Sleeve Kings Mini Chimera Card Sleeves (43x65mm) (110)

Sleeve Kings Mini Chimera Card Sleeves (43x65mm) (110)
2.40 €
Saatavuus: heti
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

110 Pack, 60 Microns
These are sized to fit cards Mini Chimera Card Sleeves (43x65mm).

We are excited to offer these sleeves!

* Thicker Than Any Other "Standard" Sleeves. Most "Standard" Sleeves are 40 microns thick, a few are even 50 microns thick! That is 50% more than most!
* 10% More Sleeves Than The Other Guysu00a0-Most sleeves come 100/pack. We are the only brand offering 110 per pack! 10% more FREE!
* Cheaper Than Other Brands. Most brands retail for $3 or more per 50 pack. We are offering ours for $2-$3 per pack for even the largest sizes.
* "Tough As Nails!" We have created these sleeves with the most advanced polypropylene processing in the industry. This means importing our polypropylene already in the right sizes from the middle east and then cutting and sealing our sleeves at our factory in China. We have a special process to make our sleeve actually warp/bend before they split. Our sleeves are guaranteed never to split. Just how tough are our sleeves? We dare you to try the two finger challenge on any other brand of standard sleeves and pull the sleeve apart to try to force the sides to split.

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Sleeve Kings
SKS 8802
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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