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Arkham Horror LCG: IC4 -A Light in the Fog Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: IC4 -A Light in the Fog Mythos Pack

The fourth Mythos Pack in The Innsmouth Conspiracy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Since you first awoke in a dank and gloomy tidal cavern, you’ve attempted to pull together the disparate pieces of your shipwrecked memories. You’ve learned some of why you came to Innsmouth, and you’ve battled the evils rising from the ocean deeps… but as you escape from the Deep Ones overrunning Innsmouth and race toward the Falcon Point lighthouse, you find yourself at the threshold of the next mystery. Who was it that first captured you and left you for dead? The keeper of the lighthouse may hide the answers you seek.

As the next chapter of your evolving story, A Light in the Fog expands your adventures in Innsmouth, picking up right where your frantic car chase left off at the end of Horror in High Gear, and promising new revelations as you push deeper into the heart of the tangled conspiracy that surrounds Innsmouth. Along with a new scenario, this expansion brings new options to your decks with a slew of new mid-level cards to shape and enhance your deck as you gain experience. But as your experiences unlock new skills, will they also open to door to deeper shades of madness?

Follow the Light
Shining its beacon over the choppy grey seas of the North Atlantic, the Falcon Point lighthouse cloaks its secrets under an outward appearance of safety and surety. Beneath the golden guiding light flashing forth from the lantern room, the rocky escarpment of Falcon Point is pocked and riddled with tidal tunnels and sunken grottos. Untold knowledge lies in the depths of these caves… but the Deep Ones will not give up their subterranean secrets easily.

Your investigation begins as you creep toward the lighthouse, finally taking notice of the monstrous lighthouse keeper, Oceiros Marsh (A Light in the Fog, 253). You can’t uncover the truth on the surface, however, and before long you’ll need to venture below the lighthouse, poking into chambers like the Sunken Archives (A Light in the Fog, 250) or a Deep One Nursery (A Light in the Fog, 248).

This exploration may seem simple, but the brooding grounds of the Deep Ones are deadly. Lethal Deep One Nursemaids (A Light in the Fog, 254) make every Deep One in the caverns stronger and Deep One Hatchlings (A Light in the Fog, 255) call out to nearby Deep Ones whenever they’re defeated. And that’s before the caverns begin to flood once more, forcing you to flee upwards or be drawn beneath the waves and lost forever.

There’s no telling what you might find in these wave-washed passageways, but the Rogues of your party in particular may be interested to find two new exceptional Items that draw their power from the new bless and curse tokens introduced in The Innsmouth Conspiracy. "Lucky" Penny (A Light in the Fog, 224), for instance, puts every bless token and curse token into the hands of fate, and let chance decide whether you’ll treat the token as a bless token or a curse token.

If that’s too much randomness even for a Rogue, you may find your taste better suited by the Eye of the Djinn (A Light in the Fog, 225). Whenever you make a skill test, you can use the Eye of the Djinn to set your base skill value to five—making this an invaluable asset for Rogues with a low stat, such as Willpower. And even better, whether you reveal a bless token or a curse token during this test, the Eye of the Djinn will give you an added bonus.

Beware the Deep Ones
Dangers lurk beneath the Falcon Point lighthouse, but it may also hold the secrets that first started your adventures in Innsmouth. If you’re going to understand the conspiracy and take on the Esoteric Order of Dagon, you’ll need to understand what happened here.

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: IC5 -The Lair of Dagon Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: IC5 -The Lair of Dagon Mythos Pack

The fifth Mythos Pack in The Innsmouth Conspiracy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

The separate timelines of your Innsmouth investigations are quickly converging, as the pieces of your memory begin to click into place. You’ve seen uncanny happenings and sinister meetings, and it’s clear that the Esoteric Order of Dagon lies at the heart of the conspiracy. It’s time for you to step across the nightmare frontier and venture into the Order’s decrepit and crumbling halls... and the tidal caves that lie beneath.

As The Innsmouth Conspiracy cycle approaches its climactic conclusion, you’ll find the next chapter of the unfolding story within this expansion, beckoning the investigators deeper into danger and closer to the heart of the sea. You’ll need new tools and skills if you plan to take the Order of Dagon head-on, and fortunately, this Mythos Pack comes filled with an assortment of new player cards for every aspect, giving you the perfect cards to upgrade your deck as you gain more experience and ramp up to the finale of your campaign.

A Dreadful Curse
Since you first arrived in Innsmouth, the Esoteric Order of Dagon has loomed over the city. From the rocky shoals of Devil Reef to the dingy and grimy streets of Innsmouth, you’ve felt the Order’s influence strongly, and now it’s time to venture into their masonic hall and confront them face to face.

The halls of the Esoteric Order of Dagon are tangled and labyrinthine, and you can never be quite sure what you’re going to find behind the door as you search for the keys to further progression. The Hall of Silence (The Lair of Dagon, 289) may hold the crest you’re looking for, but the dark forces trapped in this room will undoubtedly curse you if you struggle to unearth the hall’s secrets. If you’ve found the red key, you may slosh through the dark waters of the Hall of the Deep (The Lair of Dagon, 285), but when you claim the Cursed Y’ha-nthlei Statue, will it prove to be a boon or a burden?

The cursed power of the Order of Dagon permeates throughout this expansion, and you’ll have to take care or the number of curse tokens in the chaos bag can reach truly crushing proportions. You’ll want to slay a Cenerian Deep One (The Lair of Dagon, 294) as soon as you can, because it adds two curse tokens to the chaos bag every time it engages an investigator. You’ll also need to test your willpower to escape from the Heralds of the Deep (The Lair of Dagon, 298), with an extra curse token being added to the chaos bag for each point you fail by. Whether you’ve built a deck that can profit from curse tokens or not, you’ll undoubtedly need to choose your actions carefully… and tremble, lest you wake the slumbering Dagon (The Lair of Dagon, 292a)!

A plethora of curse tokens is an undeniable challenge, but some of the new player cards in this Mythos Pack give you new ways to harness curse tokens or seal them away. Seekers may choose to invest in The Stygian Eye (The Lair of Dagon, 263)—weighing in at a titanic ten resources, this event may seem too expensive to play, but its cost is reduced by one for each curse token in the chaos bag. And with the huge bonus of raising all your skills by three, it might be an easy choice to include in your deck if you’re already planning on encountering curse tokens.

Other new cards can give you a way to mitigate the cursed power of the Mythos. Flute of the Outer Gods (The Lair of Dagon, 268) can seal any number of curse tokens, provided you’re able to pay the cost. Then, you can judiciously release those curse tokens in exchange for manipulating the monsters around you—sowing confusion and discord among your enemies. Even if you’re not a Mystic, you may make a Pact to call upon the Favor of the Moon (The Lair of Dagon, 271). This asset can seal up to three curse tokens, letting you choose to release them when they’ll be most useful to you.

Enter the Lair
The Esoteric Order of Dagon holds all the secrets to the conspiracy that has trapped Innsmouth in its grasp, and it’s up to you to uncover its mysteries.

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: IC6 -Into the Maelstrom Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: IC6 -Into the Maelstrom Mythos Pack

The sixth Mythos Pack in The Innsmouth Conspiracy and the climactic conclusion of the cycle!

Throughout your Innsmouth investigations, you have ventured into tide-hollowed caves and dripping tunnels—but these watery caverns are only the antechamber of the Deep Ones’ domain. A hidden city rests beneath the choppy waves of the North Atlantic, slumbering at the bottom of the ocean. If you’re going to protect the world from suffering the same fate as Innsmouth, you’ll need to venture into the heart of the storm.

Within this expansion pack, you’ll find the final scenario of The Innsmouth Conspiracy cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, inviting you and your fellow investigators to dive into the darkness beneath the waves and confront the Deep Ones in their own city—putting an end to this threat forever. Combined with the addition of new player cards to upgrade your decks, Into the Maelstrom is a perfect capstone for a cycle of danger and mystery.

The Sunken Halls of Y’ha-nthlei
Your journey to the Deep Ones’ citadel will not be easy. As you descend into Devil Reef, you finally reach the gateway to the final depths: a swirling vortex of otherworldly currents. Somehow, you must gain entrance, searching the surrounding tunnels for the keys that will open your way forward.

The dangers of Y’ha-nthlei only increase once you’re swimming along the undersea corridors of the city and entering the unholy Sanctums of the Deep Ones. Here, you’ll find not just one monstrous Ancient One, but two—Father Dagon and Mother Hydra. Both may be slumbering for now… but their waking would undoubtedly herald destruction for your entire party, as well as for all humanity.

Even as you search for a way to destroy the Deep Ones, you’ll face off against the monsters of the ocean, such as an Aquatic Abomination (Into the Maelstrom, 332) or one of Dagon's Brood (Into the Maelstrom, 333). Apart from these monstrosities, the crushing depths of the ocean are perfectly capable of drowning you, and even if you find a diving suit, the sudden onset of Thalassophobia (Into the Maelstrom, 337) could finish you off.

Among the player cards included in this expansion, few cards are more unusual than the new Seeker cards. You may unlock a vault of Ancestral Knowledge (Into the Maelstrom, 303), an exceptional asset that lets you start every game with five random skills readily accessible, helping to fuel any deck that relies on its skill cards. Or perhaps, you’d rather assist your fellow investigators by plucking at Ariadne's Twine (Into the Maelstrom, 304). This asset can bank up resources, and those resources can then be spent as if they were secrets on an asset controlled by another investigator at your location.

Even with the best-laid plans, there have always been certain tests that lay just out of reach for your investigator—but if you’re willing to pay the price to Justify the Means (Into the Maelstrom, 306), you can utterly surpass your limits. This skill card gives Rogues a way to make any test automatically succeed, though you must add curse tokens equal to the test’s difficulty to the chaos bag. Still, if it’s a matter of life and death, surely there’s no price that is not worth paying?

Beneath the Waves
With your memories recovered once more, you are prepared to do what you must. But can you truly hope to triumph over the antediluvian Deep Ones and foil a conspiracy that’s been centuries in the making?

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21.90 16.40 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 21.90
Arkham Horror LCG: Innsmouth Conspiracy Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Innsmouth Conspiracy Expansion

The sixth deluxe expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game and the beginning of a brand-new campaign for one to four players!

Not far from Arkham, the stooped and weathered town of Innsmouth squats on the Atlantic coast. An aura of decrepitude and decay hangs over the city like the ocean fog, from the weirdly glowing windows of the Gilman House to the deserted and toppling Fish Street bridge. Beyond the city limits, the Innsmouth shoreline is pocked with half-flooded tidal tunnels and unnatural coves. Who knows what strange, abyssal trinkets you might find, among the skeletons of fish and rotting seaweed?

The Innsmouth Conspiracy invites you to take your first steps in a twisting, time-jumping tale, starting with the campaign’s first two scenarios included in this expansion. From the heart of Innsmouth itself to the torturous coastline and beyond, these scenarios tee up an adventure that will continue to unfold across the subsequent six Mythos Packs. Far from including just two new scenarios, however, The Innsmouth Conspiracy brings five new investigators to the table with an undersea trove of player cards to support new types of decks—along with new mechanics for players to sink their teeth into, including keys, flood tokens, bless tokens, and curse tokens!

Call of the Deep Ones
You awaken in dull, throbbing pain, trapped in a smooth stone chamber. Kelp dangles from the ceiling and a rhythmic drip echoes through the cave. You have no memory of how you arrived here, but you know you have to get out. The tides may be rising, and deep within the tunnels that surround your pit, you can hear an awful croaking and gurgling…

From the very first scenario in this deluxe expansion, horrifying creatures shadow your footsteps as you search for a way to escape. Yet the memories slowly resurfacing in your mind may be more horrifying still as you find your thoughts casting back to the Innsmouth Look (The Innsmouth Conspiracy, 106) sported by many of the town’s residents. Though Deep Ones lurk beneath the waves and creep through wave-carved passages, within Innsmouth itself you must contend with the Cultists and Hybrids belonging to the Esoteric Order of Dagon. Your search for answers will lead you across Innsmouth and beyond, but the Memory of Oblivion (The Innsmouth Conspiracy, 98) may become more lethal than your current amnesia.

This campaign also introduces keys and flood tokens to the game for the first time, introducing an added layer of interactivity for any scenario. For instance, as you trek through the tidal tunnels beneath Innsmouth, you may find yourself in a Fish Graveyard (The Innsmouth Conspiracy, 49)—a location that will only reveal its secrets, hidden within a pile of fish guts, once you’ve removed all of the clues and found the red key somewhere in the scenario. You must be quick with your search, however, as these tunnels are prone to flooding. While flood tokens offer no inherent effects, a card like Awakening (The Innsmouth Conspiracy, 42) means you won’t want to hesitate for long in a fully flooded location.

A Blessing or a Curse?
As the inhabitants of Innsmouth grow pallid and ichthyic, the chaos bag itself is also shifted with the introduction of bless tokens and curse tokens. A host of player cards in this expansion introduce and interact with these new tokens, yet few investigators have the opportunity to interact with bless tokens to the same extent as Sister Mary (The Innsmouth Conspiracy, 1), a new arrival to your team in this deluxe expansion. Sister Mary adds two bless tokens to the chaos bag during setup, and she’ll add another one at the end of every round—and when she draws the elder sign token!

Unlike a standard chaos token, bless tokens like those provided by Sister Mary don’t provide a final answer to your skill test—they merely push you closer to success. When you draw a bless token, you apply +2 to your test, but the bless token is then removed from the chaos bag and you must draw another token. This may seem like the perfect way to stock the chaos bag in your favor, but you must take care lest Sister Mary should suffer a Crisis of Faith (The Innsmouth Conspiracy, 7). Crisis of Faith could lead to your chaos bag becoming filled with curse tokens, the other new type of token now slipping into the chaos bag. As the dark reflection of a bless token, each curse token applies –2 to your test when it’s drawn, before being removed from the chaos bag and forcing you to draw another token.

Though Sister Mary may specialize in bless tokens, every class will have new cards in The Innsmouth Conspiracy and throughout this cycle that invite them to seek bless tokens or tempt fate by dabbling with curse tokens. Seekers may be tempted to delve into secrets best left untouched with a Cryptic Grimoire (The Innsmouth Conspiracy, 22), a Tome that draws your investigator down a dark path before you can translate it. Or perhaps, you’ll cast a Ward of Radiance (The Innsmouth Conspiracy, 31), a shield against the darkness of the Mythos, that may allow you to cancel a treachery card for free—provided you are fortunate. No matter which aspect you prefer to use, you’ll have plenty of ways to harness the new bless and curse tokens.

The tides are rising, and the waves crashing against the Innsmouth docks have much to hide beneath their gray-green surface. Can you untangle your own memories from the dark threads that entangle Innsmouth and threaten to drag the city beneath the waves?

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42.60 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Harvey Walters, Seeker
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Harvey Walters, Seeker

Across the five cycles of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you’ve encountered new investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks and exploring the mythos. Now, you have the chance to invite a new faces to your games with the Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck.

Each Investigator Starter Deck includes a fully pre-built and ready-to-play 34-card investigator deck, as well as 26 additional cards that can be used to upgrade your deck as you play through a campaign. Perhaps you’re entirely new to Arkham Horror: The Card Game—if your friend has a collection of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, no longer do you need to buy your own Core Set or deluxe expansion to join in a campaign. You can simply pick out your favorite Investigator Starter Deck and start playing immediately.

Even if you’re a veteran player, there’s plenty of reason to pick up these Investigator Starter Decks. Every starter deck offers a new investigator and a wealth of new cards entering the game for the first time, making these expansions the ideal way to quickly grow your player card collection and discover new ways to play. And of course, they’re perfect for helping a friend get started on their first campaign of Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Harvey Walters
Professor Walters began as a devotee of the archaic and obscure, but over the years, he has discovered that his knowledge of ancient languages, profane relics, and strange rituals is vital to addressing dangers in the modern day. In Arkham Horror: The Card Game, Harvey Walters (Harvey Walters Investigator Starter Deck, 1) boasts a vast intellect and deep wells of knowledge, which he can share with those around him by granting additional card draw to any investigator at his location.

You can hold even more cards with Harvey’s signature Vault of Knowledge (Harvey Walters Investigator Starter Deck, 3), which increases your hand size and lets you and your fellow investigators draw even more cards. And what will you do with all of the cards in your hand? While, aside from the nigh limitless options they give you, you can use the Celaeno Fragments (Harvey Walters Investigator Starter Deck, 6) to boost your stats for simply having cards in your hand.

Harvey will undoubtedly learn more and more about occult occurrences over the course of your campaign, and you can spend that experience to upgrade your deck. You may take Mind Over Matter (Harvey Walters Investigator Starter Deck, 26) if you anticipate that you’ll need to fight or evade to get past the enemies that stand in your way. Or, you may delve straight into the manifold dark secrets of a Tome—particularly, The Necronomicon (Harvey Walters Investigator Starter Deck, 33).

This is not a standalone product. This is a pre-built investigator deck and a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set is required to play.

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22.30 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Jacqueline Fine, Mystic
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Jacqueline Fine, Mystic

Across the five cycles of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you’ve encountered new investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks and exploring the mythos. Now, you have the chance to invite a new faces to your games with the Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck.

Each Investigator Starter Deck includes a fully pre-built and ready-to-play 34-card investigator deck, as well as 26 additional cards that can be used to upgrade your deck as you play through a campaign. Perhaps you’re entirely new to Arkham Horror: The Card Game—if your friend has a collection of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, no longer do you need to buy your own Core Set or deluxe expansion to join in a campaign. You can simply pick out your favorite Investigator Starter Deck and start playing immediately.

Even if you’re a veteran player, there’s plenty of reason to pick up these Investigator Starter Decks. Every starter deck offers a new investigator and a wealth of new cards entering the game for the first time, making these expansions the ideal way to quickly grow your player card collection and discover new ways to play. And of course, they’re perfect for helping a friend get started on their first campaign of Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Jacqueline Fine
Every night, Jacqueline’s dreams are filled with things that have not yet come to pass. At first, she thought of these dreams as a terrible curse. However, as she began to control her visions and observe the events within in greater detail, she now understands they are no curse, but a calling. In fact, Jacqueline Fine (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 1) has more ability to manipulate the fate of chaos tokens than almost any other investigator. When an investigator at your location would reveal any number of chaos tokens, you may choose to reveal two additional tokens and cancel two of the revealed tokens! Obviously, Jacqueline’s prescience is useful during any skill test, but it also comes into play with a full suite of new Spells introduced in this expansion, such as Azure Flame (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 7) and Clairvoyance (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 8). These Spells are highly efficient, but if you reveal some of the most beneficial chaos tokens, you must pay a price. Fortunately, Jacqueline’s ability can help ensure that you pass the test even while avoiding the consequences.

As you look to purchase new cards for Jacqueline’s deck with your experience, you may take a look at Robes of Endless Night (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 22), an asset that reduces the cost of the Spells you play and keeps you from provoking attacks of opportunity by playing them. Or, you may play Recharge (Jacqueline Fine Investigator Starter Deck, 29) to quickly reload the charges on your Spells or Relics, keeping you in the investigation even once you exhaust your invocations.

This is not a standalone product. This is a pre-built investigator deck and a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set is required to play.

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23.60 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Nathaniel Cho, Guardian
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Nathaniel Cho, Guardian

Across the five cycles of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you’ve encountered new investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks and exploring the mythos. Now, you have the chance to invite a new faces to your games with the Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck.

Each Investigator Starter Deck includes a fully pre-built and ready-to-play 34-card investigator deck, as well as 26 additional cards that can be used to upgrade your deck as you play through a campaign. Perhaps you’re entirely new to Arkham Horror: The Card Game—if your friend has a collection of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, no longer do you need to buy your own Core Set or deluxe expansion to join in a campaign. You can simply pick out your favorite Investigator Starter Deck and start playing immediately.

Even if you’re a veteran player, there’s plenty of reason to pick up these Investigator Starter Decks. Every starter deck offers a new investigator and a wealth of new cards entering the game for the first time, making these expansions the ideal way to quickly grow your player card collection and discover new ways to play. And of course, they’re perfect for helping a friend get started on their first campaign of Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Nathaniel Cho
Nathaniel Cho thought he had a career as a prize fighter, but after a run-in with the O’Bannion gang, Nathaniel puts his fists to better use, patrolling the streets and defending others from harm. As a Guardian, Nathaniel Cho (Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck, 1) is a fearless defender, eager to protect his fellow investigators and bludgeon the monsters of the mythos to a pulp with his bare fists. In fact, whenever Nathaniel deals damage to an enemy with an event or a fight ability on an event, he deals one additional damage.

Accordingly, Nathaniel’s deck is packed with combat-centric events. Cards like Counterpunch (Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck, 12) let you snap back after an enemy attack, while One-Two Punch (Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck, 17) has the potential to give you two attacks for a single action! And of course, you’ll want Nathaniel to strap on his Boxing Gloves (Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck, 5) to boost your combat and help you find these Spirit events every time you KO another enemy.

As Nathaniel gains more experience throughout the campaign, this starter deck offers a full suite of cards that invite you to upgrade your deck. For example, you may choose to shore up your weaknesses by bringing in a card like Lesson Learned (Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck, 24) that helps you quickly pick up some clues from your location.

This is not a standalone product. This is a pre-built investigator deck and a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set is required to play.

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25.50 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Stella Clark, Survivor
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Stella Clark, Survivor

Across the five cycles of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you’ve encountered new investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks and exploring the mythos. Now, you have the chance to invite a new faces to your games with the Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck.

Each Investigator Starter Deck includes a fully pre-built and ready-to-play 34-card investigator deck, as well as 26 additional cards that can be used to upgrade your deck as you play through a campaign. Perhaps you’re entirely new to Arkham Horror: The Card Game—if your friend has a collection of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, no longer do you need to buy your own Core Set or deluxe expansion to join in a campaign. You can simply pick out your favorite Investigator Starter Deck and start playing immediately.

Even if you’re a veteran player, there’s plenty of reason to pick up these Investigator Starter Decks. Every starter deck offers a new investigator and a wealth of new cards entering the game for the first time, making these expansions the ideal way to quickly grow your player card collection and discover new ways to play. And of course, they’re perfect for helping a friend get started on their first campaign of Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Stella Clark
Delivering the mail six days a week in all kinds of weather wasn’t an easy job, but Stella loved knowing that she was helping people connect with one another. Then, she started finding the letters from Kingsport, calling her to eldritch mysteries—a call she chooses not to ignore, but to chase down. Stella Clark (Stella Clark Investigator Starter Deck, 1) is well accustomed to failure, but she’s also well accustomed to pushing past it. As Stella, if you fail a skill test, you gain an additional action that you can take during your turn this round, giving you just one more opportunity to prove people wrong and push onward.

Like Stella herself, this starter deck is packed with cards that can reward you even when you fail. Grimm's Fairy Tales (Stella Clark Investigator Starter Deck, 6), for example, lets you heal one horror from an investigator when they fail a skill test at your location. Failure also gives you the chance to play Grit Your Teeth (Stella Clark Investigator Starter Deck, 15) and boost all of your skills for the remainder of the round—something that’s certain to be useful with the extra action you gain from Stella’s ability.

No matter what campaign you’re playing, you’ll start gaining more experience and you may decide that Stella needs more ways to take down the monsters in her way. If that’s true, you could do much worse than picking up an .18 Derringer (Stella Clark Investigator Starter Deck, 22). This trusty little pistol deals good damage, and if you ever fail your test, you reload the spent ammo and increase your combat for your next attack! Stella Clark is also well suited to invest in Quick Learner (Stella Clark Investigator Starter Deck, 30), a permanent asset that increases the difficulty of your earlier actions in exchange for decreasing the difficulty of your later actions. Naturally, this card is best if you’re getting more than three actions, and it also doesn’t hurt to have plenty of ways to reward yourself for failure.

This is not a standalone product. This is a pre-built investigator deck and a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set is required to play.

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Winifred Habbamock, Rogue
Arkham Horror LCG: Investigator Winifred Habbamock, Rogue

Across the five cycles of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you’ve encountered new investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks and exploring the mythos. Now, you have the chance to invite a new faces to your games with the Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck.

Each Investigator Starter Deck includes a fully pre-built and ready-to-play 34-card investigator deck, as well as 26 additional cards that can be used to upgrade your deck as you play through a campaign. Perhaps you’re entirely new to Arkham Horror: The Card Game—if your friend has a collection of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, no longer do you need to buy your own Core Set or deluxe expansion to join in a campaign. You can simply pick out your favorite Investigator Starter Deck and start playing immediately.

Even if you’re a veteran player, there’s plenty of reason to pick up these Investigator Starter Decks. Every starter deck offers a new investigator and a wealth of new cards entering the game for the first time, making these expansions the ideal way to quickly grow your player card collection and discover new ways to play. And of course, they’re perfect for helping a friend get started on their first campaign of Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Across the five cycles of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, you’ve encountered new investigators in each new deluxe expansion, giving you more and more options for building your decks and exploring the mythos. Now, you have the chance to invite a new faces to your games with the Nathaniel Cho Investigator Starter Deck.

Each Investigator Starter Deck includes a fully pre-built and ready-to-play 34-card investigator deck, as well as 26 additional cards that can be used to upgrade your deck as you play through a campaign. Perhaps you’re entirely new to Arkham Horror: The Card Game—if your friend has a collection of Arkham Horror: The Card Game, no longer do you need to buy your own Core Set or deluxe expansion to join in a campaign. You can simply pick out your favorite Investigator Starter Deck and start playing immediately.

Even if you’re a veteran player, there’s plenty of reason to pick up these Investigator Starter Decks. Every starter deck offers a new investigator and a wealth of new cards entering the game for the first time, making these expansions the ideal way to quickly grow your player card collection and discover new ways to play. And of course, they’re perfect for helping a friend get started on their first campaign of Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Winifred Habbamock
Winifred was always one of the smartest kids in her reservation school, but her reckless attitude and lack of respect for authority often got her in trouble. When she found an old biplane in a barn and took it out for a spin, her life was forever changed—and she’s now known as the “woman without fear.” Winifred Habbamock (Winifred Habbamock Investigator Starter Deck, 1) lives her life by pushing the limits, and you’re encouraged to do the same in the game. So long as you commit at least two cards to a skill test, you’ll draw a card from your deck, giving you an incentive to lean into the Rogues’ tendency to pass skill tests with flying colors. For example, you may take aim with a Mauser C96 (Winifred Habbamock Investigator Starter Deck, 6), a new Firearm that packs quite a punch—however, you can only shoot it once per turn, unless you can ready it by succeeding at your skill test by two or more. Or, you may commit Nimble (Winifred Habbamock Investigator Starter Deck, 17) to a skill test, allowing you to quickly slip away from a sticky entanglement.

Once you start upgrading Winifred’s deck with the experience you earn, you have a full range of options to choose from. You may boost your skill test potential with an upgraded, Rogue version of Manual Dexterity (Winifred Habbamock Investigator Starter Deck, 25). Not only does this skill card boast more icons, it lets you draw more cards if the test succeeds by two or more. Alternatively, you may grab Copycat (Winifred Habbamock Investigator Starter Deck, 30), a new skill that lets you copy a skill from the discard pile of any other investigator!

This is not a standalone product. This is a pre-built investigator deck and a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set is required to play. This is not a standalone product. This is a pre-built investigator deck and a copy of the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set is required to play.

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Labyrinths of Lunacy Scenario Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: Labyrinths of Lunacy Scenario Pack

A scenario for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

In The Labyrinths of Lunacy, you and your fellow investigators wake to find yourselves gathered in a strange place, with no memory of how you arrived. Your muscles are weak and uncooperative. Your vision is blurred. Simply rising to your feet takes a tremendous effort. Your legs are wobbly and can barely support your weight.

With this unique, 80-card standalone scenario, you become the prisoner of a mysterious mastermind, forced to take part in his cruel experiments. To escape, you and your fellow investigators will need to work together. You'll need to piece together the clues to solve your captor's twisted riddles. And you'll need to hurry—you aren't alone in this prison...

Not Your Average Nightmare
Unlike previous standalone scenarios, Curse of the Rougarou and Carnevale of Horrors, The Labyrinths of Lunacy cannot be played as a side quest in your larger campaign, but it offers a tremendous range of play experiences, nonetheless.

Designed to accommodate as many as three separate groups of investigators, The Labyrinths of Lunacy introduces a massive Epic Multiplayer Mode that allows you to share your terrors with up to eleven other investigators. And while each group deals with its challenges separately, your successes or failures will impact the other groups—as will cards like Paradox Effect (The Labyrinths of Lunacy, 59) which create unique interactions between groups.

Meanwhile, the scenario is also playable a single group of investigators. The Labyrinths of Lunacy comes with three encounter sets—one for the Epic Multiplayer Mode, one for use with a single group of investigators, and one for use in either format. Even in a single group, then, you'll be able to experience all the paranoia and dread that come with navigating a prison full of Traps like Blood and Rust (The Labyrinths of Lunacy, 58), and there are even rules that allow you to play through the adventure as a mini-campaign of three scenarios.

Designer Matt Newman on Your Entry into The Labyrinths of Lunacy
I am very excited for the upcoming release of The Labyrinths of Lunacy. This scenario is the culmination of many weeks of development, extensive playtesting, and direction from our art team. We designed it for the special The Labyrinths of Lunacy events that we ran at Gen Con 50, but it has so much to offer that I'm glad it's going to see this wider release. I hope you enjoy playing it as much as we enjoyed creating it.

As you may be aware, the scenario made its debut in Indianapolis at Gen Con 50 where forty-nine groups of investigators participated in the events we ran throughout the course of the weekend. It was an absolute blast to watch these players—sometimes complete strangers from different corners of the world—working together to escape the labyrinths. With a clock ticking away and pressuring their every move in real-time, more than 180 investigators were taken captive. Only sixty-nine learned the innermost secrets of the labyrinths, defeated their captor once and for all, and escaped. Even among the fallen, however, we saw many tales of courage, luck, sacrifice, and even betrayal. Most of all, we saw investigators having tons of fun trying to figure out how to escape and survive!

Soon, you will be able to run your own The Labyrinths of Lunacy event. But if you don’t have enough players to play through The Labyrinths of Lunacy in its full Epic Multiplayer Mode, worry not! We're offering this scenario with rules and a separate encounter set that allow you to play it with one group of one to four investigators. You can even run The Labyrinths of Lunacy as its own mini-campaign of three separate games, to simulate the experience of Epic Multiplayer Mode. Finally, it also comes with its own optional variant, “The Shifting Labyrinths,” to add even more replayability to the scenario!

All told, this is the most elaborate scenario we’ve ever made for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, and it’s very special to me. I’m excited to hear more tales from the Arkham LCG community when it releases!

Will You Escape?
Are you quick witted and resourceful enough to escape The Labyrinths of Lunacy? Are you brave enough to confront the cruel mastermind who designed the prison? Are you strong enough to survive the strange and shadowy creatures whose howls you hear echoing through the distant halls?

• A complete, standalone scenario for the hot, cooperative Arkham Horror LCG
• Recreates the Epic Multiplayer experience from Gen Con Indy 2017
• Comes with options for standard play and for use as a three-part mini campaign
• Challenges investigators to escape from a dungeon full of twisted riddles and strange aberrations
• Inspired by the eerie supernatural horror stories of H.P. Lovecraft

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28.40 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Machinations Through Time Scenario Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: Machinations Through Time Scenario Pack

A new standalone scenario pack for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Something is wrong. Nobel Award-winning scientists and their revolutionary discoveries have vanished. This ripple in reality is a devastating loss for humanity, and it must be restored. Who has tampered with the past and disrupted the future? Only time will tell…

The city of Arkham is caught in a dark plot that spans across decades! From the quiet days of Arkham’s past to the bustling days of its future, you and your fellow investigators will chase the culprits of this chronological caper before they undo sixty years of important scientific discoveries. Will you find and rescue the missing scientists from their captivity in the twisted realm of Tindalos? Or will your travels through time cause unintended consequences for the past, present, and future?

Racing Through Time
Like previous scenario packs, Machinations Through Time can be played as a standalone adventure or as part of a larger campaign. You also have the choice to take on these threats as a single group or as part of a large event with up to 12 investigators in Epic Multiplayer Mode. Unlike other scenario packs, however, Machinations Through Time gives us our very first look at Arkham, Massachusetts in other time periods, as well as the ability to travel between them. A seemingly impossible task in Arkham’s present may be easy to solve in its past, and tools or information from the future could be the key to setting history back on its correct path.

All of the locations in this scenario are labeled Past, Present, or Future, with the exception of Tindalos (Machinations Through Time, 5A), which is all three at once. By traveling between Tindalos and various landmarks of Arkham in all three eras, you can manipulate the flow of time to your advantage, gaining extra resources, clues, cards, or other benefits depending on the location and era. By coordinating with your fellow investigators, you can set something up in the past and then have a friend immediately reap the benefits in the future, or vice versa.

But simply jumping between time periods is not the goal of this scenario. Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski—two great, award-winning scientists—have been abducted and imprisoned in Tindalos. It is your job to not only rescue them, but also ensure that they are set back on the path to meeting each other and making the incredible discoveries they will one day be known for.

While these scientists are labeled as ally assets, they function a bit differently in Machinations Through Time than in normal Arkham scenarios. No one investigator takes control of these allies—instead, they are placed on locations much like the investigators themselves, and whenever an investigator travels from one location to another, they can bring any Scientist allies from that location with them. However, you cannot take a scientist to a different era of time than the one they belong to!

This means that if you want to move the past version of Thomas Corrigan (Machinations Through Time, 12), you will need to travel to another Past location. Likewise, if you want to enlist the aid of the present version of Mary Zielinski (Machinations Through Time, 22), you will only be able to do so from a Present location. Corrigan and Zielinski aren’t the only Scientist allies you can encounter during your time-hopping; you may find yourself using Ezra Graves' (Machinations Through Time, 23) powerful abilities in Present Arkham, then jump back to the Past to parley with Nikola Tesla (Machinations Through Time, 14).

Of course, the forces of the Mythos will hardly let you work with these scientists unhindered. For reasons unknown, the monsters of Tindalos are fixated on capturing not just Thomas Corrigan and Mary Zielinski, but any Scientist they can get their hands on. The brutish Ghastly Satyrs (Machinations Through Time, 44) will come for the Scientists with claws bared, while the terrifying Hounds of Tindalos (Machinations Through Time, 45) will savage their minds. Each time a Scientist asset would be defeated, they are instead abducted by the fiends of Tindalos, which means you may find yourself racing back to the horrifying realm on more than one rescue mission during this scenario.

Temporal Troubles
With many twists, turns, and time paradoxes, Machinations Through Time will keep even the most experienced investigators on their toes. Will you solve the mystery of who is targeting these scientists throughout history? Or will you become lost in the time stream?

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26.10 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Murder at the Excelsior Hotel Scenario Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: Murder at the Excelsior Hotel Scenario Pack

A standalone scenario for Arkham Horror: The Card Game

I have answers.
Room 225. Tonight. Come alone.
They’re watching.

Reports of strange occurrences have been circulating around Arkham about the prestigious Excelsior Hotel: disappearances, bizarre sightings, sudden closures that go on for days without warning. You tried talking to the police about these suspicious claims, but they dismissed you with little more than a glance up from their desks. So, when you receive a note promising answers if you come to the mysterious location, you feel compelled to make the meeting.

The Scene of the Crime
The Excelsior Hotel is busy when you arrive, despite the rumors that have hounded the hotel for over a month now. Everything seems normal, though you cannot help but wonder if the staff and guests are really preoccupied with their various activities, or if they are gathered to keep an eye on you and your investigation. Still, you have come too far to turn back. The blood‐red door to room 225 stands before you and all that is left for your to do is take a deep breath, and knock.

When you come to, you are standing over the man’s body. You recoil immediately from the grisly sight—multiple stab wounds perforate his chest and blood spills freely onto the floor. What the hell happened? And why can’t you remember a thing? Your head is spinning as you try to make sense of the situation. Empty bottles are scattered about the room. Your hands tingle. The shadows seem to coil and writhe around you. Were you drugged? Or is this something else entirely?

It’s only a matter of time before some staff or—heaven forbid—the police arrive and discover the crime scene. Should you attempt to cover it up and protect yourself from suspicion, or use your precious time searching for clues as to what really happened?

Chasing Leads
With time running out before you are discovered and surely blamed for the horrific events that have occurred at the Excelsior, you must choose a path of action and follow it. This may steer you towards any one of the many possible leads kept in the Leads deck. In your desperate search, you may uncover a lost key or forgotten locket, or some sort of mysterious device you cannot hope to understand. Whatever hints to the truth you uncover, and whichever leads your gut tells you to pursue will irrevocably alter your game experience throughout the scenario. With a remarkable ten possible versions of the final Act, Murder at the Excelsior Hotel immerses you in the feel of a true investigation like never before. Every action has a consequence and every trip to the Excelsior plays out differently. Will you find the true culprit and clear your name, or will you or another innocent soul be lost to the evil that resides in the Excelsior?

As you struggle to remain unnoticed in the hotel while your investigation continues, you may be confronted with some enemies that feature the new Patrol keyword.During the enemy phase each ready, unengaged enemy with the patrol keyword moves to a connecting location along the shortest path to the location designated on their card. For example, a morbidly curious Hotel Guest (Murder at the Excelsior Hotel, 22) will move towards the nearest Crime Scene. If there are multiple locations that a Patrol enemy may be drawn to, your team’s lead investigator may choose which location the enemy moves toward. And if their way is blocked, the enemy does not move. Luckily for you, even if a guest should reach a Crime Scene, you may be able to talk your way out of it by using a parley action. But how long can you dodge the truth before your lies catch up with you?

While a nosy guest or suspicious staff member may seem like small potatoes compared to the eldritch monstrosities you have faced in the past, you cannot afford to let your guard down, even for a second. In the endlessly twisting halls of the Excelsior Hotel, any mortal may be Driven to Madness (Murder at the Excelsior Hotel, 24). When this Curse is revealed, you must attach it to the nearest Humanoid enemy, increasing their fight, health, and evade, and pushing them to become violent and attack. While a quick-footed investigator like Rita Young (The Circle Undone, 5) may choose to simply run away until the enemy’s mind has cleared, that may not be an option for those who are used to having to fight their way out, like Leo Anderson (The Forgotten Age, 1). But even in their fevered state, you cannot forget that these tormented minds are the same people you have sought to protect. If you should strike them down, even in self-defense, will you ever forgive yourself?

Room 225
What happened at the Excelsior Hotel? With the clock ticking and danger around every corner, will you be able to figure out the truth behind this grisly murder and clear your name? Or will you be the next victim? The truth is out there, but the story is yet to be told. Pack your bags and check in for a night at the Excelsior Hotel!

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28.70 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Path to Carcosa Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Path to Carcosa Expansion

The second deluxe expansion for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

A new theater production is coming to Arkham all the way from Paris. Unsurprisingly, it's been all the rage in conversations among Arkham's socialites. But in your efforts to learn more about the play, you've uncovered a darker history. Disappearances. Suicides. Delusions. Insanity. Wherever The King in Yellow is performed, madness follows close behind.

Everything you find suggests the workings of something foul, even though no connection has yet been proven...

In The Path to Carcosa, it becomes your task to uncover the secrets of this unusual play. The expansion's two scenarios kick off The Path to Carcosa campaign with a trip to the Ward Theatre and an invitation to the formal dinner party hosted by cast and crew. But with every answer you gain and every clue you uncover, you only find yourself falling deeper into mystery and madness.

Along with its new scenarios and encounter cards, The Path to Carcosa introduces six new investigators and sixty-two player cards (including a complete playset of each) that afford you new ways to explore and enjoy the game—even as they challenge you to overcome new weaknesses.

The Play's the Thing
The King in Yellow—and all the strange events surrounding the play—take center stage in the two new scenarios from The Path to Carcosa. Curtain Call is your ticket to Ward Theatre, where you can catch the much-awaited performance. And in The Last King, you join the play's cast and crew at a dinner party, in the hopes that some of them might provide you answers to the many questions burning in your mind.

Both of these scenarios can be played on their own as standalone adventures, but together they represent your first steps along The Path to Carcosa campaign, which you can pursue more fully through a cycle of six Mythos Packs. Over the course of your campaign, you'll learn more and more about the larger threat the play may pose—and encounter many of the terrifying new treacheries and enemies from the expansion's eleven encounter sets. And you'll find yourself keeping secrets from the other investigators.

As befits its unique exploration of the realms between and beyond sanity and madness, The Path to Carcosa introduces a number of encounter cards that feature the new keyword, "hidden." Whenever you draw a card with this keyword, you keep it hidden from your fellow investigators and place it in your hand. But even from there, its abilities exert their insidious influence over the course of your game.

Additionally, The Path to Carcosa campaign introduces mechanics for Doubt and Conviction, both of which you'll mark in your campaign log, depending on the choices you make. These decisions may then come back to haunt you in later scenarios. And, finally, The Path to Carcosa also marks the debut of a new card type, story cards, which serve as avenues for additional narrative... and other effects.

We Are Merely Players, Acting Our Many Parts
There's plenty of madness and mayhem in the expansion's scenarios—more than enough, in fact, to drive your investigators stark, raving mad. But if your Core Set investigators should falter, you needn't yet abandon all hope.

The Path to Carcosa introduces six new investigators, all of whom come complete with their signature advantages and weaknesses, plus a wealth of forty non-signature, non-weakness, new player cards (two copies each of twenty different cards). All of these are divided between the game's five classes—Guardian, Mystic, Rogue, Seeker, and Survivor—except for one of the new investigators, the actress Lola Hayes (The Path to Carcosa, 6).

Haunted by her role in The King in Yellow and the strange events, calamity, and dread that have followed the play across the globe, Lola Hayes hopes to be done with it and has written to the director to inform him she intends to make her hometown Arkham performance her last.

The game's first Neutral investigator, Lola Hayes arrives with remarkably balanced attributes, and deckbuilding requirements that allow her to select thirty-five of her favorite level 0–3 cards from all the different classes. To her, each class is just another "role," and she can shift her role as she wishes, doing so once per round as a free ability.

But nothing in Arkham is ever simple as it may seem. Is Lola Hayes the actress, an expert of Improvisation (The Path to Carcosa, 18) who slips in and out of roles as she chooses? Or is "Lola Hayes" just another role, one among many? Are there other forces directing her life, steering her down paths she'd rather not travel? Amid the chaos and terror, such fears may lead Lola toward a Crisis of Identity (The Path to Carcosa, 19).

Still, Lola Hayes isn't the only investigator from The Path to Carcosa to push the game's deckbuilding options in all-new directions. Each of the new investigators offers something different. New deck sizes, new ways to combine cards from multiple classes, or multiple copies of their signature strengths and weaknesses.

In the end, the myriad—potentially dizzying—array of possibilities made available by these investigators will either inspire you to greatness—or drive you mad!

Pull Back the Curtain
The King in Yellow is coming to Arkham, and the whole town is talking about it.

What will you find when it arrives? Who will you meet? What secrets might you uncover? Come and see the show. Everyone's invited!

• A deluxe expansion for the award-winning cooperative LCG Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• Kicks off a new campaign with the mysteries surrounding a performance of The King in Yellow
• Introduces two new scenarios laden with madness, horror, and mechanics for tracking your investigator’s doubt or conviction
• Expands your deck-building options with six new investigators and sixty-two player cards (including a complete playset of each)
• The expansion’s narrative campaign continues with the upcoming The Path to Carcosa Mythos Packs

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42.60 32.00 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 42.60
Arkham Horror LCG: PC1 -Echoes of the Past Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: PC1 -Echoes of the Past Mythos Pack

The first Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

The King in Yellow has come to Arkham, you caught the performance, you found yourself drawn into a maddening series of events, and now—however hard you might try—you cannot erase them from your mind. Nor can you ignore the play's sinister history of disappearances, suicides, delusions, and insanity.

There are powerful forces at work. Of that you can be sure, but there's very little else of which you can still be certain. The things you've witnessed are things no man nor woman should ever see. And the world seems to have shifted all around you, leaving you adrift, washed along by a current running swiftly into a sea of madness.

Where do you go from here? The more you investigate, the greater the odds you'll challenge your limited sanity. But if you don't pursue the leads you've already uncovered, would you be inviting a new doom to Arkham? And why has this play come from Paris to Arkham in the first place?

If there are ties between the play and Arkham, there's one place where you might uncover them. Filled by questions, desperate for answers, striving to keep your composure—you make your way to the Arkham Historical Society.

Two major themes run through the player cards in Echoes of the Past, and the first centers around your investigator's ability to remain calm and composed in the face of utter chaos.

The Mythos Pack offers each of the game's five classes a new one-cost asset with two traits—Talent and Composure. And these assets share more than their cost and traits. Like Plucky (Echoes of the Past, 115), they are all level one cards, they all sport the Fast keyword, and they all offer semi-permanent access to two easy skill boosts.

Why are these skill boosts "semi-permanent"? There are two reasons.

The first is because the Permanent keyword is a real thing in Arkham Horror: The Card Game, and none of these cards sport it. You still have to draw these Talents and then pay to play them.

The second reason is because they remain in play only so long as you can maintain your composure. They function in the game the way that your mental and emotional states function in real life. Play the asset, and you're effectively entering a state of calm, gathering your thoughts, thinking clearly, and finding answers to the problems around you. But start going crazy—i.e. suffering horror—and the first point of indirect horror you would apply to your investigator must instead be applied to the asset, discarding it.

The result is that these Composure assets push the game one more step in the direction of roleplaying, immersing you in a world of mind-shattering horrors and adding a real, game-changing edge to your concerns for your investigator's precarious mental health. Stay calm, stay cool, and you can more easily influence your surroundings. But should the strain of a shifting reality prove too much? One horror leads swiftly to the next as your plans rip and unravel.

And how can you possibly complete your investigation as you're suddenly, surely losing your mooring? When your adventures thrust you into such wildly disorienting situations that the game actually offers you rules to measure and quantify your Doubt? When you can almost feel your mind and sanity flayed like skin?

Such times are certain to lead to desperation. And that desperation may—it turns out—be the only thing you really have going for you.

In a world of otherworldly monsters, ritual magic, and elder gods, the investigators of Arkham Horror: The Card Game are all too human. You don't even get to start your adventures with a deck built completely to your strengths. You have your weaknesses, too.

But you may also discover that when you're pushed to your limit—when the adrenaline courses through your body and your "fight or flight" instinct kicks in—the world slows down just a little. There's just a glimmer of hope that wasn't there before. Sure, the odds are still stacked heavily against you, but your Desperate situation clarifies matters somewhat.

If the only way for you to survive your encounter with some gibbous, tentacled mass or lunatic cultist is to Run for Your Life (Echoes of the Past, 119), well, you just might find yourself a better sprinter than you had ever imagined. Sucking wind, your heart exploding in your chest, your eyes stinging with the smoke through which you navigate your way out of a fiery wreck.

Sure, this Desperate evasion might not help you gain the clues you need to solve your mystery. Nor will it destroy the monster. But sometimes you just need to focus. And there's no greater focus than the four different Desperate skill cards in Echoes of the Past, each of which offers four skill icons if your nerves have been left so raw that you're down to three or fewer points of sanity remaining.

Embrace the Madness
What will you find in the Historical Society? What will you learn about The King in Yellow? And what dangers will you face? Will you confront them coolly, overcoming each new trial while maintaining your Composure? Or will you find yourself surprised by extra-dimensional powers and Desperate to hold onto the last of your shattered sanity?

Or will you go a different route entirely and embrace the madness?

• The first Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for the cooperative Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• Introduces a new scenario that explores the darkest secrets of Arkham’s Historical Society
• Serves as the third chapter in the campaign from The Path to Carcosa deluxe expansion
• Thirty new player cards (a complete play set of each) enhance your investigator’s ability to remain calm and composed in the face of unthinkable horrors
• Requires the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Path to Carcosa deluxe expansion

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: PC2 -The Unspeakable Oath Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: PC2 -The Unspeakable Oath Mythos Pack

The second Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

It was always going to come to this… You're finally headed to the asylum.

Something about the mysterious play, The King in Yellow, had nagged at the corners of your mind before it arrived in Arkham, and you began investigating. You learned madness and disaster followed the play everywhere it went. And still you dug deeper.

You attended the performance. You came face to face with terrors that still haunt you. And then—having barely survived your earlier encounters, and hanging onto the remnants of your tattered sanity—you went to the Arkham Historical Society in search of even more information.

Now, as you look to carry forward through The Path to Carcosa campaign, you may find yourself wracked by Doubt and surrounded by Lunatics. And, still, you'll catch hints of deeper and darker secrets.

What Madness Compels You?
With the new scenario coming in The Unspeakable Oath, Arkham Horror: The Card Game continues and deepens its exploration of the mystical realms between the traditional roleplaying and card game experiences.

First of all, you have the strong sense of place that's exceedingly rare among card games. You're not wandering the streets of Arkham, nor the wooded New England hillsides. Instead, you're wandering the hallways of an eerily quiet asylum—perhaps punctuated, at times, by mournful howls or manic laughter—and need to gain passage through several locked doors.

The fact that doors can be locked against you is important in the sense that it allows the adventure to unfold at the same sort of pace with which a Game Master might walk you through an adventure. And it matters because you can only act upon objects and information in your investigator's location. Moreover, if you and your fellow investigators split your company, you might cover more ground… or you might render yourselves vulnerable.

Next, you have the different ways the scenario preys upon the game's cooperative nature and the relationships you try to maintain with your fellow investigators. After The Path to Carcosa introduced the Hidden keyword, which forces you to hold cards in your hand—and keep them hidden from the other investigators—The Unspeakable Oath adds more of these cards, so that your experience of the game might not match that of the other players. And none of them will understand you.

Your secrets will isolate you from your companions. In the depths of an asylum.
Think about that...

Finally, the scenario breaks away from the traditional customizable card game experience by forcing you to live with the consequences of other games.

Yes, you can play and enjoy The Unspeakable Oath as a standalone adventure, but for those who dare to look more deeply, The Unspeakable Oath comes to life most fully as part of The Path to Carcosa campaign. It is, in fact, the fourth chapter in that campaign, and it represents the nexus of many possible paths through time and space. But those paths are not all equal.

Normally, when you sit at your table to play a customizable card game, you start fresh. There's nothing imposing itself upon your starting hand or the resources with which you might start the game. But in the Arkham LCG®, the choices you make in earlier adventures may come back to haunt you later on. The game's basic structure is the campaign, as in an RPG, and you are often given choices to make in your games—and between them—that aren't clearly about winning or losing, but just about how your investigator would respond to a given situation.

And in The Unspeakable Oath, these choices already come back with profound ramifications, literally restructuring the adventure depending upon the consequences of your earlier investigations. Choices you make in your games—the people to whom you choose to speak and the ways you interact with powerful artifacts—will impact the structure of the adventure's act deck, as well as the composition of its encounter deck.

You're Never Truly Alone
Along with its new scenario, The Unspeakable Oath introduces twenty-four new player cards (two copies each of twelve different player cards) that allow you to "learn" from your mistakes. As you gain experience, you can use that experience to enhance your deck with cards like Forewarned (The Unspeakable Oath, 150) and A Test of Will (The Unspeakable Oath, 156).

Alternatively, you may forge an alliance with one of the Mythos Pack's new Patrons, Charles Ross, Esq. (The Unspeakable Oath, 149) and Dario El-Amin (The Unspeakable Oath, 151). Naturally, as Patrons, both of these gentlemen come with valuable connections.

Charles Ross, Esq. helps you gain access to a whole host of powerful Items, reducing their costs by one each time he exhausts. You can think of him as your personal connection to the Disc of Itzamna (Core Set, 41), making it easier to afford and discard—and then to afford again. While your investigator has a limited number of body slots to which these Items can be assigned, meaning there's a limit on the total financial benefit you can derive from recruiting the services of Charles Ross, Esq., it's worth noting that that limit is a great deal less restrictive than it might first appear.

First of all, there's the fact that you might choose to discard one Item in favor of another—or just because discarding it is in your best interests. Many of the game's most powerful Items, like the Disc of Itzamna, are discarded when you use them, and Charles Ross, Esq. lends significant value if you intend to use these items over and over—such as you might if you're playing Rex Murphy (The Dunwich Legacy, 2) with Scavenging (Core Set, 73).

Perhaps more importantly, there's the fact that the Arkham LCG can support as many as four players, and Charles Ross, Esq. works with any investigator at your location, not just yours. If you and your teammates can coordinate your purchases, Charles Ross, Esq. can easily save your group at least one resource each and every round.

Meanwhile, the unscrupulous Dario El-Amin can provide you access to an astonishing array of benefits, all of which should certainly help you find your way out of the asylum. As a single action, Dario El-Amin allows you to claim two resources. He's also more than willing to offer bonuses to both your Willpower and your Intellect—provided you can meet his demands.

Dario El-Amin may be a Patron of the arts, but it's clear that he's looking less to prop up struggling artists than to invest in characters and endeavors with records of proven success. The permanent attribute boosts that Dario El-Amin can provide are fantastically valuable, but the Patron requires you to sit on a stockpile of no fewer than ten resources if you want those bonuses.

Fortunately, that's not too much of a problem for Rogue investigators like Jenny Barnes (The Dunwich Horror, 3), who can gain resources fast with cards like Burglary (Core Set, 45), Hot Streak (Core Set, 57), and Lone Wolf (Blood on the Altar, 188). And once you have all those resources at your disposal, it'll be good to know that Dario El-Amin will be, at least, a little invested in seeing you make your way out of the asylum.

Adversity Breeds Adventure
It's a good thing that Arkham Horror: The Card Game isn't real life. We don't really want to stare down unspeakable horrors, suffer grievous internal injuries, and feel our minds fracturing with the burden of all we've witnessed.

But it makes for great fiction. And in the Arkham LCG, it makes for great adventure.

Soon, you'll have your chance to enjoy yet another of these horrifying adventures. In The Unspeakable Oath, you'll find the world closing around you. You'll be stuck in the asylum. Surrounded by Lunatics. Threatened by monsters and madness… And your games couldn't be better!

• The second Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for the cooperative Arkham Horror: The Card Game
• Introduces a new scenario that carries you into the heart of Arkham’s asylum
• Serves as the fourth chapter in the campaign from The Path to Carcosa deluxe expansion
• Twenty-four new player cards (a complete play set of each) provide you access to wealthy Patrons and allow you to “learn” from your mistakes
• Requires the Arkham Horror: The Card Game Core Set and The Path to Carcosa deluxe expansion

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22.00 16.50 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 22.00
Arkham Horror LCG: PC3 -A Phantom of Truth Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: PC3 -A Phantom of Truth Mythos Pack

The third Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Months after The Yellow King played at the Ward Theatre, your investigation into the strange events surrounding the play has left you with more questions than answers. You've encountered Cultists, Lunatics, and Monsters. You've uncovered horrific Schemes of untold scope. And you've witnessed Terrors that may or may not have been Omens of greater perils.

All these things brought you, recently, to pay a short visit to Arkham's asylum. And now you've walked out, wondering what to make of everything that you've seen. So where do you go for answers when your world's tilting into madness?

The answer: Paris.
In A Phantom of Truth, you and your fellow investigators make your way across the Atlantic. Tormented every night by vivid dreams of an alien world—with black stars, twin suns, shattered moons, and twisted spires—you decide not to grapple with your Doubts and Convictions in Arkham, but to pursue whatever truth might lie behind the play.

This is why you head to Paris; you hope to gain some answers from the play's director, Nigel Engram.

Doubt and Conviction
As we mentioned in our announcement of The Path to Carcosa, your investigations into The King in Yellow will eventually lead you into the sort of madness and confusion that force you to wonder what's reality and what's delusion. You may even find yourself wondering if the definitions of madness and sanity are as clear as you previously thought.

With that in mind, The Path to Carcosa campaign makes use of the new mechanics for Doubt and Conviction that we previewed in "A Mind Is a Terrible Thing to Lose," our look at the new scenarios from The Path to Carcosa.

But what does your Doubt or Conviction do for you? Apart from check marks on your campaign log (pdf, 1.8 MB), what are they? These questions—and their answers—begin to emerge more fully throughout A Phantom of Truth.

The first thing you'll learn is that it's still not clear whether it's better to operate like a skeptic rooted in Doubt or to trust your instincts and move forward with Conviction. Nor is it certain that your Doubt is always the sign of a curious mind; there may be times your Doubt is strictly a form of uncertainty rooted in madness—your inability to distinguish the real from the unreal, or the truth of things from their illusions.

It's almost as if there's some terrible, malevolent force at work—guiding you, beckoning you, pulling you forward. And it's possible that your search for Nigel Engram may take a backseat to your desperate scramble to hold onto whatever shreds of sanity remain to you. And, here, is your Doubt your salvation? Or are you better off following your Conviction?

In A Phantom of Truth, these questions matter immensely, and you'll need to find the right answers, lest you end up a Lost Soul (A Phantom of Truth, 227) in a very foreign land.

Focus on the Familiar
In addition to its scenario, A Phantom of Truth supplies you with twenty-two player cards (two copies each of eleven different player cards) designed to help you stay grounded and make progress in your campaign. Among these, you'll find a handful of higher-level cards that recall the familiar, including a couple of fan favorites from the Core Set.

One of these is the .45 Automatic (A Phantom of Truth, 190)—a wonderful Weapon to have in hand when you're beset on all sides by fear and foes.

While this powerful handgun has been a Guardian staple since the game's debut, the two experience points you'll pay for the upgraded version in A Phantom of Truth are well rewarded by an extra Combat icon, the ability to ignore the retaliate keyword, and by an invaluable one-point boost to your Combat with every shot you fire. All of which may be handy should you find yourself stalked by strange, winged Monsters in the Gardens of Luxembourg.

Similarly, fans of the Rogue class will find their Pickpocketing (A Phantom of Truth, 195) more powerful and profitable than ever. Like the .45 Automatic, Pickpocketing reappears as a Level 2 card that gains several advantages over its Level 0 counterpart.

For your experience points, you are rewarded with the Fast keyword, which immediately gives you an action for your troubles. Next, you gain an extra Agility icon. While this Agility icon won't likely benefit you much the first time you draw your Pickpocketing—since you'll most likely want to put the Talent into play—the extra icon on your second copy of Pickpocketing could easily prove the difference between the success or failure of a critical evade attempt.

That extra icon might even prove the difference between a standard success or a success by two or more that allows you to trigger the full benefits of your upgraded Pickpocketing. Instead of merely granting you an extra card draw when you evade an enemy, Pickpocketing now allows you to choose between a card draw or a resource—or, if you succeed by two or more, allows you to gain both a card draw and a resource.

Together, these newly upgraded cards represent just one of the many different ways you might spend the experience you gain during The Path to Carcosa campaign, but it's one that might appeal to those investigators who are either already meeting with great success—as well as those who have been severely terrified and traumatized by all they have seen.

In this latter case, sticking with the familiar may provide you the opportunity you need to increase your chances of success, without the unnecessary complications associated with the development of all-new tactics.

Draped in Mystery
Is this, at last, the path that will lead you to the truths behind The King in Yellow?

Your trip to Paris is fated to be eventful, but will you find the man for whom you're looking? Or will someone—or something—find you instead?

Take the next step deeper into the mysteries of The Path to Carcosa.

• The third Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for the hot, cooperative Arkham Horror LCG® • A new scenario transports investigators from Arkham to Paris as they continue to explore the mysteries of The King in Yellow • The cycle’s mechanics for Doubt and Conviction come to the fore, promoting new psychological tensions • Twenty-two player cards (two copies each of eleven different cards) help your investigator stay grounded through his or her pursuit of the truth • Inspired by the fiction of H.P. Lovecraft and Robert W. Chambers

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20.60 15.50 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 20.60
Arkham Horror LCG: PC4 -The Pallid Mask Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: PC4 -The Pallid Mask Mythos Pack

The fourth Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

From the streets of Paris to the city's subterranean catacombs, your pursuit of the truth behind The King in Yellow leads you farther and farther from Arkham's familiar landmarks. But the streets, the language, and the eerie, dark tunnels aren't the only foreign elements at play. There's something distinctly otherworldly in the Parisian catacombs…

In The Pallid Mask scenario, you and your fellow investigators will enter these tunnels in search of a stranger whom you believe must be connected to the events surrounding the performance of The King in Yellow at the Ward Theatre in Arkham. But with each new strange twist and turn, you'll find yourselves only stepping deeper into mystery. Perhaps you can follow the tunnels all the way to the pulsing heart of the play's mysteries, but there's a chance, too, you'll simply find yourselves lost amid the shifting landscape. What begins as a trek through moist and clammy tunnels of stone may become a journey that leads you under the earth, through The Gate to Hell, and straight to your demise at the Well of Souls or some other forgotten chamber.

Destined to be a fan-favorite, the scenario from The Pallid Mask utilizes the game's locations in a novel way, bringing them into play only as you travel through them, and arranging them in a constantly shifting and unpredictable fashion. Each new step through these labyrinths could be your last.

Additionally, the sixty new cards from The Pallid Mask include two copies each of twelve different player cards. Divided between the game's five different investigator classes, these feature several higher level versions of existing cards alongside a range of new skill cards that offer potent kickers. Draw a card, ready an exhausted ally, gain resources, or offer sacrifices to increase your skill card's value. In the unpredictable subterranean darkness of The Pallid Mask, could these skill cards be what ultimately prevents your demise?

No Safe Passage
When you're ready to head beneath the Parisian streets and explore the deadly catacombs of The Pallid Mask, you'll set aside a handful of the Mythos Pack's new Catacombs cards, including the one you ultimately hope to discover. You'll shuffle these cards and place them at the bottom of your Catacombs deck. Then you'll place your starting location, marking it with a resource, and you'll shuffle the remaining Catacombs locations to place atop the others.

This is how you form your Catacombs deck, but the truly interesting part of The Pallid Mask is how the Catacombs deck transforms its new scenario into an adventure full of deadly pitfalls and frightening discoveries.

Instead of laying out a whole network of locations at the beginning of your game, you'll place only a single location onto the table—the one through which you enter the Catacombs. Then, throughout the adventure, each time you reveal a new Catacombs location, you'll discover new passages that lead deeper into the tunnels. Depending which location you enter, you may find yourself placing a single unrevealed Catacombs location to its right, or possibly above it. Or below it. Or to its left. Or you may find that your position branches in multiple directions.

Given the unpredictable nature of your journey through these Catacombs, The Pallid Mask introduces a unique set of scenario-specific rules stating all orthogonally adjacent locations (directly to the left, or right, above, or below each other) are adjacent for the purposes of travel. And this means that you'll never know what to expect as you set foot in a new location.

No Place for Rookies
With all its physical dangers—plus an array of untold supernatural threats—the scenario from The Pallid Mask is no place for rookie investigators. It's easy to get lost. It's just as easy to be lost forever, dragged down into sudden pitfalls by raving Lunatics, grotesque Monsters, or other Terrors. As a result, you'll want to have earned and spent every possible iota of experience to upgrade your deck and increase your chances of survival.

The new player cards in the Mythos Pack feature a split between higher level versions of existing cards and new skill cards, all of which come with a potent kicker.

By the time you start to explore the scenario's Catacombs, if your journey through The Path to Carcosa campaign has been mostly successful, you might wish simply to upgrade your cards, rather than introduce larger changes to the composition of your deck. Or perhaps you simply find yourself gravitating toward the Ritualist archetype we outlined in the article, "That Which Doesn't Kill Us…" Either way, you'll find a number of valuable upgrades in The Pallid Mask, such as the new version of Emergency Cache (The Pallid Mask, 239) that can help you quickly refresh your most important supplies.

On the other hand, if you're pursuing new paths—or flailing about for anything that might get you a better handle on your remaining sanity—you might want to play with the Mythos Pack's new skill cards. As with Inspiring Presence (The Pallid Mask, 228), each of these skill cards offers multiple icons and a valuable kicker that might very well make the difference between successfully navigating these eerie tunnels and being lost in them forever.

Remember to Carry a Torch
There are layers upon layers of darkness in the catacombs beneath Paris. Within that darkness, though, you may find the clues that will begin to shed light upon the mysterious play, The King in Yellow. You may finally learn how the play is connected to the atrocities that follow it from city to city... But you should be careful what you choose to uncover.

Traps, monsters, and branching corridors—what else will you find in the subterranean world of The Pallid Mask?

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: PC5 -Black Stars Rise Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: PC5 -Black Stars Rise Mythos Pack

The fifth Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

Your investigations have led you far from that fateful first showing of The King in Yellow at the Ward Theatre in Arkham. When you could no longer find the answers you needed in Arkham, you voyaged across the Atlantic to France and entered the catacombs of the dead beneath Paris. Now, you travel to the island commune of Mont Saint-Michel, as brooding, dark clouds cover the sky. A storm is coming—and it’s unclear if our world will survive.

Black Stars Rise offers the latest chapter in The Path to Carcosa cycle, and the latest tale of your own madness. You have looked upon the face of the Stranger. You have beheld the Pallid Mask and the Tattered Cloak. New player cards arrive in this Mythos Pack, cards with palliative names like “Stick to the Plan,” “Narrow Escape,” or “Ward of Protection.” Their names are a lie, dripping with false comfort that only the truly mad will embrace. The darkling spires of Carcosa are breaching the walls between dimensions and Hastur will rule over all...

Descent into Madness
You have had cause to doubt your sanity before. The choices you’ve made along your path have been questionable, at best. Can you be sure that you’re seeing reality? If you can still think logically, you may apply Occam’s Razor. Surely it is far simpler to believe that you have gone insane rather than supposing that the entire world is slowly falling under the sway of a dark god from another dimension.

Of course, it’s far too late for you at this point. The storm is brewing and bursting above your head, with pelting rain coming down from above and the tide inexorably rising from below. As your tiny steamer takes you out to the island monastery of Mont Saint-Michel, there’s no turning back for you.

Make no mistake by letting yourself fall into hope as you approach the island. No matter how grim things have looked in the past, you’ve always had the act deck—a singular flicker of light in even the darkest hours. The act deck holds an implicit promise: if you can find a way to advance through the act deck, you have a chance to survive. Things could turn out alright in the end.

With Black Stars Rise, your madness reaches new depths. There is no act deck, nor any light in the darkness. At the beginning of the game, you’ll set up one agenda deck as normal—and in place of the act deck, a second agenda deck. The first agenda deck represents the rising tides and flood waters smashing against the sea walls. The second agenda deck corresponds to the monstrous storm lashing the island, its clouds coruscating with eldritch energy. Nothing remains for you, except to choose how you and your friends will meet your demise. And even if you could somehow find a path through the madness and the gate to Carcosa, the floods or the storm would surely destroy you before you could reach it.

Push Your Limits
For you and your fellow investigators, few things push your sanity further to the limit than the Spells that you use to toy with uncanny powers far beyond your control. At any moment, these barely-understood incantations could slip away from you, lashing your mind with horrors or unleashing fresh demons upon the world. It’s fitting, then, that as Black Stars Rise draws the tattered robe of insanity close about your shoulders, it delves deeply into Spells.

Traditionally, Spells have been the purview of the Mystic class. Still, as Lost Carcosa pushes closer to Earth, Arcane Insight (Black Stars Rise, 266) can spill over into the minds of even the uninitiated, pulling back the shroud of this world and revealing clues that would have gone unseen. Rogues, on the other hand, may find that their natural powers of misdirection and Suggestion (Black Stars Rise, 268) have been amplified, giving them a tool to avoid attention and slip away from even the most dogged pursuers.

Mystics do not go wanting either. The surplus of unnatural, otherworldly energies washing over the world has created a surplus of new converts, such as the upgraded version of Arcane Initiate (Black Stars Rise, 271). The horrors these young Sorcerers have seen—and perpetrated—have brought more doom on the world or pushed them to the brink of insanity themselves. But their skills may be sufficient to bring you the Spells that you need to buy a few more moments before you inevitably succumb to the suffocating control of Hastur.

The power of these Spells is undeniable—but their very power pushes you farther into your doomed spiral… into the realms of madness. These Spells cannot create a path forward where none exists. They will not conjure an act deck out of nothingness to lead you into Carcosa. But perhaps, in spite of everything, you will continue to struggle onward. Perhaps you will say, in the words of the Survivors, "Not without a fight!" (Black Stars Rise, 272).

The Black Stars Are Rising
There is no escape. You are doomed.

· The fifth Mythos Pack in the Path to Carcosa cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.
· Continues the unfolding story of your investigation into the horrific play, The King in Yellow, and the being known as The Stranger.
· New player cards focusing on Spells give investigators new ways to plumb the mysteries of the mythos.
· Introduces a new scenario unlike any other, challenging players to find a way forward with two agenda decks and no act deck.

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20.60 €
Arkham Horror LCG: PC6 -Dim Carcosa Mythos Pack
Arkham Horror LCG: PC6 -Dim Carcosa Mythos Pack

The sixth and final Mythos Pack in The Path to Carcosa cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game.

In the realm of lost Carcosa, where black stars hang in the heavens, all truths will come to light beneath the fires of the suns.

Palace of the King
Your investigation into the mysterious play The King in Yellow has led you through a maddening series of events, from the darkest corners of Arkham Historical Society, to twisted halls of the asylum, and even the catacombs of Paris. It has all led you here, to dim Carcosa, a place beyond all imagining. A warped, alien city lies before you. Its twisting streets and aberrant architecture have no semblance of order or structure. In the distance, a murky lake reflects the glare of two suns. This is Carcosa—the realm of madness in the stars, where Hastur reigns supreme.

As the final act of the Path to Carcosa cycle, Dim Carcosa is filled with empyrean madness both beautiful and terrible. The once grand city stands in ruins, the remains of some accursed place that defies any sense or reason. In the middle of this madness you stand alone as the last defense for Arkham... and the world. If you wish to survive this journey into madness, you must learn as much as you can about this strange realm and make sure that you leave No Stone Unturned (Dim Carcosa, 307), searching your player deck for any one card that may prove useful and adding it to your hand. You may have doubted your sanity before, but now you see that it was true. Everything—it was all true. But now that you have found your answers, will you be strong enough to put an end to The King in Yellow’s dark design and find a new ending?

Two Suns Sink
Your time is running out. Even as you explore the Ruins of Carcosa (Dim Carcosa, 327), you become weak, taking damage as your investigation progresses. Your only hope for survival is to return to your own world. Yet somehow, you feel as if your fate is no longer under your control. Your story progresses with each location you discover, almost as if you are not acting under your own will. Each of the locations in the Dim Carcosa scenario have no unrevealed side. Instead, their reverse sides bear story cards. Trapped in a dim, distant realm, you will find few allies. But amongst the city’s remains, you may encounter one of the its dwellers, an Inhabitant of Carcosa (Dim Carcosa, 327), to aid you as the script demands.

You encounter a man among the ruins of the city, haggard and tired. “Good stranger,” he says, “I am ill and lost. Direct me, I beseech you, to Carcosa.” You tell him that you believe you are in the realm of Carcosa right now, and he falls to his knees in despair. “No… But that cannot be!”

The man cries and raves, telling you more of the ancient and famous city. Though his words have little meaning to you, deep within your mind, you begin to understand.

Dim Carcosa is fraught with dangers. You can desperately empty your ammo into your enemy, forcing them to "Eat Lead!" (Dim Carcosa, 304), but even this may not save you from the horrors that await you in lost Carcosa. In the moment of your demise, you may be lucky enough to Cheat Death (Dim Carcosa, 310), escaping the enemies surrounding you. But leaving combat alone would only buy a few sweet moments of life. Instead, this powerful Trick allows you to discard all cards in your threat area, heal two horror and two damage, and move to any revealed location where no enemies await you. This saving grace provide the opportunity you need to regain your strength and finish the seemingly impossible task before you. But the question remains: are you the master of your own fate, or are you simply a puppet of Hastur? What will become of you once your part has been played?

Shadow of Men’s Thoughts
In the lost realm of Carcosa, insanity is inevitable as the two suns that light the city burn madness into your mind. But even with your mind fractured and broken, your investigation does not end here. In Dim Carcosa, you are not defeated when you have horror equal to or greater than your sanity. Sometimes madness is the best response when confronted with an impossible reality. During your stay in Carcosa, you may continue to take horror in excess of your sanity, in which case your remaining sanity is considered zero.

On the surface, this may appear to be a blessing, but it may also prove a curse as you move towards The Final Act (Dim Carcosa, 339). When this encounter card is revealed, you must place two doom on the current agenda if you have no remaining sanity, perhaps pushing it to advance. Other consequences of a broken mind may come about in battles, forcing you to fail skill tests and depriving you of elder sign effects. When your mind becomes the playground of Hastur, you will find yourself bending to a will that is not your own. Forced to battle your own mind in a world you do not understand, will you be able to end the madness and return, or will you become another lost soul?

The Prophet’s Paradise
Travel to the realm of madness beyond the stars and take on The King in Yellow before your time and sanity run out. This is your final act and your curtain is about to fall.

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22.00 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Return to Circle Undone Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Return to Circle Undone Expansion

An upgrade expansion adding new supplementary content to the entire The Circle Undone campaign for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

The reading is not yet complete. Dark machinations once again enshroud the Silver Twilight Lodge, and as the cards spin a new story, you find that you are the key to unlocking its secrets. It is time to reopen this chapter of horrors and put your fate in the hands of fortune once more.

This upgrade expansion comes oozing with new scenario cards and encounter sets that you can add to each scenario of The Circle Undone, enhancing your investigations with new dangers and new objectives. New player cards, including some upgraded versions of cards from The Circle Undone, give you new tools and options for upgrading your decks, and with a full assortment of card dividers you’ll easily be able to sort and store your entire campaign. On top of that, this expansion comes with a brand-new deck of 22 tarot cards that can be used to enhance any Arkham Horror: The Card Game campaign or scenario!

So now you must ask yourself: will you heed the fortune-teller’s words once more?

Tempting Fate
You have already investigated French Hill and foiled the plans of the Order of Silver Twilight once before. But now that your nightmare begins anew, you will find things that have strangely altered, twisted, or warped. New secrets have emerged, and things will not play out quite the same way this time.

Return to the Circle Undone remixes the entire The Circle Undone campaign, bringing new tricks and terrors for each scenario with an assortment of new scenario cards. One moment you may find yourself questioning Senator Nathaniel Rhodes (Return to the Circle Undone, 25) about the machinations of Silver Twilight, the next you might be mounting a Nightgaunt Steed (Return to the Circle Undone, 61) to explore the empty space between realms.

Of course, the expansion comes with a plethora of new assets to add to your deck, such as a Moon Pendant (Return to the Circle Undone, 12) and more tarot-slot assets like The Star XVII (Return to the Circle Undone, 1) and The Hierophant V (Return to the Circle Undone, 7). You may even find an unexpected ally in the witch Erynn MacAoidh (Return to the Circle Undone, 41) in certain scenarios!

Fortune’s Favor
As an added bonus, the Return to the Circle Undone expansion comes with a special deck of 22 full-sized tarot cards that can be used as an optional mechanic to supplement any scenario or campaign in Arkham Horror: The Card Game! With multiple ways to perform “card readings,” the tarot deck can help swing fate in your favor—or riddle you with misfortune!

Each tarot card has two effects: one for when it is upright, and one for when it is reversed. The cards provide passive effects for the entire scenario, and while the upright effects are always beneficial, the reversed effects often will do the opposite! For example, while a card like The Lovers VI can provide you with an ally from a scenario’s onset, its reversed version could just as easily remove that ally from your deck! Likewise, some cards like Strength VIII can get you set up faster or slow you down , while others, such as The Empress III , can either help you with skill tests or hinder you .

So put your fate in the hands of fortune, and use the tarot deck to enhance your Arkham Horror: The Card Game experience!

A Return to Twilight
The plots of the Order of the Silver Twilight must be stopped at all costs. As dark forces once again gather in the forests of Arkham, will you rise up to stop them?

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42.60 32.00 €
alin hinta 30 päivää ennen alennusta 42.60
Arkham Horror LCG: Return to the Dunwich Legacy Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Return to the Dunwich Legacy Expansion

An upgrade expansion for The Dunwich Lagacy campaign from Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

You thought the cases were closed, relegated to a past that was best left forgotten. Beginning with a search for two missing Miskatonic University professors, your inquiries in The Dunwich Legacy launched you on a campaign that led from the infamous Clover Club to the decrepit streets of Dunwich and realms beyond. But questions from these strange investigations still linger, compelling you to board the train to Dunwich once more.

In The Dunwich Legacy, you experienced your first full-length campaign for Arkham Horror: The Card Game, delving into eldritch mysteries while facing unknowable evil over the course of eight distinct scenarios. Now, Return to the Dunwich Legacy invites you to re-open your old cases and experience this thrilling campaign with fresh eyes as you encounter new challenges and new surprises. Across this expansion’s 104 new cards, you’ll explore new locations, face more ghastly treacheries, and enhance your investigator’s abilities as you face even more unspeakable terrors. What's more, continuing in the footsteps of the Return to the Night of the Zealot upgrade expansion, Return to the Dunwich Legacy also features a premium box and thirty-two divider cards to conveniently store your complete campaign in one place.

Runaway Train
During your first foray into the mysteries surrounding Dunwich, you slowly peeled back the layers to uncover a dark conspiracy that threatened the whole of existence. Though you barely escaped that ordeal with your life, something draws you back to that abysmal village, telling you that there is more to be discovered. Indeed, the closer you look, the more you reveal a deeper layer of mystery than you initially suspected. You now find yourself retracing your steps in a desperate attempt to make sense of the incomprehensible.

But not everything is as you remember. From the tree-lined campus of Miskatonic University to the streets of Dunwich itself, small details seem to have shifted, making your task all the more difficult. Completely new locations, such as the Warren Observatory (Return to the Dunwich Legacy, 13), seem to have appeared overnight, holding their own dark secrets. As you proceed, however, these changes become more sinister and pronounced. While returning to Dunwich in “The Return to the Essex County Express,” for example, you’ll come up against a completely new Agenda to begin the scenario. As before, you are traveling to Dunwich when your train comes to a jarring stop. But now you watch in horror as a massive beast emerges from a tear in the sky and descends upon the train. Can you move fast enough to avoid this beast, or will it catch up to you and your fellow passengers?

Evil Returns
You may have investigated Dunwich once, but this time the evils you encountered before are waiting for you, and they’re more prepared than ever to see their sinister machinations through to the end. In addition to exploring new locations and experiencing surprising bends in the story you thought you remembered, you’ll also face a wealth of terrifying new enemies and fiendish treacheries across the new cards provided for each of Return to the Dunwich Legacy’s eight scenarios. For instance, what was already a harrowing search at Miskatonic University becomes all the more horrifying while an Enthralled Security Guard (Return to the Dunwich Legacy, 14) stalks you across campus.

These enhanced scenario cards may prove to be more than a challenge, but Return to the Dunwich Legacy pushes you even farther into the unknown. In addition to changes to every scenario, this upgrade expansion introduces six brand-new encounter sets that replace many of the cards you once knew. Rather than simply face the Agents of Yog-Sothoth, you must now contend with Yog-Sothoth’s Emissaries, and the Ancient Evils you have dealt with countless times have are now Resurgent Evils, putting you in more peril than ever before.

The Right Stuff
Despite the new horrors you encounter as you retrace your steps through Dunwich, all hope is not lost. The increased threat of the new beasts and other mind-shattering evils is met by upgraded versions of several player cards you originally found in The Dunwich Legacy. For example, your initial investigations gave you the chance to identify a Strange Solution (The Dunwich Legacy, 21). Once you did, the card could be upgraded into one of three powerful variants—greatly increasing your ability to attack enemies, escape danger, or restore yourself or your fellow investigators to health. Upon your return to Dunwich, you’ll find yet another option, an Empowering Elixir (Return to the Dunwich Legacy, 4) that gives you a burst of resources and a card right when you need them.

This influx of new player cards is a boon, and you’ll need all the cards you can get to complete the achievements included with Return to the Dunwich Legacy. These achievements add another layer of challenge to your games, asking you and your fellow investigators to complete tasks like going Bird Hunting by defeating three Whippoorwills in a single turn or ensuring everyone is All Aboard by completing The Essex County Express without any Helpless Passengers leaving play.

If you need even more of a challenge, this upgrade expansion also includes a list of Ultimatums for you to create the ultimate test. This optional variant raises the stakes, pushing you to use all the skills you’ve learned. How long can you survive when you're shuffling weakness cards back into your deck or going without experience for an entire campaign?

Back to the Beginning
You can’t stay away any longer. Despite the danger, despite the looming threat of madness, you must unravel the mysteries of Dunwich. It’s time to brush the dirt off your old cases, gather your things, and board the train to Dunwich once more!

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42.60 €
Arkham Horror LCG: Return to the Forgotten Age Expansion
Arkham Horror LCG: Return to the Forgotten Age Expansion

An upgrade expansion adding new supplementary content to the entire The Forgotten Age campaign for Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

The flow of time itself is convoluted, and though you thought you had left the jungles of southern Mexico and the depths of Yoth behind you, it appears that they are not as far away as they might seem. Like a snake eating its own tail, the timeline is looping back around itself again…

Within this upgrade expansion, you’ll find new scenario cards and encounter sets that you can insert into every scenario of The Forgotten Age, mixing up your investigations with new dangers and new objectives. New player cards, representing upgraded versions of cards from The Forgotten Age give you new tools and options for upgrading your decks. And with a full assortment of card dividers, you’ll be able to easily sort and store your entire campaign. Will you venture once more into the jungle?

You’ve already traversed the trackless rainforests, trespassed in ancient temples, and been held captive in bizarre cities far beyond our own dimensional space and time. But as your journey begins anew, you’ll find that things have been strangely altered and twisted. You’ve found yourself in a new timestream...

Return to the Forgotten Age remixes the entire The Forgotten Age campaign, bringing new tricks and turns for every scenario with an assortment of new scenario cards. From the very beginning of the campaign, you may find yourself caught in a Snake Pit (Return to the Forgotten Age, 24) with a deadly pit viper. Or later on, you may come face to face with the ensnared horrors found trapped in an Alien Conservatory (Return to the Forgotten Age, 57).

Along with bringing changes to every individual scenario, this upgrade expansion also includes four new encounter sets, designed to swap in throughout the campaign and bringing even more replayability to the table. Whether it’s a horrifying Vengeful Serpent (Return to the Forgotten Age, 78) or Cultists calling on forces From Another Time (Return to the Forgotten Age, 73), these new encounter cards promise to bring dangerous new threats to your investigations. No matter which of these new scenario cards and encounter sets you’re using, this upgrade expansion has the divider cards you need to easily organize the entire campaign—ensuring you’re ready to leap into The Forgotten Age at a moment’s notice.

Collecting Your Supplies
Of course, it’s not all writhing snakes and the all-encompassing vengeance of Yig. Return to the Forgotten Age also includes an assortment of new player cards—specifically upgraded versions of cards that were first introduced during The Forgotten Age campaign. If you liked Survival Knife before, you’ll love the upgraded version (Return to the Forgotten Age, 2). Whereas previously you needed to take damage to make a free attack with Survival Knife, the upgraded version lets you target the attacking enemy before you even take damage! Alternatively, if you enjoyed forgoing your allies with On Your Own, an enhanced version of the card (Return to the Forgotten Age, 10) is permanently in play, letting you reduce the cost of a Survivor event every turn!

And finally, what would an upgrade expansion be without a list of achievements tempting you closer to nigh-impossible feats. Whether it’s completing every act deck in a single playthrough of Threads of Fate, defeating Yig in The Depths of Yoth, or winning The Forgotten Age campaign without ever becoming poisoned, these achievements give you something to strive for again and again.

Welcome to the Jungle
You have heard the call of the jungle. As past and future become comingled, will you embark on yet another expedition?

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42.60 €

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