Attack of the Kaiju

Attack of the Kaiju
33.00 €
Saatavuus: heti nouto- / postitilauksena
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

It`s an old-school, black-and-white, giant monster movie throwdown in Attack of the Kaiju!

Take control of your very own massive monster to defeat other kaiju and level the city! Evade military forces, lure your opponents into the line of fire, and manage your Power to optimize the destruction! Topple buildings, defeat the military, and pick fights with rival monsters to earn your place as King of the Kaiju!

Game play is fast and strategic. Luck is a factor but success is more a result of careful planning and strict resource management. Topple buildings, defeat the military, complete each turn's objectives, and pick fights with other kaiju to earn Victory. This determines turn order in each round, and the player responsible for the most overall devastation wins the game.

Attack of the Kaiju may be played with teams or as a free-for-all match. Length of play is flexible. A basic three-round game takes about an hour. The double-sided game board allows for basic and advanced play, and unique kaiju abilities vary the action.

* Slick black & white feel, like youre in a 50s monster onster movie
* Play with 2 to 6 players against each other, or in teams!
* Simple, but engaging mechanics, with depth for experienced players
* Designed by a two-time Origins Award-winning team!
* Kick-ass original Kaiju art

2–6 Players
60 Min
Age: 14+

WDF 11500
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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