Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear (HC)

Yndrasta: The Celestial Spear (HC)
20.00 €
Saatavuus: heti
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

The nomadic sled-city of Riika-Min glides endlessly along the icy tundra of Ghur, its denizens’ existence entwined with the rhythm of the realm. But something is disrupting the balance of the Realm of Beasts, and when a kraken suddenly attacks, Sigmar sends his master tracker, Yndrasta, the Celestial Spear, to hunt it down.

In Riika-Min, Yndrasta meets Njda, trying to guide her people to safety. Njda is at once fearful and in awe of the golden-clad warrior from the sky, and soon learns how dangerous it can be to get between a hunter and her quarry – because for all her fearsome beauty, Yndrasta is just as deadly as the beast they seek.

As they close in on their target, Njda must teach Yndrasta the ways of the Realm of Beasts, and she soon finds herself wondering who the real monster is – the leviathan lurking in the deep, or the Celestial Spear sent down from the heavens?

viivakoodi 9781804070635

Games Workshop
Van Nguyen, Noah
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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