Memoir '44: BattleMap Tigers in the Snow

Memoir '44: BattleMap Tigers in the Snow
18.10 €
Saatavuus: yli 4 viikkoa +/-maailmantilanne (tilauksesta)
Voit varata tuotteen ostoskorin kautta.
Tuotteen toimitus alkaen 3 eur. Huomaa alemmat kulut 40 euron ostoksesta alkaen. Postikululaskuri

The second installment in our series of Memoir '44 Battle Maps includes 2 Overlord scenarios, six Tiger Tanks and 2 bonus scenarios.

Hot on the heels of their success in Operatsiya Bagration, Soviet forces struck deep towards the Baltic coast, rapidly severing communications between German Army Group North and what little was left of Army Group Center. By early October 1944, the Soviets were in view of the Baltic Sea, near the port of Memel, definitively cutting off Army Group North from any retreat route through East Prussia.

Despite Guderian's plea for an evacuation by sea and subsequent redeployment in Central Europe where forces were desperately needed to help stabilize an increasingly dicey situation, Hitler stubbornly refused. Instead, he ordered the 200,000+ German troops to entrench themselves, in the hope of using the Courland Pocket as a springboard for a future offensive.

Operation Market Garden
The largest airborne operation of all time, Operation Market Garden was a bold attempt by Field Marshal Montgomery to drop three entire Airborne Divisions behind the enemy lines, in German occupied Netherlands. Their tactical objective: To capture and hold all the major water crossings along a narrow 60-mile stretch of highway and into northern Germany.

Includes 6 Tiger Tank Miniatures
This Battle Map set also includes 2 Standard scenarios playable on a regular Memoir '44 board and featuring the new Tiger tanks - Villers-Bocage and Wittmann's last stand at St-Aignan-de-Cramesnil.

NOT A STAND ALONE GAME! Requires one copy of Memoir '44 and the Operation Overlord expansion, or two full copies of Memoir '44.

Purists wishing to use figures all of the proper color will also need 2 copies of the Eastern Front for Tigers in the Snow, and 1 copy of the Mediterranean Theater for Operation Market Garden, though these are not required to play the game.

The bonus two Standard scenarios only require one copy of Memoir '44 and the Terrain Pack to play.

Days of Wonder
tullut Fantasiapeleihin

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