Innovations In Wargaming Vol. 1: Developments In Professional And Hobby Wargames

Innovations In Wargaming Vol. 1: Developments In Professional And Hobby Wargames
31.20 €
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The Art of Wargaming has never been static over the first two centuries of its history. In both the professional and hobby sides of wargaming, there has been a desire to strive to perfect and develop the many sets of rules into the best possible wargaming system. This book is about some of the key innovations in wargaming.

It includes chapters on:
Designing Wargaming Rules The Hunt for Weapons of Mass Destruction: A Committee Game An introduction to Kriegsspiel by Paddy Griffith A Naval Kriegsspiel by Paddy Griffith TEWTS Tactical Exercises Without Troops Space Invaders on the Rhine: A Hall Game Hijack! An anti-terrorism wargame Sen Toku A World War 2 Japanese Imperial Naval Staff Game.

An extended discussion on How to Design and Play Historical War Council Games by Paddy Griffith The History of Wargaming Project is edited by John Curry.


Käsikirjoitus/kuvitus: John Curry

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