illegal cargo, taking down patrols from the various factions struggling over the galaxy, and enjoying the finer things in life by purchasing luxury items with your hard-earned credits.

While the path to victory may be different for scoundrels finding their way in the Outer Rim, everyone starts from the bottom with a simple starship. Your player board not only tracks your fame progress, but also contains slots for your ship, your character card, gear, reputation, modifications, jobs, and bounties.

Of course, you can’t become a legend by idling on planets and staring at the stars. You’ll have to take your ship across the galaxy to build your fame. You’ll have to traverse dangerous hyperspace routes between the farflung planets of the Outer Rim, avoiding hostile patrols, devastating maelstroms, and deadly encounters as you build your legacy.

In performing your jobs you’ll have to avoid patrols from the Hutts, Crime Syndicates, Imperials, and Rebels. While these patrols can be nuisances that stand in your path, destroying a powerful patrol can increase your fame, and doing jobs for any of these factions can turn them into helpful allies—but helping one faction may harm your reputation with the other major factions of the galaxy, encouraging them to hunt you down wherever you may hide.

Even if it's not glamorous, you won't get far without a ship. Every would-be legend begins with a starter ship that gives you the opportunity to take your first steps into a larger world. But as your legend grows, so do your resources, and as you find success you can improve and upgrade your ship, even trading it in for a newer model like a modified YT-1300. By meeting certain conditions, you can even transform these ships into iconic Star Wars vessels like the Millennium Falcon!

It might be just a modified YT-1300 light freighter for now, but once you meet your ship goal, you can flip the card over to reveal the Millennium Falcon!

Decide Your Destiny
But what’s a ship without a pilot? One of the most exciting aspects of Outer Rim is stepping into the shoes of some of the most iconic scoundrels in the Star Wars galaxy. Each of the eight character choices has their own skills and and their own personal goal to help them become famous or infamous throughout the Outer Rim. Search for the fastest ship in the galaxy with Han Solo or hunt down dangerous bounties with Boba Fett. Sabotage Imperial bastions with Jyn Erso or make a fortune from illegal cargo with Lando Calrissian. Once these characters achieve their goal, they gain fame and more powerful abilities that will undoubtedly prove useful as they continue their journey through the Outer Rim.

Furthermore, as you travel from planet to planet you’ll gather a crew of famous characters! You might fly alongside the mighty Chewbacca, the respectable businessman Hondo Ohnaka, and more! These crew members add new skills and abilities to your ship, and collecting the perfect crew is essential to victory. But be warned, if there is a death mark on one of your crew members, other players may hunt them down, and it’s up to you to defend them—unless a mutually beneficial deal can be reached…

Skilled Scoundrels
Characters and crew also contain various skills to help you on your journey, from experts in influence like Lando Calrissian to masters of stealth like Doctor Aphra. These skills will come in handy during your journey across the galaxy: at the end of your turn, you’ll draw an encounter card based on your space. The Star Wars galaxy is brimming with action and adventure, and every space has its own story to tell.

These encounters could see your legend growing, but only if you have the skill to navigate them. Many encounters will ask you to test a specific skill, such as luring someone into a high stakes game of sabacc with your influence, or using your stealth to help a Rebel cell steal some gear from an Imperial garrison.

Succeeding in these encounters can bring you fame and credits, while failure can leave your ship damaged, your reputation ruined, or worse. These dice are also used during combat, and during jobs, which are more in-depth encounters with branching results based on your skills. With factions on your tail and the dirty allure of the Outer Rim constantly calling, a job is never as simple as moving some cargo.

On the Edge
Will you make a name for yourself by hunting bounties for the Hutts, stealing for the crime syndicates, or smuggling goods past Imperial patrols? All this and more is possible as you adventure through the outskirts of the known galaxy. Set your coordinates, gather your crew, and make the jump to hyperspace with Outer Rim!

2 – 3 hours
1 – 4 players
Ages 14+

      heti saatavilla
97.70 €
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition

Mecatol Rex. The center of the known galaxy and seat of the former Lazax Empire. Scarred by the flames of betrayal, Rex is a specter of a fallen empire and of ages long forgotten, yet it remains an object of reverence—and desire—in a galaxy of conflict and uncertainty.

Once, the great city that spanned its surface was the pinnacle of civilization. Today, Mecatol City is naught but a blasted shell of its former glory, a grim respite in the toxic Sea of Desolation that covers the majority of the planet.

Even so, its parabolic history of decadence and destruction does little to deter those who would seek to harness its power. The Winaaran custodians who dwell within the remnants of the city maintain what is left of the former capital, waiting for one of the Great Races to step forward and take up the mantle of the former Emperors.

But who among the races of the galaxy could fill the void left by the Lazax? To lay claim to the throne is a destiny sought by many, yet the shadows of the past serve as a grim warning to those who would follow in their footsteps...

A Galaxy at War
For two decades, Twilight Imperium has defined the essence of epic in board games. Now, Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the next step in the game’s tremendous legacy: Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition, a game of galactic conquest in which three to six players take on the role of one of seventeen factions vying for galactic domination through military might, political maneuvering, and economic bargaining.

An Historic Conflict
Twilight Imperium's epic and engaging gameplay has enthralled players all over the world. Now, new players have the opportunity to dive into the modern classic with the most refined version of the game ever released.

Players will attempt to score victory points by completing both public and individual secret objectives that will see each of their factions maneuvering ships around an expansive and diverse galaxy, trading goods and commodities for favors and promises, claiming planets for their resources and influence, and politically maneuvering their way to glory. The first faction to ten victory points wins the game, but this is easier said than done.

At the start of each game of Twilight Imperium, players begin by creating their own custom galaxy. Each player is dealt a "hand" of galaxy tiles and takes turns placing them one at a time around Mecatol Rex, the center of the galaxy, until three rings are created, with their home planets occupying the outermost ring. This creates a strategic element to the setup of Twilight Imperium and ensures that no two games will ever be the same.

At the start of every round, players will select one of eight strategy cards that both determine player order and give their owner a unique strategic action for that round. These may do anything from providing additional command tokens to allowing a player to control trade throughout the galaxy. After these roles are selected, players will take turns moving their fleets from system to system, claiming new planets for their empire, and engaging in warfare and trade with other factions. At the end of a turn, players gather in a grand council to pass new laws and agendas, shaking up the game in unpredictable ways.

The heart of your empire resides on your unique faction and command sheet. While the command sheet will give a brief overview of options available to you during your turn and house your command tokens, your faction sheet not only includes an overview of your faction’s special abilities, but details the capabilities of each ship in your fleet. Carriers ferry your infantry from system to system, the mobility of Cruisers makes them perfect for exploring new systems, Dreadnoughts provide heavy firepower for your fleets, Destroyers are perfect for picking off enemy fighters, PDS units defend your systems, and the mighty War Sun's devastating firepower is unrivaled in the galaxy. Additionally, each faction comes equipped with their own unique flagship that synergizes with their unique abilities.

Through researching new technologies, each of these ships can be powered up in significant ways. Should these ships be upgraded by a technology card, you simply place the card representing the new version of the ship over the old one, making upgrades easy to track.

Players then take turns performing actions, which can come in a number of ways. Primarily, they will be moving fleets throughout the galaxy using a limited supply of command tokens. Moving ships into an unoccupied system allows your transported infantry units to claim planets, which provide valuable resources and influence. If the system is occupied by another player, a battle will occur that will end in either utter destruction or retreat for one side. Instead of moving fleets, players may also use the actions provided by their strategy cards.

Every strategy card not only provides a primary ability for its owner, but a secondary ability for every other player, keeping them engaged even when it is not their turn. For example, the Leadership strategy card allows its owner to gain three command tokens, and then spend any amount of influence to gain an additional token for every three influence spent. Other players will also get the opportunity to spend influence to gain command tokens as well, improving their ability to move ships throughout the galaxy, build larger fleets, or activate other powerful secondary actions of their opponents' yet unused strategy cards. While they miss out on the three "free" tokens provided with the primary ability, your opponents can still reap a benefit while holding on to their own powerful strategy cards. The careful timing of these cards is integral to the strategic and measured play of Twilight Imperium.

After every player has passed their turn, players move up the victory track by checking to see if they have completed any objectives throughout the turn and scoring them. Objectives are determined by setting up ten public objective cards at the start of each game, then gradually revealing them with every round. Every player also chooses between two random secret objectives at the start of the game, providing victory points only achievable by the holder of that objective. These objectives can be anything from researching new technologies to taking your neighbor's home system. At the end of every turn, a player can claim one public objective and one secret objective. As play continues, more of these objectives will be revealed and more secret objectives will be dealt out, giving players dynamically changing goals throughout the game. Play continues until a player reaches ten victory points.

Finally, if a player has taken control of the Mecatol Rex system at the center of the galaxy, the agenda phase begins. This phase sees players revealing the top card of the agenda deck and voting on it. These agendas can be anything from electing a player to receive a victory point to restricting the use of powerful War Suns. Players use the influence values on their planets to vote, but must weigh how much they wish to use very carefully. After the first agenda card is voted on, the process begins again with a second card and a second vote, and players who used all their influence on the first vote may not have a say in an important galactic decision.

Claiming victory in Twilight Imperium will require careful negotiations with fellow players, offering them boons they might not find elsewhere. Among these are the new commodities; each faction produces commodities using the trade strategy card. These commodities do nothing on their own, but become trade goods when traded to another player. These trade goods can be used as resources to build ships, influence votes, or even as a way to score certain objectives. Having a healthy supply of these goods may be essential to your faction's ascension as rulers of the galaxy. However, trading with other players can be a risky proposition, and encourages factions to toe the line between friend and foe, as you may only trade with your neighbors. A neighbor is defined as any faction who has ships or claimed planets in a system adjacent to your own. While this may put you in a vulnerable position, as these trade lines may disintegrate into open battle at any time, true masters of trade will keep their neighbors happy and dominate the galaxy with their economic superiority.

Another aspect of trade are Promissory Notes. These can be traded throughout a game, and give the receiver a powerful benefit against the player trading them away. Every player receives four generic notes and a faction specific note. These are valuable resources that should only be traded for a massive benefit.

However, victory cannot be claimed through the careful manipulation of the galactic economy alone. Your civilization will have to push its supremacy forward through discovering the lost technologies used freely during the reign of the Lazax Empire. Whether it's the ability to travel through an asteroid field or construct powerful War Suns, new technologies will be vital in the race for galactic superiority. The technology strategy cards allows you to research a technology from your personal technology deck, and collecting various types of technology will not only give you significant advantages throughout the game, but may also be the key to scoring certain objectives.

In Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition, the most powerful technologies will require other technologies of that color to be known before they can be researched. However, upgrading ships will often require technologies of various colors, meaning you must diversify your research if you want a fleet that will make whole worlds tremble.

Players may also own planets that include a technology specialty. These planets are valuable resources that may be used to ignore a prerequisite on a technology currently being researched, letting players advance their tech trees quicker than would normally be possible.

A Galaxy Restored
For twenty years, the custom space operas created by Twilight Imperium have thrilled gamers like nothing else. Now, Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition builds on the grand space opera found in previous editions while streamlining rules and putting player interaction center stage.

Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition aims to be the most complete version of the game ever printed. Seventeen playable races are included in the game, offering a wide variety of starting faction options. Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition brings a galactic space opera to your table, and no two games will ever be the same.

As the galaxy churns inexorably toward its violent future, the Great Races have begun to feed the flames that fuel their war machines. An epoch of great struggle threatens to engulf the galaxy once more as each faction races toward the desiccated seat of an ancient empire on Mecatol Rex to become the indisputable ruler of the stars. It is a time of steadfast alliances and bloody betrayals. Of words and of war. Of deep-seated honor and hard-won glory. It is the dawn of a new era.

A Galaxy of Change
Twilight Imperium commands an imposing legacy unlike any other game out there. For twenty years, this venerable strategy board game that casts players as the authors of their own epic, spacefaring saga has seen three full editions and several expansions, each of which has changed the thrilling gameplay and vibrant universe of Twilight Imperium. Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition sees several changes from previous editions in order to push the game forward into the dawn of a new age. These changes include but are not limited to:

* Trade - Trade contracts do not exist in Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition. Instead, commodities are traded between factions who have ships in adjacent systems. Every time the trade strategy card is used, its primary ability allows a faction to “refresh” their commodities. Then, that faction may choose to let any other factions refresh their commodities for free. Other factions may then use trade’s secondary ability to spend a token from their strategy pool to refresh their commodities. Commodities do nothing on their own, but become traditional trade goods when given to another faction.

* Technology - Twilight Imperium Third Edition featured elaborate tech trees as a pathway to powerful technologies. The process of researching technology has been streamlined, as there are no longer specific technologies that are prerequisites for other advancements in Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition. Instead, certain types of technology are used as prerequisites—a new tech may require three Biotic Technologies, or two Warfare and a Cybernetic Technology, making prerequisites easy to track.

* PDS Units and Space Docks - Previously, PDS units and Space Docks were constructed like any other unit, requiring a resource cost and an activation token to place on a planet. Now, PDS Units and Space Docks are created with the Construction strategy card, which allows a player to place either two PDS units on planets you control, or a PDS and a Space Dock on planets you control. The secondary ability allows a player to spend a token from their strategy pool to place a PDS or Space Dock on one of their planets.

* Politics - Previously, in Third Edition, the politics phase began with the primary ability of the Politics strategy card. Now the agenda phase occurs at the end of every round after Mecatol Rex has been claimed. Players get to refresh all their planets for the agenda phase, meaning they don’t have to split their planets for use between resources and influence. Like Third Edition, agenda cards are used to pass new laws in the galaxy, flipped from the top of the deck. After one law is voted on, a second card is flipped and another round of voting occurs. Planets are refreshed again after the agenda phase ends.

* Imperial Strategy Card - Previously, the Imperial strategy card’s primary ability allowed for the user to receive two victory points. Now, the card’s primary ability allows a player to receive one victory point if they control Mecatol Rex or receive an additional Secret Objective. This Imperial strategy card is more flexible but still provides a pacing element, and can be used as a powerful tool if selected at the right time.

Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition includes many components first introduced in expansions for the Third Edition of the game. Flagships, promissory notes, factions, strategy cards, special galaxy tiles, and more return in Fourth Edition.

A New Era
Twilight Imperium generates unique space operas every time players sit down to play. Fourth Edition not only streamlines many of the rules found in earlier editions of the game, but also places further emphasis on player interaction.

The day will soon come when a new Empire will rise. For the sake of all, may the new Emperor have not only the power to seize the throne, but the strength to hold together the peace. Are you ready for another age of twilight?

• Create your own galactic space opera with a massive game featuring over 1,000 components
• With seventeen different races and a random board setup, no game is ever the same twice
• Innovative game systems create strategic decisions every turn
• Politic and negotiate your way to victory, or overrun your foes with military might, the choice is yours

Twilight Imperium Fourth Edition contains:
* over 350 plastic units
*51 system tiles
*561 command and control tokens
*80 action cards
* 50 agenda cards
* 40 objective cards
* 59 planet cards
* 184 technology and technology upgrade cards
* 41 promissory note cards
* and much more

4 – 8 hours
3 – 6 players
Ages 14+

      heti saatavilla
213.30 €
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition: Prophecy of Kings Expansion
Twilight Imperium 4th Edition: Prophecy of Kings Expansion

The lost planet of Ixth, fabled paradise of a million dreamers, promised land of a thousand faiths, a legend as old as the Lazax, has been found. Unfortunately, the old tales of Ixth are nothing more than lies, and when an exploratory expedition ventures through a sealed wormhole in Creuss space, they discover a tomb-city outside the galaxy. This city is a prison, constructed for one purpose: to imprison the Mahact Gene-Sorcerers, tyrannical kings of the galaxy before the Lazax ever rose to power. And now that they have reawakened, no power can compel the Mahact to stop their burgeoning conquest.

This massive expansion is packed to bursting with new content that you can add to your games of Twilight Imperium. The galaxy has grown far larger, as seven never-before-seen factions enter the game, each boasting their own unique strengths and weaknesses, from the gene-altering powers of the Mahact, to the watchful guard of the Argent Flight, to the mysterious and ancient Empyrean. And new factions aren’t the only way the galaxy grows bigger! Forty new system and hyperlane tiles add new planets and obstacles to the map, and with two new colors of player components included in the Prophecy of Kings expansion, you can play Twilight Imperium with up to eight players.

But that’s only a fraction of what you’ll find in this expansion! Adding even more flavor to your chosen species, a wealth of unique leader cards arrive to support every faction in the game, giving you powers to unlock during the game. Lumbering mechs stomp onto the battlefield as powerful new ground forces with unique special abilities for every faction. As you venture into the unknown regions of space, brand-new exploration decks seed new planets and the void of space with new discoveries, including fragments you can combine to create awe-inspiring relics. With new action cards, agenda cards, objectives, technologies, promissory notes, legendary planets, and more, Prophecy of Kings is a must-have expansion for any fan of Twilight Imperium!

Kings of the Galaxy
With the seven new factions introduced by this expansion, you’ll have twenty-four options to choose from in every game of Twilight Imperium—each boasting their own strategic approach and playstyle, and each bringing new dimensions to the game.

One of these new factions is the legendary Mahact Gene-Sorcerers, a primal tale from ancient history. In the distant past, the Mahact dynasties terrorized the galaxy. They could warp the forms of living beings, compel eternal obedience with a gesture, and turn the biospheres of entire worlds into seething caustic hells. But in the midst of their decadent rule, a new Empire rose to challenge them. The Lazax, a young and fiery race, led the effort to destroy the Mahact and restore peace. But the shadow of the past was never truly destroyed—only locked away and hidden behind a deactivated wormhole gate.

As they return to battle for control of the galaxy, the Mahact are an intimidating foe. They learn and collect the genetic sequence of their enemies during battle, represented by their Edict ability. The first time you defeat another faction in combat with the Mahact, you’ll take one of their command tokens and place it in your fleet pool. This command token increases your fleet limit, but it has other benefits as well. Most notably, claiming another faction’s command token lets you use the ability of that player’s commander—one of the new leader types that we’ll discuss below!

Few alive today know of the Argent Flight. This collection of related avian subspecies were enslaved by the Mahact and forced to fight in brutal proxy wars, until they were freed by the arrival of a Lazax warlord. To pay their debt, they agreed to contribute their best warriors and scholars to create an order that would safeguard the galaxy and ensure the Mahact would never return. Though they fought their own battles in the shadows against the Mahact’s sleeper agents, with the opening of the wormhole gate and the return of the Mahact, the Argent Flight has begun to gather its forces. The time for secrecy is over, and they must finish what the Lazax started so long ago.

The Argent Flight know their role in galactic politics, and their zeal can give them a real edge in shaping the new laws and directives of the galactic council. You’ll always vote first during the agenda phase, but whenever you cast at least one vote, you automatically cast an additional vote for each player in the game, including yourself, making the Argent Flight a political power to be reckoned with. This faction also boast specialized destroyers—Strike Wing Alpha—with anti-fighter barrages that can also be used to damage your opponent’s most powerful starships.

Agents of Change
Even factions from the Core Set find a host of new tricks arriving with the 74 leader cards included in Prophecy of Kings. Every faction now has three types of leaders: an agent, a commander, and a hero. At the beginning of the game, your agent, such as Evelyn DeLouis of the Federation of Sol, or Carth of Golden Sands for the Emirates of Hacan is your only unlocked leader. Agents must be exhausted to use their ability, but they still offer some powerful effects.

Every faction also has access to a commander. These commanders must be unlocked by meeting the requirement on the back of the card, and this requirement varies for every commander. The rewards can be well worth it, however, as you’ll find with Claire Gibson reinforcing Federation infantry, or Ta Zern boosting your unit abilities for the Universities of Jol-Nar. Commander abilities don’t require you to exhaust your leader, and you can use them as often as the opportunity presents itself!

Finally, every faction has access to a powerful hero. You need to score three objectives to unlock your faction’s hero, and once you do, you gain a powerful, once-per-game ability that’s certain to leave its mark on the galaxy! For example, by unlocking Jace X of the 4th Air Legion, you gain the Helio Command Array, which you can use once per game to remove each of your command tokens from the board and return them to your reinforcements. Or, perhaps you’ll impress Adjudicator Ba'al, the Starscourge, unlocking the Nova Seed —an awe-inspiring instrument of destruction that lets you use a war sun to destroy an entire system and all enemy units there, replacing it with the brand-new Muaat supernova tile!

These leaders aren’t the only faction-specific bonus brought about by Prophecy of Kings. Powerful new mechs stomp onto the battlefield, crashing through infantry with ease, and every faction boasts its own unique type of mech. For example, if you fight for the Mahact Gene-Sorcerers, you’ll harness the Starlancer. When an opponent activates a system with your Starlancer, you can spend their token from your fleet pool to immediately end their turn, stopping an attack before it begins. Or, perhaps you’re more drawn to the Icarus Drive —this Ghosts of Creuss mech lets you remove it from the board to place or move a Creuss wormhole in its system, giving you unparalleled tactical flexibility.

As shown above, you’ll find a home for your leader cards and mech card on the brand-new leader sheets that slot seamlessly under your faction sheet—all while boasting a useful quick reference that you can slide out whenever you need to consult it!

Relics of the Unknown
As you venture into the unknown depths of the galaxy, you’ll find forty brand-new planets waiting for you—and for the first time in Prophecy of Kings, you’ll have the experience of setting foot on a new world for the first time. Four exploration decks are included in this expansion—a deck for cultural, hazardous, and industrial planets, as well as a frontier exploration deck for factions who have researched the necessary tech to explore the void of space.

If you’re the first player to take control of a planet, you have the chance to explore that planet, drawing a card from the appropriate exploration deck. You may find a Paradise World, a card that attaches to the planet card and permanently increases its influence for whoever controls it. Or perhaps you’ve found a Volatile Fuel Source, allowing you to use your ground forces to gain another command token. Perhaps most powerful of all, however, you may find a fragment of a relic, such as the Industrial Relic Fragment.

Ancient and incredible relics from time immemorial can be found across the galaxy, but you can’t recover these lost powers unless you piece together the fragments, either through exploration or by exchanging them as part of a transaction. When you have three relic fragments, you can turn them in to draw the top card of the relic deck! You may use your fragments to piece together the Scepter of Emelpar, which lets you spend a token from your reinforcements rather than from your strategy pool—but even more unusual and esoteric relics may lie scattered among the stars.

A New Era of Glorious War
With the Prophecy of Kings expansion, Twilight Imperium enters a new era. New factions enter the struggle, new system tiles expand your galaxy, and you can play with seven or eight players. Leader cards and unique mechs arrive for every faction, exploration decks capture the experience of venturing into the unknown, and relics can give you an edge if you’re able to piece them together. And we haven’t even shown off the brand-new planet cards, action cards, agendas, objectives, promissory notes, technologies, legendary planets, and more!

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142.60 €

A brand-new board game in the Arkham Horror Files universe!

The year is 1913. The steamship SS Atlantica is two days out from port on its voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Its unsuspecting passengers fully anticipated a calm journey to Boston, Massachusetts, with nothing out of the ordinary to look forward to. However, strange nightmares plague the minds of the people aboard the ship every night; rumors circulate of dark shapes following closely behind the ship just beneath the waves; and tensions rise when a body is discovered in the ship’s chapel, signs of a strange ritual littered around the corpse. This voyage began like any other, but now it seems that the Atlantica may never reach its destination.

Immerse yourself among the passengers and crew of the SS Atlantica in this game of hidden loyalties, intrigue, and paranoia for three to six players. Some players are humans who are fighting for the survival of the ship, while others are traitors sent aboard the ship by mysterious beings to ensure that it never reaches port! Because player loyalties are hidden, determining who is friend and who is foe is critical to winning a thrilling game of Unfathomable.

Terrors from the Deep
Lurking within the depths of the Atlantic Ocean are a swarm of vicious, unspeakable horrors: the Deep Ones, led by Mother Hydra and Father Dagon. For reasons unknown, they have set their sights on the Atlantica, and their minions, taking the form of human-Deep One hybrids, have infiltrated the steamship to help sink it from within. Each game of Unfathomable has one or more players assuming the role of one of these hybrids, and how well they can secretly sabotage the efforts of the other players might mean the difference between a successful voyage and a sunken ship.

If you’re a human, you’ll need to fend off Deep Ones, prevent the Atlantica from taking too much damage, and carefully manage the ship’s four crucial resources if you want any hope of making it to Boston, all while trying to figure out which of your fellow players are friends and which are foes. Everyone shares the same resource pool, but humans will try to preserve them while traitors will strive to subtly deplete them. Being able to tell when someone is purposefully draining the group’s resources is harder than you think, especially when you take crises into account!

At the end of each player’s turn, that player must draw a mythos card. Each of these cards represents a crisis that the whole group must try to resolve together. Some of these crises, such as Food Rationing , will call for a choice that could potentially put the ship’s passengers or resources at risk, while others, such as Hull Leak , will call for a skill test in which failure could have disastrous consequences.

During a skill test, each player contributes skill cards from their hand to a face-down pile shared by the group. Once everyone has contributed (or chosen not to), the cards are shuffled and then revealed. If enough of the correct skills were contributed, then the group passes the test! But if the wrong skills were contributed, they can actually hinder the results, leading to failure. Thus, skill tests are dangerous opportunities for traitors to sabotage the humans’ efforts, so you will have to stay on your toes at all times. We will unveil more about crises, skill tests, and more when we take a deeper dive into the gameplay of Unfathomable at a later date.

All New Faces
While Unfathomable takes place in the Arkham Horror Files universe, it takes place many years before the events of the Arkham Horror board game and card game. Because of this, this game features a full cast of brand-new playable characters, each of which has never been seen in the Arkham universe before. We’ll introduce you to each of them in time, but for today, please welcome the captain of the SS Atlantica: Keilani Tatupu.

A tough, experienced sailor and born survivor, Keilani has stood strong in the face of adversity before. When a typhoon killed the captain of her previous ship, Keilani was suddenly thrust into a leadership role and had to guide the rest of her crew to safety. Even once the storm had calmed, her challenges did not end, as mutinous crewmembers refused to follow her orders and set Keilani—and eleven others—adrift on a lifeboat in the middle of the stormy season. Despite these odds, Keilani kept her fellow castaways alive for four grueling weeks, and her story made international news when they finally reached land. However, there was one part of that story that didn’t make the paper, one that she chose to keep to herself: her strange nighttime encounter with a hideous creature beneath the waves.

Did it let her live simply because she caught it by surprise? Or is it because she’s secretly a hybrid in disguise, unbeknownst even to herself, waiting for the right moment to awaken to her true identity? Each of the game’s ten playable characters have similarly shrouded events in their pasts, which means no one is above suspicion and every game of Unfathomable will bring about unexpected twists and turns.

Are you a friend to humanity or a hybrid saboteur?

2 – 4 hours
3 – 6 players
Ages 14+

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99.30 €
Unfathomable: From the Abyss
Unfathomable: From the Abyss

This voyage just got a lot more dangerous.

The creatures that first boarded the SS Atlantica were only the beginning. The horrors of the deep have stirred, and it will take all the humans’ strength to banish them whence they came. But passengers of the ship have awoken to the danger, and new allies have arrived to aid in the struggle for survival. The fate of the Atlantica hangs in the balance.

In this expansion, the SS Atlantica and its journey to Boston are submerged in even deeper peril. New, horrifying monsters emerge from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, the waters themselves growing violent enough to sweep passengers overboard. New treacheries are here to sabotage the ship, and with the mythos deck doubling in size, fresh dangers will threaten the Atlantica at every turn. Fortunately, the humans aboard the ship have some new tools at their disposal, and with eight new playable characters, new card types, and more of everything that made the original game so great, the struggle for the fate of the SS Atlantica has never been this fierce!

New Horrors
Perhaps the most notable new feature that From the Abyss brings to the table is the addition of “horrors” to the horde of monsters assailing the Atlantica.

The horrors are the Shoggoth, the Drowned Spirit, and the Grasping Tendril. While not invincible like the monarchs, horrors are more dangerous than Deep Ones, and more difficult to defeat. While humans can attack horrors to repel them, they can only be defeated by the effects of the travel track and the ritual track, and each horror poses its own unique threat to the Atlantica.

Of course, the horrors aren’t the only new dangers to the ship. Tons of new mythos cards provide a greater spread of challenges that the humans must overcome if they wish to survive. Most of the new mythos cards have a horror activation icon in the corner, which can advance the new “horror track” and gradually spawn horrors one by one. Some of the mythos cards, such as Tug of War , can even bring a horror into play directly, skipping the usual process of building up to a spawn.

New Crewmembers
With so many new threats to face, the Atlantica will need some new hands on deck to keep itself afloat. Thankfully, From the Abyss also brings eight new playable characters to the scene!

Among the new faces is Antar Al-Fakahany , the sleuth. This skilled detective can gather evidence as different crises are resolved, gradually leading to his grand Revelation in the moment of truth. With his signature Notebook allowing him to reuse skill cards as he goes, Antar is sure to crack the case of what’s happening to the ship—or figure out exactly how to doom it.

Another new character is Ida Lawrence , the ship’s cook. Her “Seasoned” ability allows her to stockpile skill cards after using their action (except for boon cards—we’ll cover those in a moment), and her Feast feat can bring any number of humans into the Galley and out of danger…or into it, depending on if she’s the traitor or not! With the ability to fillet Deep Ones as easily as she does fish thanks to her Fillet Knife , Ida is cooking up something fierce for the voyage ahead.

New Cards
You may have noticed that Ida’s Feast card mentioned “allies” in its ability text. What are allies? They’re a brand-new card type that can aid the humans during a game of Unfathomable!

Whenever one or more passengers is rescued by a player, an ally is spawned in that player’s space. Allies can be used before or after a player in their space performs an action, so long as that player can discard skill cards with a total value equal to or greater than the number on the ally’s card. Allies can have all sorts of beneficial effects such as the Mechanic being able to repair the ship, the Conspiracy Theorist adding skill cards to your hand, and the Gambler allowing you to potentially gain an item card (or lose one). A human player can typically only use one ally per turn, and allies wander around the ship after their abilities are used, so some clever movement and strategic thinking can give you a host of new options on your turn!

Among the new cards added in From the Abyss are a new type of skill card: boons! These cards function similarly to normal skill cards, except that they are always considered supporting skills, which means they always count positively during a skill check. They can also have powerful effects, such as the Providence boon saving your resources or the Revelation boon turning treachery cards into supporting skills. Keep in mind that you can’t draw a boon card unless an ability specifically allows you to, so be sure to make them count!

Finally, From the Abyss also shakes up the very beginning of the game with the introduction of “prelude cards.” These are optional cards that can be used to vary the setup and starting state of the game board, which could have all sorts of interesting effects. “Day” cards like Favorable Conditions benefit the humans, “night” cards like Boarding Party favor hybrids, and “twilight” cards like Valuable Lessons can affect everyone. You can draw as many of each kind of card as you like to adjust the game balance in a way that feels right for your group. Be sure to give them a try to put a whole new spin on your games of Unfathomable!

From the Depths of the Ocean
With new card types, new monsters, and new characters aboard the SS Atlantica, the From the Abyss expansion makes the Unfathomable experience more thrilling than ever! Look forward to shaking up your voyages.

      ei vielä ilmestynyt odotettavissa kesäkuu 2024
70.30 €
X-Men: Mutant Insurrection
X-Men: Mutant Insurrection

A fast-paced, cooperative, dice-driven card game for one to six players!

Fifty miles north of New York City, Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters may seem like just another affluent private school for exceptional students. Few could guess that these students are mutants, and fewer still know that Xavier’s School is the headquarters of the X-Men, a team of heroic mutants fighting to protect humanity from superhuman threats!

Designed by Richard Launius and Brandon Perdue, X-Men: Mutant Insurrection invites you to travel across the globe on death-defying missions to recruit new mutants, capture criminals, protect innocent lives, and battle against some of the most iconic X-Men villains. You’ll build a team of mutants, with characters like Rogue, Wolverine, and Storm joining forces with Shadowcat, Magik, and Forge. Eight distinct scenarios await, each with their own challenges, and each leading to a no-holds-barred showdown against villains like Magneto, Dark Phoenix, or the Hellfire Club. The Blackbird is ready to launch—join your team and fight for the future!

Deadly Genesis
Whenever you start playing X-Men: Mutant Insurrection, you’ll find yourself pitted against an undeniable threat. The X-Men may learn of a secret lab using mutants as test suspects, Jean Grey may be consumed by the power of the Phoneix Force, or Magneto may declare his intentions to reshape the world under the leadership of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

Your mission begins with the plot card and the story cards that it brings into play. By following the trail of these story cards, your team can accelerate toward a showdown with the dark forces arrayed against you. For example, when you’re playing The Brotherhood of Mutants scenario, your first steps are indicated by the Xavier's Dream story card. The briefing brought by Xavier’s Dream shows that you’ll need to complete missions around the world to advance to the next part of the scenario! But what exactly goes into taking on a mission in X-Men: Mutant Insurrection?

To Me, My X-Men
At the start of each round, you and your fellow heroes are onboard the Blackbird, ready to fly around the world and take on any mission—such as a battle with the villainous mutant, Avalanche! Every mission card features of a series of objectives, each with its own requirements of power, teamwork, and fighting ability. For example, if you’re taking on Avalanche, you’ll need to complete all three objectives (in any order) if you’re going to complete the mission!

Different missions can have very different requirements and you’ll have to carefully choose which mutants are going to tackle a mission, because each of the game’s sixteen mutants boasts their own dice and special ability. Facing down Avalanche means that you’ll have a fight on your hand, and you’ll probably be taking some damage along the way. For a scrappy mission like this, you’re going to want heroes with plenty of red dice to pump out damage, like Wolverine and Cyclops.

After you’ve chosen which mission you’re going to take on, it’s time to roll your dice! Wolverine and Cyclops will each have a chance to defeat Avalanche, but you leap forward with Cyclops to take the first swing. Even though Wolverine isn’t leading the charge this turn, he’s still able to assist, and Cyclops can benefit from Wolverine’s assist card, gathering two red dice and two yellow dice from his own card, plus another red die and a blue die from Wolverine’s assist card.

In order to take down Avalanche, you’ll have to complete all three of his objectives—but even if you can’t finish all three objectives in a single turn, you’ll still be able to soften him up for Wolverine. As Cyclops, you roll your pool of dice, and you have two chances to reroll any number of dice in search of the symbols that you need. You must be cautious, however—Avalanche has a special villainy effect, and if you want to reroll any dice showing that symbol, you’ll have to take two damage!

After taking your two re-rolls, you end up with seven fight, a power, a teamwork, and a villainy, as shown above. This is enough to complete the first and third objectives on Avalanche’s mission card, though you’ll also need to take a damage to finish the first objective. There’s only one objective left, and hopefully Wolverine can finish the job! If Wolverine finishes the mission with his dice, you’ll resolve the Success outcome, but if any objectives remain uncompleted after each of the heroes have taken their turns, the heroes must suffer the Failure outcome and return to the Blackbird.

Time for a Showdown
Of course, the X-Men have plenty of tools that they could call upon. New mutants can be found around the world, such as Rictor or Cypher, and they’re eager to help out if you take them with you on mission. Special training lets you bank up tokens that can be spent to complete objectives, and you may even have the chance to forge a powerful bond with another hero at the table, such as Love or Camaraderie —giving you each helpful abilities so long as the two bonded heroes are deployed to the same mission.

There are evil forces arrayed against you however, and they won’t stop while the X-Men are still alive. After the mission phase each round, threat will increase, pushing the heroes towards defeat. Threat cards can lead to devastating events or dangerous Sentinels that deploy to missions and make them even more difficult to defeat.

Even the bonds between heroes can become twisted or broken. Love may turn to Regret, and Camaraderie may give way to Betrayal —and you’ll have to reckon with the consequences of these negative bonds if those heroes are ever deployed to the same mission.

Completing missions and advancing through the story forms the heart of gameplay in X-Men: Mutant Insurrection, but it’s always leading up to a massive showdown against the villain. This showdown is the cinematic battle against the main villain of the plot, and it pulls together two or more showdown missions, creating a panoramic portrayal of your ultimate battle. Once the showdown begins, every hero on your team will be tested to their limits in this climactic struggle. The only way to claim victory and safeguard our world is to complete the showdown and defeat the villain.

The Strangest Heroes of All
The world may never understand them. Humanity may reject them. But in humankind’s darkest hour, the X-Men are there.

5-60 minutes
1-6 players
Ages 14+

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77.60 €
XCOM: The Board Game
XCOM: The Board Game

Pelin säännöt valmistajan sivuilta.

Paris has fallen. New York is a pile of rubble spilling into the Atlantic. Alien attacks against Nanjing and Changzhou prompt widespread panic throughout the streets of Shanghai. Defense satellites detect UFOs in orbit over Mexico, Russia, and Brazil. Military responses have proven ineffectual. Fear and anxiety lead to widespread riots. Human civilization stands upon the brink of collapse... You are humanity’s last hope.

In XCOM: The Board Game, you and up to three friends assume the roles of the leaders of the elite, international organization known as XCOM. It is your job to defend humanity, quell the rising panic, and turn back the escalating alien invasion coordinated by the game’s innovative, free digital companion app.

Where the world’s militaries have failed to stand against the alien invaders, you must succeed. To do so, you must make strategic use of the resources available to you. You must launch Interceptors to shoot down alien UFOs, assign soldiers to key missions, research alien technology, and use that technology to defend your base, all while you try to keep the world from collapsing just long enough that you can coordinate one final mission to repel the invaders for good.

Destroy UFOs. Research alien technology. Defend your base. Uncover the alien invasion plan. Should you fail, humanity is doomed.

* 1 Game board
* 12 XCOM soldiers
* 8 Interceptors
* 24 UFOs
* 5 Custom dice
* More than 200 cards and tokens

Note: Requires the use of a free digital companion app which will be made available for download or access as an online tool.

In XCOM: The Board Game, you and up to three friends assume the roles of the leaders of the elite, international organization known as XCOM. It is your job to defend humanity, quell the rising panic, and turn back the alien invasion.

Where the world’s militaries have failed to stand against the alien invaders, you must succeed. To do so, you must make strategic use of the resources available to you. You must launch Interceptors to shoot down alien UFOs, assign soldiers to key missions, research alien technology, and use that technology to defend your base, all while you try to keep the world from collapsing just long enough that you can coordinate one final mission to repel the invaders for good.

Innovative Digital Enhancement
The most notable aspect of XCOM: The Board Game is the way that it incorporates a free and innovative digital app into the core of its gameplay, then uses the app to promote a unique play experience unlike anything you and your friends have previously encountered in a board game. This digital companion will be available both as a downloadable app and as an online tool.

The app’s primary function is to coordinate the escalating alien invasion, randomly selecting from one of five different invasion plans. Each invasion plan represents a general outline that the alien commanders will use to coordinate the arrival of new UFOs, plan strikes against your base, and respond to your successes or failures as it seeks to conquer Earth. The app manages all of these tasks and heighten’s the game’s tension as it forces you to respond in real-time. Then, after you move quickly to coordinate your response, you engage the enemy in the untimed resolution phase and feed the results to the app. Based upon these results, the app launches the invasion's next strikes.

Additionally, the app teaches you the rules, controls the information that your satellites provide you, and tracks the progress of your resistance efforts, even as it allows you to enjoy the game at any of three levels of difficulty: Easy, Normal, or Hard.

The use of this app does more than simply streamline your play experience and track your turns in real-time. It also permits a uniquely dynamic turn structure. While the variety of game phases remains the same from round to round, the order in which you and your friends must play through them may change, as may the number of a given phase.

As a result, while you’ll want to know where UFOs appear before you deploy your Interceptors, the alien invaders may be able to disrupt your satellite intel and force you to deploy your Interceptors on patrol with limited or no knowledge of the UFOs current whereabouts. Similarly, you may be forced to think about the costs of resolving the world’s crises before you know how many troops you’ll need to commit to your base defense.

The effect of the app, then, is to immerse you deep into the dramatic tension at the core of XCOM: The Board Game, and it ensures that the game presents a challenging and cooperative (or solo) experience like no other. Just like the XCOM department heads that you represent, you’ll need to keep cool heads in order to prevail.

Inside XCOM Strategic Command
XCOM’s resistance efforts are spearheaded by its four leaders, each of which is represented by one of the game’s player roles: Commander, Chief Scientist, Central Officer, and Squad Leader.

The Commander is responsible to manage XCOM’s budget and must be foresightful enough to know when best to access the organization’s emergency funding and how best to allocate it.

Additionally, the Commander makes the tough decisions about where to assign XCOM’s limited number of Interceptors to global defense. Wherever you commit your Interceptors, you have a chance of destroying UFOs and slowing the spread of panic. Wherever you don’t commit your Interceptors, fear and anxiety are bound to run rampant.

Chief Scientist
If you and XCOM are to have any chance of successfully repelling the alien invaders, you’ll need better technology. The Chief Scientist’s responsibilities include studying advanced technology, learning how to harness it, manufacturing better weapons and armor, and equipping the rest of the organization with the tools they need to survive.

Of course, only a limited number of scientists possess the necessary training and intellect to quickly dissect, analyze, and replicate alien technology. Part of your job as Chief Scientist, then, is not only to decide how best to direct the organization’s research efforts but also to prioritize between them, allocating more scientists to the projects you decide will best benefit the war effort.

Central Officer
The Central Officer serves as the communications relay between XCOM and the outside world. This means you manage the organization’s satellite network, and it is your job to ensure that the organization remains alert to potential threats, communicates and coordinates its efforts effectively between branches, and scrambles as many alien transmissions as possible.

Succeed, and you’ll reduce the number of UFOs in orbit. Fail, and you’ll suffer communications blackouts that will force you to act blindly in the midst of a war, the likes of which Earth has never known.

Additionally, the Central Officer communicates all of the information provided by the game’s digital app to the players. The clock is always running, so it’s vital that you share all relevant information quickly and clearly.

Squad Leader
In the end, XCOM needs boots on the ground to confront the alien invaders, and it’s the Squad Leader’s job to ensure that the right troops are tackling the right missions. As the invasion escalates, you must assemble strike teams to meet the aliens in battle. Simultaneously, you must assign soldiers to defend the XCOM base, and you’ll need to strike an effective balance. If your base falls, so do you. So does the earth.

Still, you need to succeed at missions to win. Each mission you complete brings you closer to uncovering a means of launching one final, fatal blow against the alien invaders.

All four player roles are vital to XCOM’s success, and you and your friends must divide them among yourselves in every game. Your soldiers won’t succeed without the upgrades your scientists can research, nor will you be able to launch successful Interceptor strikes against UFOs unless you acquire good intel from your satellite network.

Can You Find a Way to Defeat the Unknown Foe?
With its free companion app and distinctive player roles, XCOM: The Board Game evokes all the fear, desperation, and heroism that lie at the heart of the popular and acclaimed XCOM computer games. All the while, it immerses you in a wholly unique play experience. For more about the game, including its push-your-luck dice system, you can visit the game’s description page.

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78.50 €

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